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Simba felt very successful in his dealing with the hyenas. Finally, by high moon, the last of the Incosi had paid their respect, and he was alone with Nala. He sat worried by the entrance watching the rain, lost in thought.

Nala nuzzled him and nibbled on his ear. “What is it, dear? Are you timid?”

“What?” He looked at her. “Oh.” He kissed her with his warm pink tongue. “I’m King, Nala. I used to look forward to this when I was a cub. Now it frightens me. There is so much to do, and I have had so little preparation.”

“You have friends, ” Nala purred. “Friends that care about you.”

“I do, don’t I.” He looked out over the barren landscape. “I can only do the best I can. When I come face to face with Aiheu, he will know I tried.”

“You’ll be a fine King. Now why don’t you get some sleep, husband? I’ll be here when you wake.”

“You’ll be here when I wake?” Simba looked into Nala’s deep hazel eyes. “You’re the first thing I’ll see when I open my eyes.” He nuzzled her passionately and touched her left shoulder with his paw. “I will be King tomorrow. Tonight I am a lion.”


The air in the graveyard was quiet, filled only with the hiss and bubble of escaping methane as the hyenas, their once great numbers diminished in the terrible fight, straggled in slowly. Banzai limped off, muttering angrily, his haunches scored with claw marks, Ed following behind, still giggling maniacally at his discomfort. Exhausted, Shenzi made her way over to a quiet niche in the rock face and sat down. Skulk wandered over, his ears perking up as Shenzi grumbled under her breath.

"That sorry, no account, pandering IDIOT! Who does he think he is?! " She bared her teeth.

Skulk cringed, terrified. He had never seen her in such a rage. "Who? Krull?"

She uncoiled with the speed of a striking snake, cuffing him heavily across the jaw. Yelping, Skulk jerked away.

"Of course I mean Krull! Who do you THINK I'm talking about?" She clenched her jaw, the muscles flexing visibly. "I spent my entire LIFE waiting to become Roh'mach. And that imbecile of a king dares give it to a MALE?"

Skulk nodded energetically. "Of course. You should have been chosen as Roh'mach. You’re the only logical choice. You are far more cunning and powerful than Krull."

"My name is Uhuru, ” a voice said. The hyenas turned to see their new leader entering the graveyard. He walked over to Skulk, getting dangerously close. "You can just call me Roh'mach."

Unable to contain himself, Skulk shoved his muzzle into Uhuru's face. "You heathen traitor! " he screamed. "I ought to beat some respect into you! "

"Is that a challenge?"

"No, my dear Roh'mach. I would never dream of challenging you."

"So you're going to beat some respect into me?" Uhuru glared at him. "Either call me out now, or stow it."

Skulk's jaw dropped. So the lion stooge was daring him to fight! The former Krull was gone, and this was indeed Uhuru, a force to contend with, the Roh'mach. He drew back a step and spat angrily. "Gah! If I wanted to wet my jaws with a coward’s blood, I’d go hunting! "

Uhuru’s eyes narrowed. "I will choose not to take that as a challenge to my honor this time. But you have stirred up sedition, and you eat last until you learn how to behave."

Skulk looks to Shenzi. "Do I have to put up with this?"

"Apparently so. He's clearly the unchallenged ruler, or hasn't anyone told you half a challenge is less than nothing."

Skulk gritted his teeth. Without a word, he walked away stiffly, ignoring the occasional chuckles or snickers that sounded behind him.

Shenzi waited until the ruckus had died down, then rose quietly. Glancing around quickly, she made sure no one was watching. Seeing no spying eyes, she delved into the shadows. She passed under a hollowed out ribcage and made her way around the hissing geysers behind it to an isolated corner of the graveyard.

She smiled as she spotted Skulk sitting in front of an enormous skull, its surface yellowed with age. Pacing slowly up to him, she sat down. "C'mon, Skulk. No need to sulk." She tittered slightly.

His eyes glowed eerily in the greenish light that permeated the graveyard. "Why do you put up with him?" he asked, hurt. "Why didn't you help me?"

"I can't fight all your battles for you. If you want something, you must take it." She sighs in exasperation. "Why can't you be a little more like a female?" Getting up, she turned to leave, but looked back over her shoulder coyly. "On the other hand, I do get excited when you get your fur up." She paced by directly in front of him, swatting his nose with her tail playfully as she headed by.

Skulk sat transfixed for a moment, unable to move. Finally he leapt up and shook himself roughly. He paused for a moment, then padded off in the direction she had taken, his eyes fixed on her lithe body.

Skulk followed Shenzi to her private quarters that had once been Uzuri's corner. There in the privacy of a cleft in the rock, Skulk brushed past her in the dim light and fondled her cheek with his paw. Finding no resistance, he kissed her passionately. "Shenzi, I'm on fire."

"On fire?" She kisses him and rubs past him. "Just a little flame, or a real bonfire?"

"Oh gods, let me show you." His breath was ragged and rapid, and she could almost hear his heart beating in the quiet of the cleft. "Are you ready?"

"I am ready. Ready to be Roh'mach." She took a swipe at him with her paw. "I wanted you to know what you are NOT getting as long as that Uhuru is running the show. Oh, but power makes me sexy-very sexy. I'd take you to the corners of your wildest fantasies."

"You should not lead me on like that, " he said through clenched teeth. "Maybe I won't find you very sexy when YOU’RE ready."

"I doubt it." She rubbed her cheek against his and nibbled his ear gently. “You’re heart is pounding. You want to be next to me. You want me.”

"Stop it, Shenzi! " He crept into a corner and shuddered. "Don't lead me on like that-I can't stand it."

"No one is leading you on. It's very simple. When Uhuru is history, we will come here and make love till your heart stops."

"But how could we fight against the lion's Roh'mach? We won't have anyone to answer to the King."

"Who needs the King? He doesn't let us on his hunting grounds anyhow. Ever think of that? What use is a Roh'mach that pals around with lions anyhow?" She whispered, "When you know someone's weak spot, you can go in. That's how you kill a gazelle. You go for the weak spot. So how do you get the lions to cooperate?"

"Do they have a weak spot?"

"Not to kill them, just to secure their cooperation."

"Well-hmm-you know, they love their children as much as we do."

"Yeah? So?"

"So if we could get a cub...."

"They would kill you."

"Sure, if a direct assault, but the occasion calls for subtility. We could have them at our mercy."

"Is this another of your theatrics here, or do you have a suggestion??"

"You bet your sweet fangs I have a suggestion. Let me whisper it in your ear when I have made you mine. I will make you Roh’mach or die trying, but tonight is ours."

“I don’t take credit, ” Shenzi said. “Just remember, the faster Uhuru is out of here, the sooner we take the vows.”