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“No one’s assuming that Melinda was killed by the same person,” T.J. told him. “But we are thinking there’s a connection between the two. We just don’t know what it is yet. And as far as what you’re hearing on TV, you need to keep in mind that profiling is far from being an exact science.”

T.J. paused, then added, “I’m not so sure science is even the correct term to use. It’s off as often as it’s on. I wouldn’t put much stock into what you see on television.”

Lorna glanced sideways at T.J., and caught the set of his jaw as he spoke. This was obviously a hot button of his, and probably related to his former stint as a profiler. She wished she knew him well enough to ask him about it. There was a story there, and she was dying to hear it. Maybe another time.

Sarah Keeler came outside the house and waved to Lorna. The two women exchanged pleasantries before Sarah rounded up her daughters and strapped them into the family van to head off to soccer.

“Bring some bottled water when you come to the field,” Sarah called to Mike as she eased past them. “And try not to be too late. We have a double-header tonight, and they might need you to fill in for Kara’s coach in the second game.”

Mike waved to his wife and daughters, then turned his attention to Lorna and T.J.

“Let’s go sit on the deck, it’s cooler and more comfortable out back.” Mike gestured for them to follow him to the backyard. “Sarah just made a pitcher of iced tea. I’ll run in and grab some for us. It’s been another hot one, eh?”

They climbed the three steps up to the deck and took seats around a glass-topped table that appeared brand new. Mike ducked inside the house and returned with three glasses of iced tea. He handed a glass to each of his visitors, then sat in the chair at the head of the table.

“So go ahead and ask away.” Mike settled back in his chair and crossed his legs. “Where do you want to start?”

“Let’s start with the night Melinda disappeared.” T.J. rested both arms on the table. “You were around that night.”

“Right. My mother sent me over to Matt Conrad’s house to get my brother for dinner. She’d been calling him but no one was answering the phone. Matt’s parents hadn’t gotten home from work yet, and I said the guys were probably outside, so my mom told me to go get Fritz and tell him to come home.”

“How far is Matt’s from your house?” T.J. asked.

“Less than half a mile. I rode my bike.”

“Do you remember what time it was when you got there?”

“No. But it was still light out. Matt and Fritz were out back smoking cigarettes. I sat down and smoked one or two with them-that was the big thing back then, cigarettes, about as wild as we got around here-then Jason came along, said he was going to collect his sister and walk her home, but he’d be right back. A little while later, he returned, then his mother started calling him, real loud, so he got up and ran home. A few minutes later, he was back, asking if anyone had seen his sister. No one had, so he asked us to help him look for her. Later the police came and they started looking, too, and me and Fritz went home. Next day in school we heard she was still missing and there was this big search.”

“How long were you at Matt’s before Jason arrived the first time?” T.J. asked.

“Oh, maybe a half hour or so.”

“Then he went to get Melinda, came back, and not long after that his mother called him…”

Mike nodded. “Right, and he left again for a couple of minutes. But he came right back.”

“ ‘Right back,’ meaning how long between the time he left to go home and the time he came back and said his sister was missing?”

“No more than five minutes.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m positive.”

“What time did Dustin arrive?” T.J. asked.


“Dustin Lafferty, your brother’s friend.”

“Oh. Hey, I’d forgotten about him. Yeah, he was there, too. I think he got there right after me.”

“So you joined in the search? Did you split up, or go in pairs?”

“We split up, we all went off in different directions, but there was nothing. Not a sign of her anywhere.”

“Where did you look?”

“I took the orchard. I don’t remember where anyone else looked.”

“The orchard’s down near the pond?”

“Yeah. I think Jason took the pond. I went around all the apple and peach trees but there was nothing to be found. Melinda was just gone.”

“Now, the night that Jason died, you were all over at Lafferty’s?” T.J. leaned back in the seat.

“Right. Me, Fritz, Jason, Matt, and Dustin.”

“Drinking beer?”

“Yeah, we all had a few. We stayed till a little after two, then Dustin drove everyone home. He dropped me and Fritz off, then took the others home. The next day, we heard that Jason had disappeared, too.”

“You have any ideas, back then, what might have happened to him?”

“No.” Mike shrugged. “He wasn’t the most popular guy in school, but he was okay, if you know what I mean. I liked him. For a while, the kids were saying that Jason and his sister had both run away, to get away from their mother. She used to be really hard on both of them, he told us that.”

“Can you think of anything else we might need to know?” T.J. put both hands palm-down on the table, ready to push himself out of his seat. The interview was over. He’d gotten what he’d come for.

“Just that back then a lot of people thought Mrs. Eagan had killed both her kids. I’m still not so sure she didn’t.”

“You may have heard I put up her bail,” Lorna said.

“Everyone in Callen’s heard about that.” Mike grinned. “You didn’t make any friends in the local police department with that move.”

Lorna got out of her chair, preparing to leave. “If she’s innocent of Jason’s murder, they should be looking for whoever killed him.”

“Well, I think she’s guilty as sin.” Mike stood, too. “I think they had the right person all along. I think in the end, all this investigation is going to prove is that she killed them both.”

“What about all the other boys they’ve found, Mike? Think she killed them, too?”

“Hey, like those FBI guys said, the killer had a thing for teenage boys. Who knows? Maybe that’s how Mrs. Eagan got off, you know? Doing young boys, then killing ’em.”

Mike stood at the end of the deck and looked down at T.J. and Lorna, who’d already stepped onto the grass at the bottom of the steps.

“Yeah,” he continued, “if I were the investigator, that’s what I’d be looking into. Mrs. Eagan’s sex life.”

“What do you think?” T.J. asked as he drove away.

“I think that was a seriously sick thing to say.” Lorna shook her head. “That man clearly watches too much TV.”

“Or reads too many thrillers.” T.J. gunned the engine. “Or maybe not enough.”

“What do you mean?”

“Either that was all smoke screen, or he and his brother need to get their stories straight. They don’t match up. Fritz said Mike got to Matt Conrad’s house after Jason was called home. That Dustin stopped by after Mike had arrived to tell Fritz it was time to go home.” T.J. eased up to the stop sign at the top of the hill. “Which way?”

Lorna pointed right, and he made the turn.

“Fritz also said that Mike wasn’t with them the night that Jason disappeared, that they were at White Marsh Park till three in the morning. Mike just now said he was with them at Dustin’s-didn’t say a word about White Marsh Park. And he said Dustin drove them home at two. One of them is lying.”

“How do we find out which one?”

“We talk to Dustin Lafferty and see what he remembers.”