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Southwick had supervised the men securing a hawser to the anchor cable using a rolling hitch. The hawser was put over the larboard side and brought aft, outside all the rigging. It was then taken round the stern and led back on board, coming in through a sternchase port and then to the capstan.

As soon as Aitken was satisfied that the hawser led clear, directly from the cable, along the ship's side and back in through the sternchase port, he signalled to Southwick. The master's party veered some of the anchor cable so that as the Calypso dropped back several yards the hawser attached to it led forward and, as Aitken's men paid out more from aft, both it and the cable where it was secured dipped beneath the water.

Finally both first lieutenant and master were satisfied: the bull's tail, Ramage noted contentedly, was secured (by the hawser) to the rope attached to the ring in its nose (the anchor cable).

As soon as Aitken formally reported that everything was ready for them to begin hauling, Ramage said: "Beat to quarters, then, Mr Aitken; we may as well make an early start."

Sir Henry watched the drummer boy flourishing his drumsticks and commented: "Surely that lad's drum has French colours painted on it!"

"French colours and the name of a French frigate, sir," Ramage said, half apologetically. "We captured the frigate off Devil's Island last year. Up to then we'd used bosun's calls to send the men to quarters, but they liked the idea of a drum, and the Marine lieutenant had a boy ready, so . . ."

"Most appropriate," Sir Henry said. "After all, the Calypso is a French-built ship!"

Aitken was waiting for fresh orders. "We'll try with just one gun at first, Mr Aitken," Ramage said, "because if we start firing broadsides we can't spot the fall of individual shot. Which reminds me, we may as well start with grape. Now, tell Jackson to wake up at his gun and I want you to report as you start hauling in on that hawser and turning us round until his gun is aimed."

Aitken, speaking trumpet in his hand, began shouting orders. First a party of men removed the wedge-shaped drawers from the capstan and slid in the bars. The swifter was quickly passed round and the men ducked under it to stand upright, their chests against the bars.

On the maindeck the powder boys now sat along the centreline, using their wooden cartridge boxes as stools and chattering happily. The deck had already been wetted with the washdeck pump as a precaution against spilled powder and sprinkled with sand to prevent men slipping; all the guns now had their locks bolted on, with the lanyards neatly coiled on the breeches. And beside each gun were several rounds of grapeshot, each of which looked like small black oranges embedded in a cylinder of pitch.

Aitken, reporting everything ready, looked questioningly at Ramage, who nodded. At a word from Aitken the men at the capstan slowly stepped out to start the capstan revolving while two other men hauled the end of the hawser clear as it led off the capstan barrel.

The first dozen revolutions of the capstan were easy because the men were taking in the slack: Ramage saw that the hawser leading from the Calypso's larboard quarter vanished below the waves almost dead ahead.

The clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk of the capstan pawls slowed down as the strain came on the hawser. After a few more turns the men began to heave the Calypso round by her stern so that the stranded French frigate would soon be on her beam, within reach of her broadside guns.

The deck was now beginning to run with water as the straining capstan barrel squeezed the water from the hawser, and a seaman stood beside the men with a bucket, throwing handsful of sand on to the deck beneath their feet.

The sharp "clunk" slowed to a rhythmic "kerlunk" but the men at the capstan pushed with a will: this was nothing compared with weighing anchor in a high wind and nasty sea.

Ramage walked to the ship's side and sighted along the barrel of one of the carronades. He could not see the French frigate because she was still hidden by the side of the port, showing that the ship had not yet been trained round enough. Sir Henry joined him.

"I say, Ramage, I must admit I'm enjoying all this. Must be twenty-five years (think of it, a quarter of a century) since I trod the decks of a frigate. You lose a lot with promotion, you know. Manoeuvring a fleet isn't half the fun of handling a single frigate!"

"Then I'll stay in the lower half of the Post List, sir," Ramage said with a grin. "I'm more interested in handling a ship than a fleet!"

"What commands have you had up to now?"

"The Kathleen cutter was my first, sir. I lost -"

"Yes, I remember, you deliberately got yourself run down by that Spaniard, the San Nicolas, to help Commodore Nelson, as he then was."

"Yes, sir. After St Vincent Their Lordships gave me the Triton brig. I ran her on a reef in the West Indies ..."

Sir Henry thought a moment. "Wasn't that after you lost your masts in a hurricane? You drifted up on a Spanish island - yes, Culebra, wasn't it? And found some treasure?"

"We were lucky," Ramage said. "Then another ship, and I was lucky enough to capture this frigate, which I was allowed to keep."

Ramage knelt and sighted along the carronade barrel again. He could just see the French frigate now, and the slow "kerlunk" of the pawls and Aitken's occasional shout showed that the Calypso was being hauled round only a degree at a time, to bring the guns to bear.

He stood up and saw that the hawser now running from the stern made a large angle with the anchor cable, which vanished away to larboard. He heard a hail from Jackson, followed by a shout from Aitken, and the capstan gave a single "kerlunk", followed by a relieved sigh from the men at the bars.

Kneeling once again, Ramage sighted along the carronade barrel and found himself looking directly at the French frigate's deck.

Aitken came up. "Jackson's ready to open fire, sir."

There was something about the first lieutenant's hesitation that made Ramage raise a questioning eyebrow. "Er," Aitken said, glancing at Sir Henry, "the gentlemen are down there among the guns, sir, and . . ."

"They can watch from the fo'c'sle," Ramage said. "Tell Jackson to begin firing as soon as the deck's clear."

He and Sir Henry waited three or four minutes, then Ramage excused himself and hurried to the quarterdeck rail, where Aitken was looking down at the maindeck. Hill was talking to General Cargill by Jackson's gun while the rest of the hostages were standing up on the fo'c'sle.

"It's that damned general, sir," Aitken muttered. "The rest went forward without any fuss."

Ramage, after looking down directly below the quarterdeck rail and making sure that Rennick and his Marines were drawn up, said to Aitken: "I'll deal with this."

He clattered down the ladder, deliberately making noise; walking past the mainmast, he saw that all the guns' crews on the larboard side were deliberately facing outboard to avoid looking at Hill and the general, who were standing just inboard of number four gun.

"Good morning, general," Ramage said politely. "We shall be opening fire as soon as our guests are on the fo'c'sle."

"Guests!" Cargill exploded. "Damnation, man, I am a general in the King's service, and I want to watch these men. I want to make a report to the Board of Ordnance about their ability. Not often the Board get a report from an unbiased witness."

"How right you are, sir," Ramage agreed coolly, "but you'll see better from the fo'c'sle: no bulwarks and hammock nettings to force you to peer through a gunport."

"I'm staying here," Cargill said stubbornly.

"All guests - by that I mean everyone not forming part of the Calypso's ship's company - have been requested to go to the fo'c'sle if they wish to watch the shooting."