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«I am the third of six, my lady, and the youngest is but a few years older than Alaric», Llion replied, smiling. «Our mother died bearing him, so I have always helped with the younger ones. Besides» — he jostled Alaric on his hip — «young Master Alaric and I get on very well, don’t we, old chap?»

«Will you take me riding, Llion?» Alaric asked, grinning into the face of his mentor.

«If your parents agree, of course I shall take you riding», Llion replied. «I’ve even brought your favorite mount». He glanced back at a rawboned chestnut standing hipshot with Trevor and a much finer steed.

«I hope you don’t mind, my lord. Having no horse of my own, I took the liberty of seconding old Cockleburr. Lord Hamilton said it would be all right. He isn’t much to look at, but he’s sound enough for work like this — and I figured he’d be little missed at Coroth. Besides that, your son likes him. Do we camp here for the night, sir, or do we carry on for a while?»

Kenneth smiled and briefly clasped a hand to Llion’s shoulder. «We have a few more miles to go, but I see no reason why Alaric shouldn’t ride with you and Cockleburr. And we’ll see about getting you a better mount at Cynfyn».

«But Papa, I like Cockleburr!» Alaric began.

«Which is why he shall become your horse, once you’ve learned to ride him properly», Kenneth replied, watching the boy’s eyes light with joy. «But you must do as Sir Llion asks», he added. «I’m putting you in his charge».

«Oh, yes, Papa! Thank you, Papa!»

«And I thank you as well, my lord», Llion murmured, gratitude in his eyes as he nodded to Kenneth. «You have given me hope of a real future. I shall do my best to be worthy of your trust».

Kenneth only nodded in turn before following after Alyce, who was already mounting up again with Zoë.

They reached Cynfyn on schedule, pleased to find that all had been made ready in their absence. Zoë’s sisters had traveled to Cynfyn for the occasion, the unmarried Alazais with Kenneth’s two sisters and Geill with her husband, along with their aunt Nesta McLain, the sister of their departed mother, and, to everyone’s surprise, Vera Countess of Kierney, with her young son Duncan, but a few months younger than Alaric.

«I wouldn’t have dreamed of missing this», Vera told Alyce and Zoë, the first time they had a moment of privacy, as the two boys played happily with toy knights in the ladies’ solar. «Fortunately, Aunt Nesta was determined to come and see Zoë married. We all traveled together from Kierney and Culdi, collecting Morgan aunts and sisters as we came. All of them would have preferred that the wedding be held at Morganhall, of course, but now that Kenneth is an earl, everyone was curious to see the seat of his new estate».

«For all practical purposes», Alyce said, «it’s apt to end up being Zoë and Jovett’s new estate, for all the time Kenneth and I will be spending here». She cast out with her mind to be certain they could not be overheard, then leaned closer to the other two women. «What news of the king, Vera?» she asked in a low voice. «And how fares Prince Brion? The letters we’ve received over the summer only had to do with matters of state».

«Both are well, from what Jared has mentioned», Vera replied. «And the queen writes occasionally. She says that she is much involved with helping the king make plans for Prince Brion’s coming-of-age next summer. It’s expected that Donal will summon all his lords to attend him and swear fealty to the prince, in support of the succession. Which means that Jared and I shall be traveling to Rhemuth for the affair, along with Kevin and Duncan — unless, of course, I am near another lying-in», she added.

«Is there hope of that?» Alyce asked quietly.

Vera shrugged. «There is always hope — and it would be a happy reason to miss the celebration». She looked away briefly, then smiled. «Did I tell you that Jared is having the most beautiful little chapel built in the garden at Culdi, as a memorial to our dear Alicia?»

«What a wonderful thing to do», Alyce murmured, sorrowing anew over the child Vera had lost earlier in the year. «And Jared is a lovely man, to have thought of it».

«Aye, he is». Vera smiled brightly. «And we are trying for another child, believe me».

«And the trying is pleasant enough, I’m sure», Alyce replied with an arched eyebrow. «As our dear Zoë will soon discover».

Zoë blushed furiously, but she was also smiling shyly. «We shall certainly do our best», she said.

To increasing bursts of giggles, their subsequent conversation drifted into ever more explicit discussion of the upcoming nuptials, and what Zoë might expect on her wedding night.

Chapter 10

«Give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters».[11]

The wedding of Lady Zoë Morgan with Sir Jovett Chandos took place the following day at noon in the castle chapel, attended by the two extended families and most of Lendour’s regents. Not invited but very welcome nonetheless were two surprise guests from the convent school of Notre Dame de l’Arc-en-Ciel, Our Lady of the Rainbow, where Zoë and Alyce had met. The appearance of Sisters Iris Cerys and Iris Jessilde at the door to the chamber where the bride was dressing produced a squeal of sheer delight from the bride and an astonished smile from Alyce, who had been brushing Zoë’s long wheaten hair.

«We’ve brought a gift for the bride», said Sister Iris Cerys, mischief crinkling at the outer corners of her eyes as she and her companion paused in the doorway, smiling faces framed by the rainbow-embroidered bands edging their pale blue veils. Iris Cerys had shared a room with Alyce for a time, before Zoë, and the slightly older Iris Jessilde had been one of the first to make Alyce and her sister welcome at the convent school. She was also Deryni.

«You lived under the protection of Our Lady of the Rainbow while you studied at Arc-en-Ciel», Sister Iris Jessilde said to Zoë, «so we thought you might wish to be married according to the custom of our house».

With that she produced a fragrant bridal wreath fashioned of roses in all the colors of the rainbow, very like those worn at their old convent school, both by postulants wedding a celestial bridegroom and by former students giving themselves in mortal marriage.

«We wanted to bring you a rainbow canopy as well», Iris Cerys chimed in, «but Reverend Mother said it was too far to bring one all the way to Cynfyn. Since she’d just given us permission to attend, we decided we wouldn’t press the issue».

«No, no, this is wonderful!» Zoë assured them, delightedly taking the wreath and inhaling of its perfume. «But how did you even know?»

Iris Jessilde’s smile spoke of feigned innocence and a touch of feminine conspiracy. «Dear child, we are not so cut off at Arc-en-Ciel that news does not reach us from the outside world», she said. «Your father wrote to Mother Judiana to inform her of the upcoming marriage of one of our former pupils. When she read the letter out in chapter, it was suggested that at least a few of us ought to travel here to witness it».

«I never thought it would be allowed», Iris Cerys chimed in. «It isn’t often that we’re given leave to venture outside the abbey walls, but the two of you left quite an impression on our community — especially considering that neither of you ever even considered the religious life. It was a unanimous recommendation. I only wish that all of the sisters could have come along».

«Good heavens, I don’t know where I would have put all of them», Alyce said with a laugh. «But I’m very glad you came. Did you only just arrive?»

«No, we stayed two days with a family in the village», said Iris Jessilde. «Lord Kenneth arranged it — and the goodwife has a lovely garden. Hence, the magnificence of your bridal wreath. ’Tis the perfect complement to your gown», she added, smiling as she cast an approving gaze over Zoë’s sapphire silk. «But then, blue always did suit you, even if the convent did not».
