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I gripped Harmony’s notebook, thought about the little boy out there somewhere growing bigger every day. Days I’d never get back. “You can help.”

Then he smiled. “Good.”

And it was. It was all good. Things weren’t perfect, but they were out in the open-or as out as they were going to get for a while-and I had friends, family, and two men who seemed inexplicably willing to put up with my crap.

And somewhere I had a son. I couldn’t wait to meet him.

Lori Devoti

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Lori Devoti grew up in southern Missouri and attended college at the University of Missouri-Columbia where she earned a Bachelor of Journalism. She, however, made it clear to anyone who asked, she was not a writer; she worked for the dark side-advertising. Now twenty years later, she's proud to declare herself a writer and visit her dark side occasionally by writing dark paranormal romances and urban fantasy novels with a little death and a lot of adventure.

Lori lives in Wisconsin with her husband, daughter, son, an extremely patient shepherd mix, and the world's pushiest Siberian husky.

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