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'Certainly, sir,' he responded, giving me a conspiratorial glance.

It was one of those big evenings for conspiratorial glances.

I hadn't been waiting in the pantry long when he navigated over the threshold, and my first act was to congratulate him on the excellence of his technique. I had been much impressed by all that 'Very good, sir,' 'Certainly, sir,' bowing-from-the-waist stuff. I said that Jeeves himself couldn't have read his lines better, and he simpered modestly and said that one picked up these little tricks of the trade from one's own butler.

'Oh, by the way,' I said, 'where did you get the Swordfish?'

He smiled indulgently.

'That was Miss Wickham's suggestion.'

'I thought as much.'

'She informed me that she had always dreamed of one day meeting a butler called Swordfish. A charming young lady. Full of fun.'

'It may be fun for her,' I said with one of my bitter laughs, 'but it isn't so diverting for the unfortunate toads beneath the harrow whom she plunges so ruthlessly in the soup. Let me tell you what occurred after I left you this afternoon.'

'Yes, I am all eagerness to hear.'

'Then pin your ears back and drink it in.'

If I do say so, I told my story well, omitting no detail however slight. It had him Bless-my-soul-ing throughout, and when I had finished he t'ck-t'ck-t'ck-ed and said it must have been most unpleasant for me, and I said that 'unpleasant' covered the facts like the skin on a sausage.

'But I think that in your place I should have thought of an explanation of your presence calculated to carry more immediate conviction than that you were searching for a mouse.'

'Such as?'

'It is hard to say on the spur of the moment.'

'Well, it was on the spur of the m. that I had to say it,' I rejoined with some heat. 'You don't get time to polish your dialogue and iron out the bugs in the plot when a woman who looks like Sherlock Holmes catches you in her son's room with your rear elevation sticking out from under the dressing-table.'

'True. Quite true. But I wonder…'

'Wonder what?'

'I do not wish to hurt your feelings.'

'Go ahead. My feelings have been hurt so much already that a little bit extra won't make any difference.'

'I may speak frankly?'


'Well, then, I am wondering if it was altogether wise to entrust this very delicate operation to a young fellow like yourself. I am coming round to the view you put forward when we were discussing the matter with Miss Wickham. You said, if you recall, that the enterprise should have been placed in the hands of a mature, experienced man of the world and not in those of one of less ripe years who as a child had never been expert at hunt-the-slipper. I am, you will agree, mature, and in my earlier days I won no little praise for my skill at hunt-the– slipper. I remember one of the hostesses whose Christmas parties I attended comparing me to a juvenile bloodhound. An extravagant encomium, of course, but that is what she said.'

I looked at him with a wild surmise. It seemed to me that there was but one meaning to be attached to his words.

'You aren't thinking of having a pop at it yourself?'

'That is precisely my intention, Mr Wooster.'

'Lord love a duck!'

'The expression is new to me, but I gather from it that you consider my conduct eccentric.'

'Oh, I wouldn't say that, but do you realize what you are letting yourself in for? You won't enjoy meeting Ma Cream. She has an eye like … what are those things that have eyes? Basilisks, that's the name I was groping for. She has an eye like a basilisk. Have you considered the possibility of having that eye go through you like a dose of salts?'

'Yes, I can envisage the peril. But the fact is, Mr Wooster, I regard what has happened as a challenge. My blood is up.'

'Mine froze.'

'And you may possibly not believe me, but I find the prospect of searching Mr Cream's room quite enjoyable.'


'Yes. In a curious way it restores my youth. It brings back to me my preparatory school days, when I would often steal down at night to the headmaster's study to eat his biscuits.'

I started. I looked at him with a kindling eye. Deep had called to deep, and the cockles of the heart were warmed.


'He kept them in a tin on his desk.'

'You really used to do that at your prep school?'

'Many years ago.'

'So did I,' I said, coming within an ace of saying, 'My brother!'

He raised his bushy eyebrows, and you could see that his heart's cockles were warmed, too.

'Indeed? Fancy that! I had supposed the idea original with myself, but no doubt all over England today the rising generation is doing the same thing. So you too have lived in Arcady? What kind of biscuits were yours? Mine were mixed.'

'The ones with pink and white sugar on?'

'In many instances, though some were plain.'

'Mine were ginger nuts.'

'Those are very good, too, of course, but I prefer the mixed.'

'So do I. But you had to take what you could get in those days. Were you ever copped?'

'I am glad to say never.'

'I was once. I can feel the place in frosty weather still.'

'Too bad. But these things will happen. Embarking on the present venture, I have the sustaining thought that if the worst occurs and I am apprehended, I can scarcely be given six of the best bending over a chair, as we used to call it. Yes, you may leave this little matter entirely to me, Mr Wooster.'

'I wish you'd call me Bertie.'

'Certainly, certainly.'

'And might I call you Roderick?'

'I shall be delighted.'

'Or Roddy? Roderick's rather a mouthful.'

'Whichever you prefer.'

'And you are really going to hunt the slipper?'

'I am resolved to do so. I have the greatest respect and affection for your uncle and appreciate how deeply wounded he would be, were this prized object to be permanently missing from his collection. I would never forgive myself if in the endeavour to recover his property, I were to leave any –'

'Stone unturned?'

'I was about to say avenue unexplored. I shall strain every –'


'I was thinking of the word nerve.'

'Just as juste. You'll have to bide your time, of course.'


'And await your opportunity.'


'Opportunity knocks but once.'

'So I understand.'

'I'll give you one tip. The thing isn't on top of the cupboard or armoire.'

'Ah, that is helpful.'

'Unless of course he's put it there since. Well, anyway, best of luck, Roddy.'

'Thank you, Bertie.'

If I had been taking Old Doctor Gordon's Bile Magnesia regularly, I couldn't have felt more of an inward glow as I left him and headed for the lawn to get the Ma Cream book and return it to its place on the shelves of Aunt Dahlia's boudoir. I was lost in admiration of Roddy's manly spirit. He was well stricken in years, fifty if a day, and it thrilled me to think that there was so much life in the old dog still. It just showed … well, I don't know what, but something. I found myself musing on the boy Glossop, wondering what he had been like in his biscuit-snitching days. But except that I knew he wouldn't have been bald then, I couldn't picture him. It's often this way when one contemplates one's seniors. I remember how amazed I was to learn that my Uncle Percy, a tough old egg with apparently not a spark of humanity in him, had once held the metropolitan record for being chucked out of Covent Garden Balls.

I got the book, and ascertaining after reaching Aunt Dahlia's lair that there remained some twenty minutes before it would be necessary to start getting ready for the evening meal I took a seat and resumed my reading. I had had to leave off at a point where Ma Cream had just begun to spit on her hands and start filling the customers with pity and terror. But I hadn't put more than a couple of clues and a mere sprinkling of human gore under my belt, when the door flew open and Kipper appeared. And as the eye rested on him, he too filled me with pity and terror, for his map was flushed and his manner distraught. He looked like Jack Dempsey at the conclusion of his first conference with Gene Tunney, the occasion, if you remember, when he forgot to duck.