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 Ramage stepped forward and asked in Spanish: "Can I help you?"

 "Yes, " the man in civilian clothes said crossly. "Where is Captain Velasquez?"

 "In Santa Cruz."

 "But - why is he not on board? Who are you?"

 Ramage smiled politely. "He is not on board because this is a British ship and I -" he gave a slight bow "- am in command."

 The three men stared blankly, but the Colonel was the first to react: his right hand swung across his body to his swordhilt, and he had the blade half out of the scabbard before ramming it home again and letting his hand drop to his side. Jackson was standing two yards away, a pistol in his hand, and the click as he cocked it had warned the Colonel.

 "Forgive me, " Ramage said politely, "I must ask you to allow one of my men to look after your sword."

 He gave an order to Stafford, who came up behind the Colonel, deftly unclipped the scabbard and then stepped back again.

 "Now, gentlemen, let me welcome you on board his Britannic Majesty's ship Jocasta -" he pronounced the "j" in the Spanish way and saw that all three men recognized the name "- and if you will give your word of honour that you will behave, I suggest we dispense with guards and go down to my cabin and introduce ourselves."

 The civilian nodded. "I give my word. So do these gentlemen."

 Ramage looked questioningly at the Colonel. "You have my word, " he said stiffly.

 The third man gave his word and Ramage said: "If you are the Port Captain, please call to your boatman that they will have to wait."

 As the man went to the entry port, Ramage said to Aitken, "Put the boat astern for the time being."

 With that he led the way down the companionway into the cabin. The introductions took only a few moments: the civilian was the Mayor of La Guaira, the Colonel commanded the fortress and the town garrison, and the third man was indeed the Port Captain.

 Ramage sat the three of them on the settee, the Mayor in the middle. He sat at his desk, turning the chair to face the trio, and he looked at them expectantly but saying nothing. The Port Captain stared round the cabin with the concentration of a horse-coper inspecting a spavined nag before making an offer, and the Colonel examined the toes of his highly polished boots. The Mayor was, as Ramage expected, the first to break the silence.

 "Where is Captain Velasquez?"

 "I told you, he is in Santa Cruz." Ramage's voice was vague; clearly the topic bored him.

 "But this ship - she is La Perla." The Mayor was truculent now.

 Ramage shrugged his shoulders. "She is the Jocasta. You called her La Perla, but she is the Jocasta again."

 "The Spanish flag - she still sails under the Spanish flag! "

 Ramage yawned. "I really must change it."

 "You are fighting under false colours! " the Colonel exclaimed, startling the Mayor with his vehemence.

 "Hardly fighting, I assure you; just sailing. That is a legitimate ruse de guerre. If we were fighting, I assure you we would be doing so under our own flag."

 "La Perla" the Mayor persisted, obviously completely bewildered and like a man trying to break a dream. "She was in Santa Cruz. We expected her here."

 "Quite so. She was in Santa Cruz and she is now here."

 "You know what I mean, " the Mayor said angrily, pulling a large handkerchief from his pocket and mopping his face.

 "We sailed into Santa Cruz in another frigate, recaptured her and sailed her out."

 "I do not believe you! "

 Ramage gave a dry laugh and the Mayor flushed. "Well, I find it hard to believe, " he added in a voice strangely shrill for such a fat man. "Where is the other frigate?"

 "Senor, " Ramage said, his voice taking on a harsher note, "although I am prepared to satisfy your curiosity, you are hardly in a position to interrogate me."

 "All right, I believe you, " the Mayor said hurriedly. "But what is to become of us?"

 "You are prisoners for the moment."

 "But that is ridiculous! Why, we are close by the fortress -"

 "Stop ranting, " the Colonel said curtly. "You are not addressing a junta. No one in the fort will open fire on a frigate flying a Spanish flag, especially since they know their commanding officer is on board. And this man said we were prisoners 'for the moment'." He looked directly at Ramage. "Do I understand you are not going to take us away?"

 "I hope not, " Ramage said. "You have much to do after the caldereta. Repairing damage to the houses, finding the ship ..."

 "The ship! " the Mayor exclaimed. "How can we search for her when we have no vessels -" He broke off, conscious that the Port Captain and the Colonel had both turned to stare at him.

 "You have no need to worry, " Ramage said smoothly, thankful that the Mayor had leapt into what was at best crude trap. "She had not drifted far."

 "How do you know?" the Port Captain asked warily

 "Senor, please! " Ramage said in an offended voice. “The caldereta drags her from her anchors, she drifts before the wind . . ."

 "But she hasn't sailed back! "

 Ramage thought quickly. "She could hardly sail back if she lost her masts and was captured by the enemy."

 "Caramba! " the Mayor exclaimed, "we are ruined! What will the Viceroy -" Again he broke off, embarrassed that once again he had given something away.

 "The fortune of war, " Ramage said philosophically, seeing

 a clear picture of the merchant ship slowly beating her way back to La Guaira, perhaps even now in sight from the masthead.

 "Well, gentlemen, " he said, standing up, "I'll see you back to your boat."

 "You mean we are free?" the Mayor asked excitedly. He jumped up and, forgetting how low the cabin was, cracked his head on a beam. He subsided on the settee, glassy-eyed.

 The Colonel looked down at him coldly and then turned to Ramage and said: "Thank you. I do not know how you captured this ship in Santa Cruz; I would not have thought even a rowing boat could get past the forts."

 "The forts are now in ruins, " Ramage said quietly.

 The Colonel went pale. "How many English ships made the attack?"

 "One - a frigate similar to this."

 "Who commanded her?"

 "I did."

 "Where is she now?"

 "Waiting for us, " Ramage said. "One of my officers is commanding her."

 "Your Admiral will be pleased to see you, " the Colonel said, his voice a mixture of bitterness and admiration. "The caldereta has made you a rich man."


 The white houses of La Guaira were just dropping below the horizon as Ramage took the weights off the chart and let it roll up with a snap. He and Southwick had finally, at the end of a series of guesses, estimated the merchant ship's present position.

 They had to assume that the caldereta had behaved in the same way at La Guaira as it had when it hit the Jocasta. It would have parted the merchant ship's cables and driven her northwards for about one and a half hours - providing she had not capsized. In that time she would have drifted up to eight miles. Then the wind had slowly backed, taking half to three-quarters of an hour to get round to the east. In that time the ship would have drifted another four miles or so in a north-westerly direction. After that, assuming she had not been able to set any sail, she would have drifted westwards, carried by both wind and current, for four hours, covering sixteen to twenty miles. The cross on the chart showed where she should be at this moment.

 Ramage had pencilled on the chart her probable track: a dog-leg about twenty-eight miles long, setting the ship well down to the west and about ten miles offshore.

 "There's a lot of 'if’ and 'maybe', " Southwick had grumbled. "If she hasn't capsized, if she drifts at this speed or that, maybe her masts went by the board ..."