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"We can cut and run," said Spyder. "Disappear into that city ahead. Or trade for a ship and go somewhere."

"There are too many people looking for us," said Shrike. "There's no ship that can sail us away from this mess. And I need to get this key out of my body. The only way to do that is to get to Hell and succeed."

"I'm going with you," said Spyder.

"You can't. One glimpse of the underworld and you'll be trapped there forever."

"I'm not going to sit by the door reading the funnies, wondering what time you're getting home from work."

"This is just stupid and dangerous. Why are you doing this?"

Spyder kissed Shrike's cheek. "Didn't you get the memo? Heroes are coming smaller this year."

They went and sat back down at the fire with Count Non and Lulu. The Count had his long legs propped against the far wall of the cave. Spyder watched as a tarantula worked its way down from the ceiling, stepped onto to Count's boot and crept up his leg. When it reached his hip, Non grabbed the tarantula and tossed it into the fire, where it writhed and sizzled. Spyder looked at the man.

"When you cut out the poison sac, tarantula tastes a lot like crab," the Count said.

"There must be some seriously fucked up Boy Scouts where you come from," said Spyder.

Lulu was making shadow animals on the wall. She wiggled her fingers to create a giant spider.

"The Count and I were having a chat, and we agree on the whole Elvis thing. `Suspicious Minds' is a fine song, but Tom-fucking-Jones could've sung it just as well. Probably did, too. I'd know, only I don't have any Tom Jones CDs."

"I have a bootleg of Elvis doing `Suspicious Minds' live that I'll play for you when we get back," said Spyder. "You'll see that the song is worth enduring a few white leather jumpsuits. For the truly great moments in this life, you've got to take the good with the bad."

Twenty Nine


"It's Berenice," said Shrike. "We're lucky we followed the river."

"Now we know what town it is," said Spyder. "We could have just walked here from through some sewer pipe and skipped the whole Hindenburg drama."

"No. Berenice isn't like other cities. That's why it's not on our map. The city isn't really here. Only the memory of the city."

"A city like the Coma Gardens?"

"Berenice is where memories live when we're done with them. It's where they're born and it's where they eventually die."

"What good does it do us? We can't ride the memory of horses to the mountains."

"There are humans in Berenice," said Count Non. "Someone has to be there to witness the memories. If not, they fade away. To make money, the human inhabitants trade with travelers."

"Trade what?" asked Lulu.

"Horses, lost keys, lost shoes, lost spells," said Shrike. "The clever ones trade dreams, memories of lost love, lost hope."

"Sounds like Disneyland on Ketamine," Spyder said.

"I passed through there once before. It can be dangerous. Psychically. You don't want to turn a corner and run into your own lost virginity."

"Speak for yourself. I'd do me at fourteen," said Lulu. "Let's follow the goddam yellow brick road."

"There's no road, Lulu. Just the river," said Spyder.


"We'll swim," said Shrike. "We just have to get inside the city walls. There are walkways along all the canals."

"You cool with swimming, Lulu?" Spyder asked.

"Excuse me, son. You were the civilian. I was a lifeguard at YMCA camp, remember?"

"Yeah, but that was a while back. Before you had your troubles."

"You think my empty little eye holes and gut holes are going to fill up with water and drown me? That ain't going to happen. But thanks a shitload for making a thing of it."

"I'm just concerned is all."

"I'm fine," Lulu said and waded into the river. When she was knee deep, she turned back. "There aren't any sharks or things with stingers out here, are there?"

"Nothing that can hurt you," said Shrike.

"Countdown, you get one side and I'll get on the other. We'll put Shrike and Primo between us. Make sure no one wanders off course or sinks," said Spyder.

The Count smiled. "A good idea, little brother."

"Primo, are you all right swimming with one arm?" asked Shrike.

"I'll be a little slow, I think," he said.

"Slow's fine. No one's in a rush to find their lost retainer," said Spyder.

Shrike took Spyder's arm as they waded into the river. When she swam, she did so with ease and confidence. Spyder realized quickly that she didn't need much looking after. He kept an eye on Primo, who was doing a kind of modified dog paddle with his one good arm. The swimmer Spyder kept wondering about was the Count. How he managed to stay afloat while still wearing his chainmail amazed Spyder. Lulu was ahead of them, a strong, steady swimmer. She'd tied her jacket around her waist and on certain strokes, her Hello Kitty shirt slid up her body, letting the morning sun glint off the glass and metal she'd inserted into her wounded flesh.

Something brushed along Spyder's legs. Fingers touched his chest, tugged at his arms as they entered the water on each stroke. "What the fuck is happening?"

"They can't hurt you," Shrike said. "They're just memories. Drowned sailors, soldiers, anyone who died in water."

Suddenly, Spyder wanted very much to be out of the river and out of Berenice. The towering city walls, through which they soon passed, also seemed to be made of water. Not ice, but liquid water, pulled upward and carved into imposing barriers. If all that water ever came down, Spyder thought, it would wash the city away.

Lulu was already out of the river when the rest made it to the walkway. She helped Spyder out and he grabbed Shrike. The Count leaned down and practically lifted Primo from the water. The little man bowed in thanks.

"Where to?" Spyder asked.

"Uptown Saturday Night," said Shrike.

"You know some weird shit, girl."

"I just remembered the name. That happens here."

As they walked along the masonry concourse beside the canal, Spyder asked, "Earlier, why did you say that we're lucky we followed the river?"

"There are four entrances to Berenice. Water, air, fire and earth. Fire is the memory of violence and war. Air is the perpetual hurricane of anger and lost souls. Earth is a freezing mountain of despair and fear."

"The memories of the drowned are like the welcoming arms of your family compared to what lives in those other places," said Count Non.

"Wonder what would happen if I dropped a bunch of Alka Seltzer in back there?" asked Lulu. "Would it piss those drowned guys off or make 'em feel better?"


A Universal Joke

Their clothes dried quickly in the bright sun, and by the time they reached one of the great boulevards that divided Berenice into its local parishes, no one would have guessed that they'd had to swim into the city.

From the interior, Berenice was much more impressive than it had seemed on the approach. At each corner of the boulevard was a whitewashed ziggurat topped with a gilt sun, angled to catch the light at different time of the day. Crystal globes hung from polished street lamps. Spyder counted a dozen large bronze statues to different gods on the one street. Who knew how many there were on the others? Handsome residents came and went from temples and tailor shops, butchers and herbalists, paying no attention to the travelers. The street on which they stood was paved with pale pink flagstones, but green, yellow and sky blue streets intersected it.

"Okay, we're here, somewhere. What do we do now?" asked Lulu.

"Let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation," Count Non said.