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«What are you proposing, then?» Dominy asked Michon, also glancing at the others.

«I would suggest that we authorize Khoren to approach her unofficially, saying that Pomeroy’s lack of moderation has come to his attention, and it concerns him — and that it is her responsibility, as Pomeroy’s teacher, to rein him in».

«And the matter of her nephews?» Oisín asked.

«He should mention that, too», Michon replied, turning his gaze on Khoren. «You need not elaborate on how you have learned of any of this. Let her worry about that».

«And if she refuses?» Khoren said.

Michon merely folded his hands before him on the ivory table and sat back slightly in his chair, smiling faintly.

«You have a plan», Seisyll said.

Michon inclined his head. «I think we need not go into details just now».

Dominy rolled her eyes. «You do love to be mysterious, don’t you, Michon? But God willing, we’ll not need your plan. Khoren, are you willing to carry out Michon’s recommendations?»

«For all the good it is likely to do», Khoren said darkly, «but I suppose it’s worth a try. Meanwhile», he turned his attention to Michon and Seisyll, «I hope you bring us happier news from the court of Gwynedd. Please tell me there were no serious surprises».

Seisyll smiled like a cat with a bowl of cream. «Nothing seriously worrisome. Sir Kenneth Morgan is now Earl of Lendour for life, de jure uxoris».

«Is he», Dominy said — a statement, not a question.

«That is a very interesting development», said Oisín.

«The appointment is a logical extension of Kenneth Morgan’s past loyalty to the crown», Seisyll allowed. «And it was actually a very shrewd move on Donal’s part, since it puts Kenneth in a stronger position to safeguard Alyce and their son».

Dominy snorted. «You know I have my doubts about the value of a half-breed Deryni», she muttered.

«Well, at least we know he isn’t Donal’s son», Barrett said reasonably. «And as for being half-breed, he is only two years old. Let’s give him time to grow, and see how he develops. At very least, he has loyal parents who will raise him to be loyal — and God knows, Prince Brion will need loyal men around him when he eventually becomes king».

«And Kenneth Morgan is as loyal as they come», Khoren pointed out. «As Earl of Lendour, he will be a strong bulwark to hold that part of Gwynedd against Torenthi incursions».

«So we shall hope», said Seisyll. «For now, however, I think I prefer to keep our focus on the students of Sister Camille Furstána, who are not loyal to the crown of Gwynedd, and who may well attempt to overthrow it».

Chapter 6

«Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful».[7]

As the festivities of Yuletide wound down over the next week or so, winter promised to settle in with a vengeance. The new Earl of Lendour kept Sir Jovett, his two new knights, and the knights’ sponsors in Rhemuth for a few days, while he drafted instructions to the regents of which he was now head, then sent them back to Cynfyn to await his arrival in the spring.

Alyce and their son and Zoë settled back into the usual domestic routine for Rhemuth Castle in winter, though the heavy weather curtailed much outdoor activity, and the short daylight hours hampered many indoor pursuits. At least Zoë was there to share the tedium — and Alazais, for a few weeks, though she returned to Morganhall as soon as the weather permitted.

February was grim, and early March little better. The several months after Twelfth Night were always lean, as folk hunkered down to await the spring. Except for a few hours around noontime, close work like reading, writing, and needlework must be done by precious candlelight or rush-light. The children of the court, including young Alaric, chafed at being kept indoors in the inclement weather, and the older ones brooded over their books and ciphering. In the evenings, huddled before fires in the great hall, music and dancing became staples of evening entertainment for the adults and young people, for these were pastimes that could be enjoyed by firelight and torchlight. Many a child was conceived during those long, cold nights when Rhemuth lay wrapped in winter’s thrall, though Alyce and Kenneth were not so blessed.

As the winter wore on, the long nights, the forced inactivity, and the monotony of meals eked out from dwindling supplies were beginning to pall on everyone. The fighting men kept up their edge by arms practice in the castle yard or, when the weather turned really foul, by moving their exercise into the great hall. By mid-March, the most hardened warriors were beginning to think even war preferable to the inactivity of the winter.

But spring came at last, along with the celebrations of Easter. Shortly thereafter, as soon as travel conditions would allow it, a delegation from Lendour arrived in Rhemuth to escort their new earl and his family back to Cynfyn, Lendour’s capital, where Kenneth Morgan would enter into possession of his lands and present his son and heir to their people. His daughter Zoë traveled with them, as female companion for Alyce and governess for young Alaric, along with two maids and several grooms.

The king had also given Kenneth the service of the newly knighted Sir Trevor Udaut as his aide, for Trevor’s father was one of Corwyn’s regents. And the two knighted by Kenneth at Twelfth Night had returned with the escort party: Sir Yves de Tremelan and Sir Xander of Torrylin. But by far the most congenial of the fighting men added to the new earl’s party was the leader of the Lendour delegation, Sir Jovett Chandos, who managed to spend most of the journey at Zoë’s side, and who, on the morning they were to arrive in Cynfyn, finally summoned the courage to approach Kenneth on a very delicate matter.

«My lord, might we ride apart a little?» he murmured, drawing alongside Kenneth, who was riding with his wife. «There is a matter I would discuss with you in private».

«By all means, go», Alyce said before Kenneth could reply. «I shall ride on ahead with Zoë and the other ladies». And be gentle with him, darling Kenneth, she added, only in his mind. I believe he means to ask for Zoë’s hand.

«We’ll catch you up», Kenneth agreed, reining back and indicating that Jovett should fall in beside him. They waited for the rest to pass them by, then followed at the rear of the cavalcade, several horse-lengths behind the last baggage animals.

«So, what’s on your mind, Jovett?» Kenneth asked amiably.

The young knight looked distinctly nervous, though his voice was steady as he spoke.

«My lord, I hope that I am in your esteem, and that you have found no fault with my service to Lendour. It has been my honor to serve your lady wife, and I am honored to be now in your service as well».

«And I, to have you in my service», Kenneth replied, restraining a smile as he watched him sidelong.

«Thank you, my lord. I… ah…»

«Are you looking for a way to ask me for my daughter’s hand?» Kenneth asked gently. «You needn’t look so surprised, son — or so apprehensive. Alyce told me you might be asking — and my daughter has made it quite clear to me that she holds you in great affection».

Jovett gaped briefly at this revelation, scarlet briefly washing his cheeks with high color.

«I — am right pleased to hear it, sir», he began. «I had intended to ask for her when we came for Twelfth Night. But when you were named earl…»

«Does that change your feelings for her?» Kenneth asked.

«No, sir, not at all!» Jovett blurted, faintly rattled. «But I am only a knight’s son, and now she…»

«Now, she is the daughter of an earl — an earl who would still be a simple knight, were it not for his wife’s rank», Kenneth reminded the younger man. «I know where I come from, Jovett. I am of no more lofty a family than you are. Do you love her?»
