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My cousin Sethin is seeking an apprentice position for her son Reyall. He is a responsible fad of fourteen, already experienced in the care and feeding of messenger birds. 7 commend him to you without reservation, Although I am confident you are not one to make much of this, I assure you he is but lightly marked and can go about his tasks unveiled without causing distress or inciting curiosity in any who may visit your coops. If you have a position for an apprentice, we would gladly send him to you, at our expense, with the next shipment of young birds to freshen the blood of the Bingtown flock, He had been expecting to be taken on at Cassarick when they decided to coop a flock of their own, but the Cassarick Council hired two Tattooed instead. The Rain Wilds are not what they used to be! Please let me hear back from you on this matter by a separate bird addressed only to me. Detozi

Day the 17th of the Change Moon

Year the 4th of the Independent Alliance of Traders

From Erek, Keeper of the Birds, Bingtown to Detozi, Keeper of the Birds, Trehaug

In a sealed scroll case, a warning of danger from the Bingtown 'Traders' Council to the Rain Wild Traders' Councils at Cassarick and Trehaug. A forgery ring has been discovered operating in Bingtown, creating false trading credentials and licences to travel on the Rain Wild River. Caution is advised in creating new trade partnerships especially with those foreign to the Cursed Shores. Scrutinize credentials closely.


I am writing with a small concern ahout your nephew and my apprentice, Reyall. For the last year, he has heen in all ways admirably devoted to the birds, steady, reliable and conscientious. But recently he has formed friendships with several youths who spend much of their time gambling and carousing, much to the detriment of his work. The minghng of Trader, Three Ships and Tattooed youth in our city is not always beneflcial to buifding a solid work ethic. I have given him a stern warning, but I think a similar chastisement from his family might have a greater effect, If he does not settle to his work again, I fear I must send him home without his journeyman papers. Regretfully, Erek

Day the 14th of the Hope Moon

Year the 5th of the Independent Alliance of Traders

From Detozi, Keeper of the Birds, Trehaug to Erek, Keeper of the Birds, Bingtown

A sealed missive from Trader Goshen to Derren Sawyer, Three Ships Town, concerning a shipment of hardwood that is late for delivery.


Apologies to both you and Reyall that his allowance has heen delayed. Thank you so much for helping him with his finances. The storms have been terrible, delaying shipments on the river and causing much misery for man and bird. Let my Kitta rest well before you return her to me. Reyall's funds should arrive as soon as the Hardy makes port in Bingtown. Again, our gratitude. Delozi


Blackmail and Lies

Leftrin stood on the deck, watching the Chalcedean ship's boat draw near. The skiff rode low in the water, burdened by the portly merchant, the rowing crew and a heap of grain sacks. The tall three-masted ship they were coming from dwarfed his barge. It was one reason that he declined to approach it. If the Chalcedeans wished to trade with him, let them come to him, where he could look down on them before they boarded. None of them appeared to be carrying weapons.

'Aren't you going to go look at their cargo before they start delivering to us?' Swarge asked him. The well-muscled tillerman slowly pulled on the long handle of the sweep.

Leftrin, leaning on the railing, shook his head. 'If they want my gold, let them do the work of delivering to me.' Leftrin had no love for Chalcedeans, and no trust in them. He wouldn't venture onto their deck where any sort of treachery might befall an honest man. Swarge made a slow sweep with the steering oar, effortlessly holding the barge in place against the river's spreading current. All around them, the pale waters of the Rain Wild River were dispersing into the brack of the shallow bay.  This was as far as Leftrin ever brought Tarman,

and farther than he usually did. He made most of his living trading up and down the river among the Rain Wilder settlements, just as his father and grandfather had before him. Not for him the open seas and foreign shores. No. He made only a few yearly forays to the river's mouth, usually when a reliable go-between contacted him. Then he went only to trade for the foodstuffs that the Rain Wilds residents needed to survive. He couldn't be as fussy about whom he dealt with at the river mouth, but Leftrin kept his guard up. A wise trader knew the difference between making a deal and making a friend. When dealing with a Chalcedean, there was only business, never friendship, and the trader who bartered with them had best have eyes in the back of his head. Technically, the two countries were at peace now, but peace with Chalced never lasted.

So Leftrin watched them come with narrowed eyes and a suspicious set to his mouth. The fellows on the oars looked to be ordinary sailors, and the sacks of grain no more than sacks of grain. Nonetheless, as the small boat pulled alongside his barge and tossed a line, he let Skelly, their youngest crew member, catch it and make it fast. He kept his place by the railing and watched the men in the boat. Big Eider ghosted up alongside him and stood, quietly scratching his black beard and watching the boat come. 'Watch the sailors,' Leftrin told him softly. 'I'll keep an eye on the merchant.'

Eider nodded.

Ladder cleats were built right onto Tarman's sides. The Chalcedean merchant climbed them easily and Leftrin revised his estimate of the man; he might be on the heavy side but he looked physically able enough. He wore a heavy sealskin cloak, trimmed and lined with scarlet. A wide leather belt decorated with silver secured his woollen tunic. The sea wind caught at the man's cloak and sent it billowing, but the merchant appeared unfazed by it. As much sailor as merchant, Leftrin thought to himself. Once aboard, the merchant nodded gravely to Leftrin and received a curt bow in return. The merchant leaned over the side and barked several commands in Chalcedean to his oarsmen before turning back to Leftrin.

'Greetings, Captain. I will have my crewmen bring aboard samples of both my wheat and my barley. I trust the quality of my goods will meet with your approval.'

'That is yet to be seen, Merchant.' Leftrin spoke affably but firmly, smiling all the while.

The man glanced around at his bare deck. 'And your trade goods? I expected to find them set out for my inspection.'

'Coin needs little inspection. When the time comes, you'll find the scale set up in my stateroom. I go by weight rather than coinage.'

'And to that, I have no objection. Kings and their mints may rise and fall, but gold is gold and silver is silver. Still,' and here the man dropped his voice, 'when one comes to the mouth of the Rain Wild River, one does not expect gold and silver. I had hoped for a chance to purchase Rain Wild goods from you.'

if you're after Rain Wilds goods, then you'll have to take yourself to Bingtown. Everyone knows that is the only place to obtain them.' Leftrin watched past the Chalcedean's shoulder as one of his men gained the deck. Eider was ready to meet the man, but he didn't offer to take his sack from him. Bellin stood nearby, her heavy pole ready to hand. Without even intending to, she looked more formidable than Eider.

The foreign oarsman lugged a heavy sack of grain slung across his shoulder. He took two steps from the rail, let his sack thud to Leftrin's deck, and then turned back to fetch another one. The sack  looked good,  tightly  woven  hemp, unmarked by salt or damp. But that didn't mean the grain inside was good, or that all the bags would be of like quality. Leftrin kept his face neutral.