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"Second, I want three men on the fo'c'sle with axes. Sharp axes. And a couple of lads with lanthorns. And six men at thebitts." He saw that Southwick would have apoplexy if he was not allowed to ask a question, and eased his curiosity by adding: "We may be anchoring in a hurry, so I want the men down in the cable tier to make sure the cable is ready to run smoothly. I want the men with axes to cut away the anchor, which at the moment is catted; and I want men at the bitts to secure the cable after I've decided we've veered enough. Does that satisfy you?"

"Doesn't sound as though you've much faith in my navigation, sir," Southwick grumbled. "Good lookouts, a man in the chains singing out the depths as he finds them with the lead, and there shouldn't be much chance of running up on the beach."

"Well, we can't be too sure," Ramage said, amused that Southwick had drawn the wrong conclusion. "Now, Mr Aitken, I see you've set the lookouts. As soon as Mr Southwick reckons we've nearly run our distance to the coast, I want a man in the chains with a lead, and you make sure those lookouts are looking! We shall wear round soon after sighting the coast. Perhaps even instantly. And now you have five minutes to go below and tell our guests what is happening. Should General Cargill offer any remarks that reflect on anyone's honour, you have my permission to leave and come back here at once. Do not," he emphasized, "answer back."

Once Aitken had gone below Ramage walked aft to find Sir Henry. "If you would prefer to be with us at the rail, sir . . ."

"No, no, my dear fellow," the admiral said. "Your first lieutenant was kind enough to give me some oilskins, and I'm happy enough here. Isn't often I get the chance of a frigate action, you know!"

"Action!" Ramage repeated jokingly. "I thought we were running away!"

"Oh yes, we are, we are. What I believe our army friends would call a tactical withdrawal if they were doing it." He pointed at the poop lantern. "Would that by any chance be a red herring?"

"Why no, sir," Ramage protested innocently. "That's what we rough sailors call a poop lantern, so that any ship astern of us can follow in the darkness."

Sir Henry smiled as he said: "Ah yes, it's just like a big coach lantern, isn't it. Well, I'll be your postilion, if you like."

"Much appreciate it, sir," Ramage said, giving a bow. "Now, if you'll forgive me, I'll rejoin the ladies."

As he turned away he was not sure if he could still see the frigate. The poop lantern was well screened so that it threw most of its light astern, but few stray beams reached the quarterdeck to interfere with anyone's night vision. Occasionally seas surged up so high that broken crests caught some of the light and threw reflections back on board as though the waves were momentarily swirling piles of sparkling diamonds.

Aitken rejoined him at the quarterdeck rail. "The marquis thanks you on behalf of the rest for letting 'em know what's happening, sir. The general - the junior of the two, I mean - said nothing." Aitken glanced up at Ramage, who sensed rather than saw the twinkle in the Scot's eye. "I had the impression that General Cargill was verra subdued. Aye, verra subdued. Like a man who has bet a lot more money than he has in his purse, and sees his horse starting to run lame."

Southwick sniffed contemptuously. "And that's about what he's done, with that cowardice nonsense. A pistol ball at twenty paces - yes, he can already feel it lodged in his gizzard! Probably he's already rehearsing his dying speech!"

Ramage laughed and turned to look astern. Yes, the frigate was still there, but he saw her bow wave rather than the hull. The French captain had not set more sail - surely an obvious move, once the Calypso altered course. Was the Frenchman fearful for his masts or unused to driving his ship in heavy weather? Or simply following the Calypso because he thought she was probably commanded by an officer senior to himself? Many questions and no answers, but as long as she followed the Calypso's poop lantern all was well.

She was following all right, but Ramage realized that if his all-or-nothing gamble was going to succeed, she would have to be a good deal closer. A couple of ship's lengths, a cable at the most, although it was damnably difficult to judge a couple of hundred yards in this light.

How he hated the late twilight: distorting shapes and colours, it made him want to blink. Then, for a brief time after twilight one somehow could not accept that it was dark. Daylight is the natural time for human beings to hunt; only certain animals hunt in the dark, a time when the human is at a great disadvantage, lacking the animal's sharper hearing and sense of smell. And, Ramage speculated, an animal's sense of position. In the dark a human almost immediately loses his knowledge of where he is in relation to objects round him, but most animals remain sure-footed. Cats in a darkened room rarely (if ever) bump into chairs or knock over priceless china (although often blamed by careless maids).

There was no rush to shorten the gap, though. For the time being the Frenchman can follow astern at the present distance, Ramage decided. The longer he follows the more confident he will become. He knows that on this course we are heading for the Tuscan shore; but he also knows the frigate ahead would hit the beach first, giving him plenty of time to bear away into deep water.

The Calypso had been at general quarters a long time, but it was unavoidable. Hill, Kenton, Martin and Orsini were still standing by their divisions of guns - and they would be very puzzled. Steering for the Tuscan shore with a French frigate in pursuit? To them it must seem like running away up a blind alley.

Not only to them, Ramage thought: Aitken, Southwick and the old admiral standing bundled up in oilskins at the taffrail must be wondering. Yet that was one lesson Ramage had learned over the years - do not explain your entire plan to subordinates all at once: do it a section at a time, as it becomes necessary. Rarely can a plan be carried out from beginning to end in its entirety: there is usually a hitch somewhere in the middle, so the plan has to be amended to fit the new conditions. Subordinates, however, are often slow to change to a sudden new situation if their heads are full of the old plan. Somehow they seem to resist any modification, but if you tell them a section at a time - keeping them just ahead of events - they react quickly and decisively.

Ramage admitted that this system also allowed him to change plans radically at the last moment without all his officers knowing ... In a way it was cheating, but few captains could have more loyal and eager officers than the Calypso's, and because they were eager it was reasonable to conclude that the method worked.

Ramage's clothes felt damp, and now and again he shivered, but he did not want a boatcloak encumbering him. Curious how too many clothes seemed to make clear thinking more difficult, although that was not to say that pacing the quarterdeck naked would produce brilliant ideas.

"Deck there! Foremast here!"