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"She's got a bad leak," Southwick said happily. "But it's not from one of our shotholes, I'll be bound. She's not been rolling enough for any hits 'twixt' wind and water to cause her much trouble."

Ramage saw movement up in the bow and looked with his telescope, startled to see a group of men round the anchors. Suddenly an anchor dropped from the cathead and was then cut adrift so that it fell into the sea.

"Look at that!" Southwick bellowed, pointing astern, where a boat was bobbing half submerged in Le Jason's wake. "And there's another!" he exclaimed. "My oath, they're cutting their boats adrift."

"And their anchors," Ramage said. "They're trying to save weight!"

At that moment he caught Aitken's eye and both men nodded.

"She stove in a plank or two when she went aground: probably stranded on a rock and strained herself when they sailed her off," Ramage said.

Southwick groaned and Ramage stared at him.

"I was thinking of rescuing all those Frenchmen," the master explained. "They'll probably outnumber us!"

"And all the men in the other frigate," Aitken said. "We'll have five hundred prisoners!"

"Steady on," Ramage said. "We haven't captured either ship yet and this fellow is showing no sign of surrendering."

"Well, we don't want to board her unless we want wet feet," Southwick growled.

"No, we'll just hold off as we are and watch her sink."

And a few thousand pounds in prize money will vanish before our eyes, Ramage thought. There will be head money for the prisoners - but what a risk, to saddle the ship with so many survivors. But there was no question of leaving them to drown: the captain was cutting away the boats and anchors, and presumably the spare yards, masts and booms would be next to go.

Obviously he would have started all the fresh water, sieving in the casks so that the water ran into the bilge and could be pumped out. That would save him - well, if he was halfway through his cruise, about twenty-five tons.

"We haven't finished with her yet," Ramage reminded the two men. "As far as I can see, every one of her guns on this side is still firing ..."

Ramage tried to put himself in the place of the French captain. A bad leak, every spare man at the pump, cranking the handles round as fast as possible to keep a steady stream of water pouring into the pump dale and over the side. But men could only pump for a certain amount of time before becoming exhausted, and it was obvious since the ship was becoming lower in the water and the captain was getting rid of all the extra weight he could, that the leak was gaining on him: more water was leaking in than the pump could deal with. So it reduced itself to an interesting problem of time: just when would the captain decide that the battle with the leak was irretrievably lost, and surrender his ship? Or perhaps he was one of those fanatical captains who would fight on, letting the ship sink under him. Or he might have the sense to turn the frigate round and run her ashore properly, stranding her so that he could save his crew but knowing the British could never refloat his ship. Strand her and set her on fire after the ship's company had scrambled to safety.

Well, the way Le Jason was ploughing on eastward, keeping up a high rate of fire from her broadside guns, obviously her captain was not going to give in easily.

' He beckoned to Orsini. "Go down and see Mr Bowen: ask how many casualties we have up to now."

"We're taking quite a few hits," Southwick said.

"At least they're not doing their usual dismantling shot trick," Aitken commented. '

Coincidentally, at that moment the carpenter came up to report to Ramage: "Just sounded the well again, sir," he said. "We're not making any water."

Ramage nodded. "Very well; carry on, sound every ten minutes and report to me."

"We're rolling just enough to get an unlucky one 'twixt wind and water," Southwick said. "So's he," he added, pointing at the French frigate, "but he's getting sluggish: not rolling nearly as much now."

"Makes her a steadier platform for the gunners." Aitken commented.

"Aye, but wait until the water floods her hanging magazine," Southwick said. "No one's yet found a way of making wet cartridges fire roundshot!"

The Calypso's broadside sounded ragged now, not because the gunners were failing to do their jobs properly but every gun was reloaded at a slightly different speed, and now they had their target broad on the beam the guns' crews were loading as fast as they could, and as soon as the second captain cocked the lock and jumped clear the gun captain was tugging his lanyard.

Jackson, his face becoming blackened with smoke, was grinning with pleasure and urging his crew on to load faster. Rossi was bellowing out a string of Italian oaths but apparently because of happiness at being in action. The four Frenchmen were hurrying about their tasks, sponging, ramming and worming as though they had never done anything else. Stafford crouched over the lock every now and again to make sure that the flint still had a sharp edge and was delivering a good strong spark.

"You're not hitting her, Jacko!" he bawled amid the thunder of the other guns firing to the left and right.

"I dam' well am," Jackson shouted back. "She just won't sink!"

"Her pump's going," Rossi called. "Maybe you had a lucky shot!"

One more thump with the rammer and they sprang to the tackle and ran the gun out. Stafford stabbed down with his pricker and then pushed a fresh quill into the vent, shaking a small amount of priming powder into the pan. Then he snapped back the cock of the flintlock, and lifting his hand up as a signal to Jackson, jumped clear.

Jackson sighted along the barrel and waited as the Calypso rolled slightly. He tugged the lanyard on a downward roll a fraction of a second before the French frigate appeared in the crude sight and once again the gun sprang back with a bronchitic cough and a spurt of flame and smoke at the muzzle.

At once the crew again sprang into action. The soaking sponge was thrust down the bore and a powder monkey ran forward with a cartridge which Gilbert snatched up and slid into the muzzle. With the rammer poised Auguste lunged forward and thrust the cartridge down the muzzle and gave an extra hard thrust before withdrawing it and standing aside for a moment to let Albert put in the wad, which he thrust home and then stood back with the rammer as Louis came up, cradling a roundshot, which he rammed home, followed by another wad which Albert had ready.

Dropping the rammer, Auguste helped run the gun out and Stafford went into action again with his pricker. As Jackson prepared to sight along the barrel he saw the black shape of the French frigate through the port. Yes, her pump was going, and the wind was whipping away the water as it sluiced over the side from the pump dale.

Back on the quarterdeck Orsini came hurrying up the ladder. He saluted Ramage and reported: "Mr Bowen's compliments sir: ten dead and eleven wounded, three very seriously. He says there may be more dead that he doesn't know about."

"Yes," Ramage said, talking to himself, "they'll just drag bodies clear and leave them in the scuppers . . ."

Twenty-one dead and wounded, and the damned Frenchman seemed to be unscathed by the Calypso's guns. Admittedly they were firing into her hull and it was impossible to see what damage they were doing: they might be cutting men down in swathes, for all he knew, but it was not affecting the French ship's rate of fire, even though she was apparently slowly - very slowly, curse it - sinking under them.

A lucky dismasting shot might let the Frenchman escape yet. ' He looked at the Frenchman again with his telescope. Still the same group of officers on her quarterdeck. He swung the glass forward and trained it on the pump dale. Yes, it was still pouring out water, and the wind was whipping it away. He looked at the frigate's waterline. Yes! It was definitely a little lower. He waited a minute to make sure it was not the rolling, but then he was sure: he could no longer see the copper sheathing. That had been carried a good foot above the waterline, and now he could not see it despite the roll. So Le Jason was at least two and probably three feet lower in the water. What did that mean in terms of tons of water sloshing around below? Without knowing her tons per inch immersion - the number of tons needed to immerse her hull one inch - it was hard to tell, and he knew his own weakness in doing mental arithmetic. But it was scores of tons. The water was coming in faster than the pump could get rid of it, and that was all that mattered. Nearly all, anyway. If only he knew how much faster . . .