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The World of Dream is barely a world at all but more an accumulation of possible worlds, a world in which landmasses come and go as easily as sandbanks in a fast-flowing river and nothing is ever as it seems to be.

The river itself is really nothing like a river. Although the eye gives it a river’s length and breadth, what flows along it is strangely volatile, shining, mercurial, almost alive, ready to take shape whenever it touches a stray thought.

There is little sense of distance in Dream, little sense of scale or time. Dream’s territory is strictly neutral, like Death’s; it exists equally in Order and Chaos; no rules apply, or all of them. Like Netherworld, it is beyond these things, and, like Netherworld, it is different for every creature that falls under its influence.

Here, at the source, it can be deadly.

Loki fell into a dream of snakes and went under struggling and gasping.

Thor fell into a dream of being stark naked at an important function at which a beautiful woman with flowers for eyes and two mouths, both of them ringed with carnivorous teeth, made a speech in a language he did not understand but to which he was expected to reply.

Frigg dreamed of a woman neither beautiful nor young, but gentle, and with a quiet strength. She wore a simple homespun gown; one cheek was scratched and marked with dirt. She pulled up her sleeve, and the Mother of the gods saw a glam on her arm, still faint as yet but growing steadily more clear. She held out her hand…

Maddy dreamed of a floating rock and climbed aboard into another dream. She was back in Malbry, on Red Horse Hill, and the gorse was in bloom on the hillside. One-Eye sat next to her-not Odin, but the old One-Eye as she had first known him-watching her with his rare smile.

One-Eye! she cried out in relief-and suddenly she knew that everything that had happened over the past few days had simply been another dream, a nightmare from which she had now awoken. She reached out her arms to her old friend, but he warned her away with an outstretched hand.

Be careful, he said. You’re safe here. But don’t touch anyone you meet-that is, if you want to stay yourself. There’s a few odd things in the air today…

Maddy said, I dreamed you were dead…

One-Eye shrugged. It wouldn’t be the first time. Now I have to go-there’s a harvesting at Pog Hill I promised to attend-

But you’ll be back, won’t you? she said.

Aye, between Beltane and Harvestmonth. Look for me then-in dreams.


Odin dreamed of his son Thor. He was aware it was only a dream, and yet he saw Thor very clearly and slipped under the surface into a dream in which he sat under a tree in Asgard as it was and watched the clouds race past-and Odin still had both his eyes, and Loki was not yet in disgrace (well, no more than usual, anyway), and Maddy, though as yet unborn, stood close by, and Frigg was there, and Erda, Thor’s mother, and Thor himself, looking just the same as they had five hundred years ago.

That’s because you’re dead, Dad, said Thor, as if he’d read his mind.

Dead? said Odin. But this is-

Look at the facts, said Thor kindly. Your eyes-this place-us-what other explanation could there be?

Well, I could be dreaming, Odin said.

You always were a dreamer, said Thor.

And now, as Odin slipped deeper into the dream, he seemed to hear Loki’s voice crying for help. And he understood that Loki was in another dream and that Loki’s dream was killing him.

I have to help him, Odin said.

Leave him, said Thor. He deserves to die.

He freed you from Netherworld, Odin said.

Freed us only to save his skin!

That sounded typical enough, thought Odin. Since the beginning of the Elder Age, Loki had helped the gods only inasmuch as he’d usually caused the trouble in the first place. And yet hadn’t Odin himself known this from the start? And in his arrogance, hadn’t he always been shamefully eager to blame Loki for his own mistakes?

In the dream next door, Loki was screaming. He sounded so close, Odin thought. All he had to do was reach out his hand…

If you do, said Thor, then I can’t answer for the continued integrity of this place. I mean, wouldn’t you rather die here, surrounded by your loved ones, in a place that can only exist now in dreams, or would you rather die in Hel, defeated, as the world comes to an end around you? Your choice, Dad-but is he worth it?

He’s my brother, Odin said.

You never learn, do you? said Thor.

Odin smiled and reached out his hand.

Sugar dreamed of pork roast and kept an eye open in case Fat Lizzy should happen to drift by.

Dorian dreamed of Ethel Parson. You always were too good for me, he thought, and now-Now Ethel was two women in one-one the dowdy parson’s wife, the other the woman of almost blinding beauty he’d glimpsed at intervals as they drew closer to their goal. They stood, faces back to back, like the January Man: Ethel looking forward, the other looking sweetly behind.

Don’t leave me, said Dorian.

Then take my hand, said the two-in-one.

And as Dorian reached to take her hand, he saw a man standing in her place: a big red-bearded man whose hands, though large, were far from clumsy and whose face he felt he should know. For a second he paused…

Fat Lizzy dreamed of Dorian Scattergood and sighed.

Hel the Half-Born never dreamed. Dreaming was for lesser folk, and anyway, she had lived alongside Dream for too long to be affected by its tides and vagaries. With a word, she conjured her citadel and repaired with Balder to one of its higher turrets, the better to observe what happened next.

Time acts differently in Dream. Though hours seemed to have passed since then, the gate between the Worlds had been open for a mere six of the thirteen seconds remaining on the face of Loki’s deathwatch.

Six short seconds-but the damage was done. The Black Fortress was now no more than a foundering patch of rubble against the rising swell of the river. Demons, prisoners, and pieces of ephemera thrashed and tumbled in the hectic flow. And now the space between the Worlds looked just like a waterspout, sucking obscenely and at random, sending chunks of flotsam-some as large as skerries-lurching into the filthy air.

“It has to be stopped,” said Balder to Hel. “Any more of this and Chaos will find its way into the other Worlds.”

Hel shot him a glance from her living eye. “It’s safe enough in here,” she said. “Even Surt knows better than to mess with Death.”

“And the others?”

She shrugged. “They knew the risks when they came here. Anything happens to them, I’m not responsible.”

How tiresome he was, thought Hel. For the first time in centuries she had Balder to herself, and all he could think about was the possible disruption to the other Worlds. To be sure, she had made a stupid mistake-

You broke your word. You cheated Loki out of thirteen seconds…

And now the time had come for Hel to pay.

Balder the Beautiful looked down from his turret, and though his eyes were blue as summer skies, they were far from dreamy. He saw Odin far below, struggling with some dream of drowning.

He saw Ethel and Dorian holding hands and Fat Lizzy perched on a spur of rock. He saw Adam Scattergood, lost in a dream of giant spiders, and Loki, surrounded by poisonous snakes.

He saw Nat Parson and knew he was dying.

He saw the thing that had been the Nameless, its face twisted with rage and chagrin, as it stood hip-deep in the river and screamed at the rising tide, like the Fool King in the old tale: STOP, I SAY! I COMMAND YOU, STOP!