The Rubber Band
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Страниц: 50
Символов: 319146
ID: 124882
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 1995
Издательство: Bantam
Город печати: Seattle
Создана 30 октября 2010 22:09


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In all his years of detecting, the unflappable Nero Wolfe has never encountered an investigation as damnably messy as this one. For what began as a clean case of larceny quickly sank into a quagmire of blackmail and broken promises, international scandal and cold-blooded murder.

Now Wolfe and his assistant, Archie Goodwin must bridge eras and oceans to find the link between a Wild West lynching and a respected British peer. Only then can they save Wolfe’s beautiful young client—and a hotly disputed stake of a cool million dollars.

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