Memorial Day
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Mitch Rapp

Страниц: 96
Символов: 611022
ID: 121304
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 2004
Создана 28 октября 2010 19:27


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When a spike in CIA intelligence suggests a major terrorist attack planned for Memorial Day, the president orders Mitch Rapp, his top counterterrorism operative, to pull out all the stops. Rapp immediately leaves for Afghanistan where he leads the ultra secret counterterrorism Special Forces unit on a daring commando raid across the border into Northern Pakistan. Their target: an al-Qaeda stronghold.

Within a subterranean room, Rapp and his team discover a treasure trove of maps, computers, files and bills of lading for multiple freighters heading to US ports - all pointing to plans for a catastrophic attack on Washington DC. Information is quickly relayed back to CIA headquarters, and a nuclear emergency search team scrambles to the scene. In a few hours, the freighters have been located and the danger averted. Or has it? To Mitch Rapp, the whole operation seemed just a bit too easy.

Following his instincts on a quest to unearth the whole truth, Rapp makes a truly terrifying discovery - and with Memorial Day closing fast, he must find a way to prevent a disaster of unimaginable proportions ...

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