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Calling to Able Team, Powell broke Blancanales's line of thought and confirmed his conclusions. Powell motioned them into the circle of Shia militiamen mechanics.

"Hey, meet my friends. You know Akbar — he went to Mexico with us. And this is..."

After making introductions, Powell guided the Americans away.

"We're not finished yet on the transportation, so I'm taking you for a meal and some sleep, if you want it. We'll all be going in tonight; it's all arranged, so don't you all even think about it. I know how you cowboys operate and it'll be ready. We got it all under control."

When Powell said "we," Blancanales knew the Marine did not mean "we Americans." Blancanales understood.


Anne Desmarais rode through the streets of Beirut in a taxi. She listened to a radio announcer reporting the continuing progress of the new coalition to restore peace in Lebanon. The station cut to a telephone interview with a spokesman in Damascus who assured the public that the decrees had the full support of Syria.

Desmarais looked for the changes. At checkpoints, her eyes scanned the faces and uniforms of the soldiers. The new government coalition had moved to restore the authority of the Lebanese army by replacing the Falangist militias with Christians in army uniforms. Shia militiamen, shaved, their hair trimmed to official length, now wore army uniforms.

In the ruined no-man's-land that had been the Green Line, the piles of sand and rock blocking boulevards had been removed. The people walked around the tangles of wire and mines that divided their neighborhoods.

In West Beirut, schools and shops had reopened. Many merchants still operated behind walls of sandbags, but others had replaced the glass in their windows so that shoppers could see displays. Repairmen worked on streetlights and telephone lines without fear of snipers.

A victory for world socialism, the young Canadian woman thought. Defeat the American dogs of imperialism and peace comes. Only after the Lebanese drove out the Americans and embraced their Soviet and Syrian brothers in world revolution did social harmony return to this ancient land.

Now only the Zionists remained to be defeated, Desmarais thought. If the united Arab peoples drove the Jews out of south Lebanon, then continued in their relentless jihad of holy revenge and destroyed the cursed Zionist entity and restored the Palestinians to their rightful homes...

"Listen to this!" Interrupting her daydreaming, the taxi driver turned up the radio. "Those Syrians are making war on themselves. As if there has not been enough killing. Heaven help us all if those animals..."

"It is the Americans or the Israelis," she told him in her Quebecois French. "They started it somehow..."

"What did you say? The Americans? The Israelis? Impossible! How could they be involved? Those Syrians need no foreigners to kill one another. They will do it for any reason, they..."

"I paid you to drive! Not lecture. I know the truth. Now, drive!"

"Yes, mademoiselle. Of course."

They rode in silence to the street where Sayed Ahamed maintained the headquarters of his militia forces in a shell-shattered hotel. Despite the "normalization," concrete barriers still blocked both ends. The thick concrete cubes forced vehicles to snake through several tight turns to approach the hotel. Positions with machine guns and rocket launchers surveyed the street. And without exception, no vehicles were permitted to park on the street. There would be no car bombs here.

Stopping at the first militia checkpoint, the driver turned off the engine and handed a teenage soldier the key to the trunk. Other militiamen searched the interior of the taxi and slid mirrors underneath to check for explosives.

An officer questioned the driver, then Desmarais. "He says you are a journalist. Present your credentials."

She handed him her passport and a government form listing her news syndicate, her nationality, blood type and next of kin. The officer examined the signatures and seals of the documents, then stepped into a sandbag bunker. While he telephoned his commander, the militiamen completed their search by looking under the car seats.

One of the teenagers put a hand under her coat and frisked her for weapons. She slapped him away and all the other militiamen laughed.

The officer returned. "Commander Ahamed tells you to hurry. Urgent business."

Shells exploded in the mountains east of the city. The soldiers walked to the shelter of sandbags. The street cleared of pedestrians.

As the officer returned her papers, he cursed. "Unholy Syrian dogs, eating Communist shit, copulating with the Soviets — go, woman! Get to safety! The dying starts again soon."

The driver gunned the engine and whipped through the course of concrete cubes. He sped to the doors of the hotel. "Out! Move! I have a family. I cannot wait!"

"But I paid for the trip back to my hotel!"

"Here! Take the money!" The driver threw a handful of bills at her.

Desmarais collected the crumpled money from the seat. The driver ran around the taxi and dragged her out. She screamed and slapped him; he pushed her to the sidewalk and sped away.

As the shells crashed in the mountains, Desmarais counted the Lebanese pounds. The taxi driver had shortchanged her! Even as he had panicked, he had made a few pounds, returning not half the money but only an approximate sum.

"You cheated me, you bastard!" she shouted at the retreating taxi.

Inside the hotel, guards searched her politely and professionally. They waved metal detectors over her body. They checked her camera kit, the lens of her camera, the batteries in her cassette recorder.

A militiaman picked up a telephone and keyed a number. He announced Desmarais, giving her physical description and document numbers.

Very thorough, she noted. She would include the information in her next report.

"Come with me, please," a young militia officer requested in perfect French. They stopped at an elevator door.

"Does it actually operate?" Desmarais asked.

"Certainly. What interesting French you speak! You cannot be from Africa?"

"No!" she snapped. "Quebec!"

"Oh, the state in America."

"No, Canada." She studied his face. "You are very young to be an officer. Are you a hero?"

"Oh, no. But I am very... exacting. I studied to be a doctor. My commander recognized my abilities and assigned me to this post. I must be an officer to instruct the soldiers, so I am an officer. It is only a matter of convenience."

"But soon you will return to your studies. You must be glad."

"How can I return? The war, you understand."

"But the war is over. The Council has unified the city and reorganized the army..."

"There can be no peace while the Syrian dogs and their masters occupy our country."

"The Syrians are friends of Lebanon. They came only to help and rebuild what the Zionists and CIA..."

The young man cut her off with laughter. The elevator opened, and he escorted her past militiamen with automatic rifles to a suite crowded with typewriters and files.

"She will take you to our commander," the officer said, pointing out a secretary. "I will wait here — but there he is now!"

Two men strode from a doorway. Desmarais saw Sayed Ahamed and another man she knew as Akbar, an English-speaking Shia who worked closely with Powell the Marine. Akbar had traveled with Desmarais and Powell to Mexico.

Turning away, Desmarais laid her credentials on the secretary's desk. She tossed her head slightly, causing her shoulder-length black hair to fall forward, screening her face. Commander Ahamed and Akbar continued into the corridor.

But Akbar had recognized her. He told his commander, "That woman in there. She says she is a Canadian journalist. But she works for the Soviets."