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Dear Maddy and Ellen,

First of all, I hope the both of you are well, and that you are all right in your new surroundings.

The word here is that Drayton will shortly be brought before judge and jury. The police have been busy questioning everyone who saw what happened, and now it seems they have more than enough evidence to put Drayton away for life.

They were keen to talk with you both, but nobody knew where you were, though everyone was certain you were not in the alley when the shootings took place. Carter’s henchmen argued that you were there – but as they were in Carter’s pay and already lying to guard their own backs, it seems their evidence was not taken too seriously.

The Pink Lady is now fully open again, and we’ve got a new manager. Drayton’s accountant and solicitor have been in and out, and now everything’s beginning to settle down again, though the clients are not coming in like they used to.

Everyone asks after you, Maddy. Some of them have known you for as long as I have. And we all miss you, very much.

But you need to stay away. A man like Drayton has longer arms than the law. Please remember that, my dear.

As far as young Jack and darling Alice are concerned, I can only imagine how much pain you must be feeling. But you must take heart, Maddy, for in time, it will ease.

I can tell you that, as soon as the police allowed it, Jack’s family took him home to Suffolk. As for Alice, I did everything that was asked of me. I took care of her, like I promised. She’s safe now, and you have my word, hand on heart, that for as long as I live, I will always take care of her.

One day some time in the future, I know we will meet up again. Until then, you and Ellen must keep yourselves safe. You know that’s what Alice would have wanted.

Please, do not contact me, or anyone at the club. It’s best if you keep your heads down for now.

I’ll keep in touch. Meantime, look after yourselves.

God bless, and lots of love,



“Has that eased your mind a little?” Ellen knew better than anyone how Maddy had been punishing herself for “deserting” Alice.

“Yes, I think so.” Maddy had been both saddened and uplifted by what Raymond had written. “I will never be able to thank Raymond enough,” she said, “but I won’t rest easy until I go to where she is, and tell her what’s in my heart.”

Ellen understood, and her guilt was tenfold.

Shifting her attention onto the large envelope as yet unopened, Maddy carefully tore it open, and as she tipped it upside down, an amazing array of photographs and folded posters tumbled onto the table. “Oh, my God!” Clasping her two hands over her mouth, Maddy was laughing and tearful all at the same time.

She couldn’t believe what she was looking at – photographs of herself in full evening wear, singing into the mike onstage. Some were of her performing with a visiting artiste, both of them smartly dressed in Fred Astaire top hat and tails, and brandishing a walking cane. And there were others, of her and Alice laughing at the camera, and fooling around in the club, and another one of her seated at the piano, next to a renowned jazz pianist. And oh, so many more, some she had completely forgotten about.

“Ellen – look what Raymond has sent me,” she cried. “They’re all the photos and posters from the Pink Lady!” She was thrilled. “I never imagined they’d taken this many photographs… ooh, they bring back so many memories. And look!” She pointed to a particularly beautiful one of herself. “Some of them have never even seen daylight. Oh, Ellen!”

These things were such a powerful part of her life. “All my dreams and ambitions are written here,” she said now. “And this is what it’s amounted to – a collection of paper images.”

One minute she was laughing and excited, and the next, a great tidal wave of pain and rage swept through her as she swiped them all from the table. “They don’t mean anything any more!” Running from the room, she fled up the stairs, crashed into her bedroom, and flung herself on the bed, where she sobbed helplessly.

Ellen found Maddy lying across the bed, face down and breaking her heart. “I’ve made such a mess of my life,” she wept. “I’ve lost everyone I love, apart from you, Ellen – and I miss Alice so very much. She should be here,” she kept saying. “Poor Alice should be here.”

Sitting down beside her, Ellen gathered her into her arms. “It’s good if you cry,” she said earnestly. “Seeing those pictures of yourself and Alice, and of the life you shared… well, it’s hurtful. You need to let it out, Maddy.”

Not for the first time, Ellen wondered about her decision regarding Alice. But it was done now and could not be undone.

They sat for a while until Maddy – still shaken by the photographs and the memories they evoked – silently vowed to stay strong for Ellen’s sake. “I’m all right now,” she sighed, getting off the bed. “I’m sorry for that performance. I’ll go down and clear the photos away.”

Ellen followed her downstairs, and the two of them collected the discarded memories. “I’ll put them away and keep them safe,” Maddy decided. “Alice would want me to.”

The evening was spent quietly, with Ellen stitching new buttons onto her best jacket, and Maddy curled up on the sofa, reading a library book and enjoying the series of LPs playing in the background. Grandad Bob made background music of his own, when his whooshing, rhythmic snoring rippled through the room.

When the snoring grew louder, Maddy and Ellen would giggle, and Grandad would shift and grumble, and then snore all the louder.

All in all, it was a cozy scene.


Ready at last to leave the hospital, Alice had been looking forward to this day for weeks. “All packed, are you?” Nurse Jackie was a trim, pretty young thing with a heart of gold.

Alice thanked her for everything. “I’ve already seen Sister and the other day nurse,” she said in her soft Irish lilt. “And I’ve left a note for the night staff.” Pointing to the white envelope on the bedside cabinet, she said, “Oh, and there are two boxes of chocolates in the cupboard. They’re good ones – I know that for sure, because Raymond chose them, and he likes to show off, so he does. Anyway, there’s one for you nurses and one for Connie, the cleaner.”

“Well, thank you, Alice.” The nurse was appreciative. “That’s a lovely gesture.”

“Ah well, I’m really grateful to all of you. But I’m so glad to be going home at long last, as you can imagine.”

“I’m sure you are. Even so, you must remember to follow the doctor’s instructions. Rest easy and try not to walk about too much. You’ve still got that weakness in your chest wall, which will take a while to heal completely, so keep away from anyone with a cold. You don’t want to be coughing and putting your muscles under any strain. Keep the corset on as instructed, and make sure you take the prescribed medication.”

Alice made a face. “All right, all right. I get the message. I’m an old crock who can’t do anything for herself.”

Nurse Jackie chuckled at that. “Oh, I don’t think that’s what you are,” she teased. “I’d say you were more like an impatient woman who hates people fussing round you. Isn’t that so?”