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Everyone laughed, and Alicia pulled out a set of documents and went to the podium. JT kissed her on the cheek and took his seat back on the pew next to Carmen.

Alicia scanned the huge audience and smiled. Over the last seven days, JT had run countless radio and TV commercials, and his timing couldn’t have been more perfect. She hadn’t even planned on him doing such a massive media blitz, but the more people who were there the better.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning,” everyone responded.

“I want to begin by saying how honored I am to have served as your first lady and that I don’t believe I’ve ever felt more welcomed by so many people in such a genuine way…which is why I am very sad to say this will be my last time seeing you.”

Soft chatter flooded the room, and Alicia looked at JT, who was undeniably mortified. Carmen, however, seemed delighted beyond explanation.

“It is with great hesitation but also with a strong sense of duty that I also be completely honest with you about your pastor and my husband-my husband who has been sleeping with at least three different women since I married him.”

Everyone spoke quickly and loudly.

“I know this is a lot to take in and that it’s all very shocking, but if you’ll please just give me a few more minutes, I promise I won’t take much of your time,” she said, waiting for them to settle down. “What I have here is a very thorough daily report that covers the last two and a half weeks, and I can confirm, without question, that one of the women JT has been seeing is Diana Redding,” Alicia said, locking eyes with the woman, something that was very easy to do since the wealthiest and largest financial contributors of NLCC sat in designated seats up front. Alicia could tell this woman had never been more humiliated, but when Mr. Redding looked at his wife and exclaimed, “Diana, is this true?” all the mumbling in the sanctuary started up again. As expected, though, Carmen no longer seemed so elated.

“My husband has also been consorting with another married woman named Veda Scott who resides in Minneapolis…and interestingly enough, she accompanied him on his trip to Dallas-you know, the one he just told you about. The one he regretted I wasn’t able to go on.”

JT’s face stiffened, but he never moved an inch. Carmen looked outraged.

“But what truly hurt me the most was when I learned that my husband was sleeping with one of my closest friends, whom I’ve known since childhood,” she said, staring at Carmen. “My wonderful friend, whom I trusted and who is sitting next to my husband at this very moment. My wonderful friend, who is newly pregnant with his child.”

“Oh my goodness,” a woman yelled out, and then laughed like this was some sort of a comedy show.

“What kind of man is Pastor Valentine?” another wanted to know.

“You just can’t trust any of these preachers nowadays, can you?” someone else commented.

“How pathetic!” a man shouted from the back.

“Everyone, please. Can I have your attention for just another couple of minutes? Please,” Alicia said, trying to speak over them. Finally they quieted down.

“As I said, I’m very hurt, but I’m also happy to know that something good has come out of all of this. I’m glad that justice will now be served.”

JT left his seat. “This is ridiculous. Baby, why are you doing this?”

But Minister Weaver quickly stepped in front of him. “Sit down, Pastor. Or else.”

JT continued standing but didn’t move any closer.

Alicia looked at him and then at Carmen again. “My dear, dear friend here paid someone to rig Michelle Valentine’s brakes, and that’s why she was killed in that car accident.”

“What?” JT said, frowning at his longtime mistress.

Carmen stood and rushed toward him. “She’s lying, JT. You have to believe me.”

“Get off me,” he shrieked, pushing her away.

“JT, you know I would never do anything like that,” she said, nearly having a fit.

“You did do it,” Alicia reiterated matter-of-factly. “And I’ve already turned over to the police a taped conversation with you confessing everything.”

“You killed my wife and my child?” JT asked.

Tears streamed down Carmen’s face. “I did it for us, JT. I did it because I knew you wanted me to. Otherwise how were we ever going to be together?”

“Is this a church we’re at or some evil den of sin?” an elderly woman asked, getting up and walking out of the sanctuary, and so did Diana Redding and her husband. A few others followed suit, but mostly people sat, waiting to see what would happen next.

“You’re sick,” JT said to Carmen, and then looked at his wife with pleading eyes. “Baby, I was going to tell you everything.” He faced the congregation and spoke loudly, since his wireless mic was no longer turned on. “I was going to tell all of you the truth. About my past, about all the women, about every terrible thing I’ve done over the years. I know you might not believe it, but I was planning to do it today.”

Alicia gaped at him, along with everyone else in the church, gathered her PI report, went and picked up her purse, and left JT standing where he was. As she made her way down the aisle, though, a group of plainclothes detectives and at least ten officers walked through the entrance. They proceeded into the church and Alicia wondered whom they were there for: Carmen, because of the part she’d played in Michelle’s untimely death…or JT, because of the forgery charges Curtis had recently filed against him.


Six Months Later

Alicia peered through the window of her condo, which was situated in a very nice community in Covington Park, the suburb she’d grown up in and the one where she’d hoped to have a nice life with JT. But so much for hoping and wishing, because her marriage to JT had turned out to be a total fiasco. First, she’d learned about Carmen from Levi, and then about Diana and Veda from JT’s phone records, and then the private investigator she’d hired had confirmed all her suspicions.

It had been one thing to discover all the infidelity JT was involved in but quite another to find out that he’d once pimped a willing group of women and had gotten some other young woman pregnant when he was married to Michelle. It had also been terrible learning that he’d been sleeping with Carmen since her college years and that Carmen had been responsible for Michelle’s death. Although these latter pieces of information hadn’t actually come from the investigator but instead had come from Donna, or Barb, as she now admitted her name was.

About a week ago, Alicia had received another package from her, but this time, she’d included a two-page letter that summarized exact details about Carmen and JT and also a CD that contained a fifteen-minute conversation. Unsurprisingly, Alicia had recognized the voice of her childhood friend immediately, and it hadn’t been more than a few seconds before she realized the other person was Barb. Alicia had listened to their entire discussion, and when she’d finished, she’d decided she would never tell another living soul that Barb had also included a separate note explaining that the only reason she’d initially followed Alicia to the mall that day and tried making her believe JT had murdered his wife was because of the way he’d treated her baby sister. Barb had wanted to pay him back for forcing her sister to get rid of her baby and then completely dismissing her, but then, once her conscience had set in, she’d decided it was time she stopped protecting Carmen, her closest colleague from her call-girl days, and told the truth about Michelle’s tragedy. Barb had decided to come clean, and now Carmen was facing a sentence of twenty years to life for first-degree murder-and some additional time because of the sizable amount of drugs the police had found stashed away in her apartment, something Alicia was still pretty amazed and confused about. Worse, she would have no choice but to give her baby up as soon as she had it. Be it to foster parents, adoptive parents, or even distant relatives, in the end, Carmen clearly wouldn’t be the person raising her child.