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Страниц: 59
Символов: 380570
ID: 124867
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 30 октября 2010 22:08


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Another GNS disaster novel finds much of the populace of the western world reverting to primitivism, in body as well as mind...the product of some form of biological warfare caused by USA? Russia? Iraq? The CIA? Jackie Quinn has grown hair and muscle and reverted to savagery, whilst her husband Jon and his mistress Sylvia, safe from the biological agents in the nuclear shelter on the Quinn's organic farm, haven't. Whilst Jackie fights the reversion and regains some semblance of humanity, Jon and Sylvia are fighting to stay alive amidst the chaos that the country has become. 

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