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"Find her!" he commanded. Ka began to flit from room to room, and Jordan found himself swaying in sympathy as his visual field ducked and swooped from corridor to room and back.

He could see the duennas, and soldiers; people were weeping and running about. There was no sign of the queen. He couldn't make out what was going on until a single word leapt out of the tumult:


Jordan opened his eyes in surprise. "What is it?" asked Tamsin.

"Something's happened. The queen's gone."

"Now what?"

"I must find Armiger." He closed his eyes again.


"Bind her wrists, Enneas." Lavin stepped back. "Your majesty, we are leaving now. You may walk, or we will drag you." They stood in the catacombs. Galas' eyes were dark pools in the light from Enneas' lantern.

The thief fumbled with the bindings. "Excuse me, majesty," he said. He seemed overawed. Lavin realized he had assumed Lavin would fail. The thought made him laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" demanded Galas. "Is my humiliation so comforting to you?"

All Lavin's joy shrivelled. "Galas— I... I would never laugh at you, nor hold you in contempt. You are my dearest ideal and the only woman I have ever loved. Your pride and anger will never let you admit the favor I've done for you, but listen—we have time as we walk back to discuss terms. Our terms, not the terms of Royalty versus Parliament."

"What do you mean? Ah, that hurts!"

"Sorry, your majesty."

"Lead on, Enneas." The thief walked ahead, lantern raised. Lavin picked up a second lantern, leaned close to Galas, and whispered, "I mean that I am, and always have been, your servant. Don't you understand the situation? I am the commander of the army that controls your nation, and I am your most loyal servant. This is the moment I have worked for ever since I took charge of the war against you. I am yours, my army is yours, all the resources of Parliament are at our command. All we need do is deceive them as to your capitulation while we rebuild the Royalist power base in secret. You will be queen again, Galas!"

She stopped. "Lavin, you amaze me."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Please raise your hands, general," said a voice behind them.

Armiger stepped into the glow of Lavin's lantern. He stood in a painful crouch, but his hands didn't waver as they pointed the alien weapon at Lavin.

The fluttering rage that he had so carefully kept at bay overcame Lavin. He drew his sword and leaped at Armiger with a cry.

Armiger fired—not at Lavin but over his head. The narrow passage rocked to the concussion, and the ceiling fell in on him.


Armiger rolled the larger rocks off Lavin, and checked his pulse. "He is alive," he said.

Galas stared at the fallen general, her old friend and betrayer. She didn't know what she felt now. Rage, yes, and resentment. Fear, perhaps, of a man so obsessed as this, and so clever in his obsession. She could almost believe in his plan to deceive Parliament. Almost—but would Lavin ever be content to let her free, if once he possessed her? At one time, perhaps, she would have held faith with him.

Megan untied Galas. Ahead of them, an old man stood patiently in the light of a lantern he had placed on the floor. "Come along," he said. "Or go back. Which is it to be?"

Armiger walked up to him. "We go forward," he said. "Will you help us?"

Enneas shrugged. "It seems to be my lot in life to shepherd the damned into the underworld. Thief, general or queen, what the hell difference should it make to me? Come along then."

Galas relit Lavin's lantern, which had fallen, and placed it near his outflung arm. Then, looking back only once, she followed the others into the darkness.


Jordan was puzzled. He had seen Armiger take down the other man with some kind of weapon. He knew the general was somewhere underground, heading away from the palace. It must be a tunnel of some kind—but where did it let out?

He left Armiger's perspective and returned to Ka. "Ka, leave the tower," he said. "Fly up, as high as you can." The little Wind obliged, spiralling out and up at a giddying rate. Soon the entire palace was laid out below Jordan, like an architect's model.

Familiar skills came to his aid now. He could see the different layers and periods of construction of the place; as at Castor's or the Boros manor, the history of the Summer Palace was written in its stones. Armiger kept his eyes on the task at hand, which was negotiating the narrow way, so Jordan had ample time to contemplate his surroundings. He saw the type of stone in the passage Armiger was walking through, and had judged its age in the glow of the lantern held by Armiger's guide. That style of construction was used in particular types of wall or embrasure... He stared down from Ka's height, looking for the structure he knew must be there.

"Jordan, we're out of time."

Opening his eyes, he looked up to see white branches, like frozen lightning, gently touching down at points in the nearby hills.

He felt the stirring of the Swans' attention. They had not spotted him yet; it seemed they were here for another reason. Beyond the pressure of their searching gazes, he something else as well—a deep murmuring from underground.

"Mediation," he said, "we need shelter from the swans. Disguise us, or create a diversion—something, anything!"

"Come on," said Tamsin. "We've got to hide!" She pointed to the palace, where forms like living flames were rising into the air.

"Just one minute more." He clenched his eyes shut, and reentered Ka's perspective. There had to be something...

There it was: a long, faint line in the sand, the crumbled remains of a causeway that extended all the way from the central buildings of the palace past its walls. And at its terminus in the desert...

"I've got it!" That knot of men and horses, surrounding a tumble of stones, must be the end of the tunnel. It only remained for Jordan to orient himself, open his eyes, and find the distant smudge of figures with his own vision. Then he was up and running.

He went back down the hillside, out of sight of the palace and the now

abandoned, smoking siege engines. An eery silence was descending as the Swans touched down in the valley. He couldn't see what was happening there, unless he went back into Ka's perspective. That might be too dangerous at this point. But for all he knew, the swans were killing everyone.

When he estimated they were near the causeway, Jordan jogged cautiously up the hillside again. The long causeway was visible below them. It ended well outside the tents of Lavin's encampment, in the tumble of ruins Jordan had seen from above.


Tamsin was pointing at the palace. Jordan was afraid to look. Reluctantly, he turned his head, expecting to see the Swans descending on them.

Something huge was rising out of the earth near the palace's main gate. It was as big as one of the towers, rounded, and colored in mottled rust and beige shades. The Swans were darting around it like flies. A low drone carried from that direction.

"Our distraction," said Jordan. "Mediation was listening after all!"

A troop of nervous soldiers crouched at the ruins. They were watching the living flames walk the palace walls, but duty or fear kept them at their posts around the entrance to the tunnel. One stood to challenge Jordan as he led the horses between the jumbled stones.

"Now what?" hissed Tamsin.

Jordan was still covered with dust from their walk across the desert. In the desert he had been able to create heat from the mecha in dust. Could he do something else with them now? The only way to find out was to try.

He commanded the mecha in the dust covering him to make light. Tamsin gasped as Jordan's body began to glow.