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Jetsam decided to help search the Kodak Center, where after a few minutes Batman was spotted. It was a brief chase, since Batman’s ample gut was hanging over his utility belt, and he was just slogging along in front of the Kodak Theatre when Jetsam jumped him from behind. For a minute or two Jetsam feared that the exhausted Batman was going into cardiac arrest after he was proned out and cuffed.

Jetsam said to B.M. Driscoll, “How do you do CPR through a bat mask and breastplate?”

When Jetsam finally got outside Grauman’s forecourt with his handcuffed and forlorn prisoner, crowds gathered, cameras flashed, and the news bunny ran up to him, saying, “Officer, did you have trouble catching up with Batman? Was it an exciting chase?”

The surfer cop struck a semi-heroic pose for the camera and said, “Weak sauce.” Then he quickly walked Batman to the black-and-white, where he was put into the backseat.

This particular news bunny was a relentless journalist and proud of it. She hurried after Jetsam and stood next to the police car, making a point of handing her mike to one of the guys in her crew so she could appear to confront the cop empty-handed.

“‘Weak… sauce’?” said the news bunny to Jetsam, with arching, perfectly penciled eyebrows, and a lip-licking smile that stopped the surfer cop in his tracks. “Can you translate that term for us? Off the record?”

Jetsam gaped at her cleavage. And goddamn, she licked her lips again! He looked at her camera crew, who were back on the sidewalk and couldn’t even see his face, and he leaned down with his mouth close to her ear and whispered, “It just means, without his Batmobile his shit is puny.”

Then with a devil-may-care wink, he whirled and hopped into the car behind the wheel. He was tickled to see the news bunny direct the crew to shoot coverage of 6-X-32 as he was driving off.

What Jetsam didn’t see, however, was the news bunny fingering the little mike she had wired inside the collar of her jacket. And the triumphant smile she gave to her sound man was even twice as sexy as the one she’d given Jetsam.

On the late news, the producer bleeped out shit, but from the context the audience knew what had been said. Then the news bunny appeared on camera, this time directly in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater.

With her Hollywood insider’s saucy grin, she said to her audience, “This is your intrepid reporter coming to you from Hollywood Boulevard, where even superheroes must bow to the forces of LAPD justice-who have anything but… weak sauce.”

The watch commander told Jetsam that he’d probably get another official reprimand or even a little suspension for the manner of his “interview.”

Cosmo did not waken until 1 P.M. the next day. The smell of Ilya’s tea brought him around, and at first he felt a stab of panic. What if she’d gone back to get the money? But then he heard her and the sound of dishes being washed, so he entered the bathroom and showered.

When he came into the kitchen, she was at the table smoking and drinking a glass of hot tea. Another glass was poured and awaited him. Neither spoke until he drank some and lit a cigarette of his own, and then he said, “How long you are awake?”

“Three hours,” she said. “I am thinking many thoughts.”

“And what is the new idea?”

“How much Dmitri is going to give for the diamonds?”

“Twenty thousands,” he lied.

“Okay,” she said. “Give to him the diamonds. No charge. We keep the money.”

“All the money?”

“No, we share with Farley and Olive. We make the best bargain we can. Then we get out of Los Angeles. Go to San Francisco. Start over. No more guns. No more death.”

“Ilya, Dmitri know how much money we got. Do you not turn on TV and hear about it?”

“No,” she said. “I have no wish to hear more.”

“The news tell how much we got. Dmitri shall want half.”

“We may leave Los Angeles with almost fifty thousand, even if Farley take away half. We cannot give Dmitri no money. We give him diamonds.”

“Is not enough. He shall kill us, Ilya. I know he is mad now because I did not make a call to him. I know he is very mad.”

“We are leaving Los Angeles.”

“He shall find us and kill us in San Francisco.”

“We take a chance.”

“You think Farley and Olive do not tell police about us after we give them money?”

“No. They must have drugs. They must have money for drugs. After they take half of money, they are, how you say it, partners in the crime. They cannot tell police nothing. We shall wait two, maybe three days. I tell you the addicts will not know the Mazda is in garage. And under the house they never go in all their life. We are okay for two, three days. We hide here.”

“Ilya, we may keep half money and give other half to Dmitri.” Then he almost told the truth about the diamond deal, saying, “I think I may bargain with Dmitri. I think I say to him I must have thirty-five thousands for diamonds. So, we shall have almost eighty-five thousands and we stay in Los Angeles. All of this if you permit me to kill the addicts. I know how. You shall not need to do nothing.” He was finished now, but he decided to add a postscript. He said, “Please, Ilya. You love the life here. You very much love the life in Hollywood. Am I correct?”

Ilya’s mascara was running when she got up and went to the tea kettle on the stove. She stood there for a long moment before speaking. With her back to him she said, “All right, Cosmo. Kill them. And do not never talk of it. Never!”


THE SOUTHEASTERN PART of Hollywood Division, near Santa Monica Boulevard and Western Avenue, was the turf of Latino gangs, including Eighteenth Street cruisers and some Salvadorans from the huge MS-13 gang. White Fence, one of the oldest Mexican American gangs, was active around Hollywood Boulevard and Western, and Mexican Mafia, aka MM or El Eme, was only here and there but in some ways was the most powerful gang of all and could even operate lethally from inside state prisons. There were no black gangs in the Hollywood area, like the Crips or Bloods of south central and southeast L.A., because there were very few blacks living in the Hollywood area.

Wesley Drubb was steeped in this what was to him exciting information, having been permitted to gain new experience by working on loan for two nights with 6-G- 1, a Hollywood Division gang unit. But now while driving on Rossmore Avenue, which bordered the Wilshire Country Club, his gang chatter seemed ludicrously inappropriate and especially annoying to Hollywood Nate Weiss.

Wesley said, “The California Department of Corrections estimates that El Eme has nearly two hundred members in the prison system.”

“You don’t say.” Nate was gazing up at the luxurious apartment buildings and condos on both sides of his favorite Los Angeles street.

“They’re usually identified by a tattoo of a black hand with an M on the palm of it. In the Pelican Bay Maximum Security Prison, an MM gang member had sixty thousand dollars in a trust account before it was frozen by authorities. He was doing deals from inside the strictest prison!”

“Do tell.” Nate imagined Clark Gable in black tie and Carole Lombard in sable, both smiling at the doorman as they went off for a night on the town. At the Coconut Grove, maybe.

Then he tailored the fantasy to fit Tracy and Hepburn, even though he knew that neither of them had ever lived on the street. But what the hell, it was his fantasy.

Wesley said, “Big homies have been known to order hits from their prison cells. If you’re ‘in the hat’ or ‘green-lighted,’ it means you’re targeted.”

“Weird,” Nate said. “Green-lighted in the movie business means you got the okay to do the picture. In Hollywood it means you’re alive. In prison it means you’re dead. Weird.”