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“Well, if that’s the case, then we might as well head down to the dealership right now, because I’m definitely getting all A’s again.”

“You can’t beat that,” Alicia said.

“No,” Charlotte agreed. “I guess you really can’t. Also, Matthew, your sister found out today that your dad’s agent is going to represent her and that she’s getting ready to submit her novel to some editors.”

“Wow. Congrats, Alicia. Now, that’s what’s up!”

“Thanks,” Alicia said, and her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her tote and smiled. “Hi, baby.”

“Hey, you havin’ a good time with your family?”

“I really am. What are you up to?”

“I just left the church, and now I’m headed home.”

“I wish you were here with us.”

“I wish I was, too, but maybe next time.”

“Well, actually, if we don’t have anything else to do this Saturday, Matthew wants us to come over for his track meet.”

“That would have been great, but remember we have that Pastors’ and Wives’ Luncheon downtown.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. But do we really have to go?”

“Well, we don’t have to, but since Janet RSVP’d for us a good while ago, I definitely think we should.”

“Oh,” she said.

“Baby, I can tell you’re disappointed. I can hear it in your voice, and I’m really sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t going to be a lot of top Chicago pastors attending. Pastors who I really need to connect with more closely.”

“You’re right. And really, I’m okay with it.”

“So, when will you be home?” he asked.

Alicia looked at her watch, seeing that it was just after six. “Maybe around nine or ten.”

“Okay, well, tell everyone I said hello and drive safely.”

“I will. I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said.

JT ended his call with Alicia, looked down the hallway, and wondered what was wrong with him. He did love Alicia. Or at least he thought he did anyway. But if that was the case, then why was he getting ready to walk inside a room at The Ritz-Carlton downtown on East Pearson? Why was he getting ready to sleep with a woman he’d just met for the first time and was willing to take a chance on getting caught with her? Because it wasn’t like The Ritz was some low-rate motel where you didn’t have to walk through a public lobby. It wasn’t like this particular location was situated out in some suburb the way the one in Dearborn, Michigan, was-the one he’d spent two days at when he’d spoken at a church in Detroit and had invited over the wife of one of the deacons.

No, this Ritz was popular and very busy around this time of day, but he hadn’t cared. The ironic part in all of this, though, was that the only reason he’d driven downtown in the first place was so he could pick out a gift from Tiffany’s for Alicia. He’d wanted to find something very special as a way to celebrate the news from her literary agent, but once he’d made his purchase and had started on his way back to the parking ramp, he’d stopped inside a nearby Starbucks. He’d gone in, gotten in line to order his mocha Frappuccino, and that’s when he’d seen her walking in right behind him. A stunning thirtysomething woman whom he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of. A woman who looked so much like his first wife, they easily could have been sisters.

Still, he’d tried ignoring her. But before long, they’d struck up a casual conversation and had sat down together at a table. They’d talked for over an hour, and then JT had made his move. He’d told the woman that he wanted her, and she had willingly given him one of her room card keys.

He hated doing this to Alicia but the good news was, the woman lived at least six hours away in Minneapolis and was only in Chicago for a few days on business. So, after today, JT would never have to see her again. He would be with her just this one time, she’d be flying back home tomorrow, and that would be the end of it.

It would seem as if nothing had happened between them at all.

Still, though, he hesitated for a few seconds. He stood in place, not making a single move. He stood, debating his decision, but finally said, “God, forgive me,” and then slid the plastic card into the key slot.

Alicia untied the white satin ribbon, opened the small aqua-blue box, and pulled out a white gold and diamond bracelet. “Oh my God, JT, this is absolutely beautiful.”

“You really like it?” he asked, leaning against the doorway of their bedroom and feeling thankful he’d made it home a half hour before she had.

Alicia reached her arms around his neck, kissed him, and then hugged him. “Yes, I love it, and it was very thoughtful of you to drive all the way downtown. Is that where you were when you called my cell phone?”

“I was actually in the car and on my way, and that’s why I wanted to know how long you were going to be at your dad’s.”

“You’re too much.”

“I just wanted to surprise you with a little something because I truly am proud of you, baby.”

“You’re always doing so many nice things for me.”

“I do them because you’re my wife and because I love you.”

“Will you put it on me?” she asked.

“Of course,” JT said, taking the bracelet and placing it around her wrist.

When he’d fastened the clasp, Alicia turned her arm back and forth, admiring it. “You couldn’t have chosen anything better.”

“Well, actually, I could have, because there’s always something bigger and pricier to choose from when you’re shopping at Tiffany’s. But I thought this was pretty appropriate since I saw an asterisk marked by it in their catalog that came last week.”

JT saw the embarrassment on Alicia’s face, but then she said, “I hope you don’t think I was trying to throw you some sort of a hint, because I really wasn’t. I never even expected you to see that.”

“But even if you had, that would be fine, because how else will I know what it is you really want? I mean, yeah, you could simply just tell me. But this way you had no idea I was going to get it for you, and that made receiving it a lot more enjoyable. Right?”

“Yes,” she said. “It did. More than you know.”

“Then that’s all that matters,” he said, taking her into his arms again. His feelings were mixed, though, because while he was glad to be holding his wife, he couldn’t stop thinking about the woman he’d just slept with less than three hours ago. Veda Scott. The woman who not only resembled Michelle but who also felt like her in bed. He’d told himself this was just another impromptu tryst, the kind he enjoyed having on occasion, but he couldn’t push the woman’s beautiful brown eyes, her perfectly structured cheekbones, or her soft lips from his mind. Then there was the gentle way she’d stroked his face and the way she’d held him. The sex had been as wonderful as he’d expected, but what he couldn’t seem to let go of was the emotional connection. He knew it didn’t make sense, not with them just meeting each other, but he’d felt a certain level of closeness when he’d been with her. He’d felt as though he’d known her for years, and it was the reason he had to see her again.