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“My old brown dog,” said Jim. “Bravo the shopkeeper.”

“My thoughts entirely.”

“Watchamate, Norman,” called Jim along the bar. “How’s tricks then?”

“Never better,” crooned the half-drunken shopkeeper. “One for my good friend Jim, please, Neville.”

“Cheers, Norman,” said Old Pete, “nice one, old mate.”

“And another down that end for the fogey.”

“I’ve never cared for him, you know,” Old Pete confided in Pooley, “gets right up my nose he does.”

Jim sipped thoughfully at his pint. “He’s all right, he’s an individual.”

“He’s a bloody nutcase! So where’s your mate then? Work-shy as ever, it seems.”

“I don’t know, I’m not sure.”

“Thought he’d be getting some mileage out of these.” Old Pete drew out his silver envelope. “Did you get yours?”

“What are they?”

“Free tickets for the big match, everybody’s got one.”

Pooley raised his eyebrows and his glass. “Everyone in Brentford?”

“That’s the size of it. A bit of good has come out of this fiasco.”

“I wouldn’t go if I were you,” Jim advised. “In fact, I’d give the whole thing a very wide berth.”

“My thoughts entirely, yet again. I’m advertising mine in The Times, there’s a bungalow in Eastbourne in this for me. I’ll give you a fiver for yours if you want.”

Pooley hunched low over his pint, which was shortly joined by Norman’s freeman. “Mine seems to have been delayed in the post. If you want to give me the five spot now, I’ll drop it round when it arrives.”

“Do I look like a cabbage?” Old Pete asked. “On your bike, Pooley. Good luck, Norman.” He raised his glass towards the inebriate shopkeeper. “Here’s health!”

“So, Jim,” said Neville, when he had done with his servings, “what’s to do then?”

Pooley shook his head. How could he possibly explain what was going on to Neville? In the cold light of day it all seemed so much nonsense. He was still not certain that he had actually seen what he thought he had seen. It was too grotesque. The more he thought about it the more convinced he became that it was some drug-induced fantasy, brought on by incense and whisky. But John, however, remained quite as dead. “I’m not well,” Jim told Neville. “Something I ate or something. As for John, I just don’t know, truly.”

“I’m sorry you’re not feeling up to much, Jim. You said something about the Professor before we were interrupted.”

“It was nothing.” Without Omally, Jim felt pitifully alone, somehow incomplete. “Nothing at all, it doesn’t matter.”

“As you please,” replied the barman. “But listen, if John does show up, you can tell him he can have his job back here. He played straight with me. I owe him a lot.”

“We all do.” Pooley raised his glass. “You are a good man, Neville. There’s nothing the matter with mankind when there’s blokes like you around.”

“Well, thank you, Jim, I appreciate that.”

“You’re in a bloody wet mood,” said Old Pete. “Seen the light, have you?”

“Something like that — belt up, you old bastard.”

“Thanks very much,” said Old Pete.

There was a sudden disruption in the middle of the bar. “Watch this,” said Norman, clearing space in the crowd. “Now just watch this.”

The onlookers and good-time-charlies, who had been accepting his free drinks, drew back to a respectful distance and egged him on. “Watchagonnado?” they asked.

“A demonstration of the Norman Hartnell Mark One Flying Jacket, Wallah!” Norman opened his coat. Around his waist was a broad belt loaded with lead weights and general junk of the heavy variety. “The miracle of Normanite,” Norman unbuckled the belt and it fell to the floor with a loud crash. “Up and away,” To massed amazement, he rose from his feet and drifted towards the ceiling. “He leaps tall buildings at a single bound!” the shopman called down to his speechless spectators.

“Bloody idiot,” muttered Old Pete. “My glass is empty yet again.”

“Give the man his due,” said Neville. “That is not the kind of thing one sees every day.”

Norman bobbed about on the ceiling, giggling foolishly. To Pooley’s rear the shabby-looking man in the greasy brown trilby rolled his newspaper into a tight tube, inserted something dubious into the end and placed it to his lips.

“For he’s a jolly good fellow,” sang the crowd, “and so say all of us.”

“If he throws up on my carpet, he’ll pay for the cleaning,” said Neville. “Pooley, look out!” Jim ducked instinctively. Something whistled past his left ear and thudded into the haunches of a souvenir Spanish bull upon the bar shelf. “Stop that man!” cried Neville, but the crowd was too entranced with Norman’s antics. The shabby-looking man fled the Swan. “It’s a blowpipe dart,” said the part-time barman, examining the bull’s punctured rump. “By the gods!”

“That bastard Bob is not giving up,” Pooley climbed to his feet. “Thanks very much, Neville.”

The barman sniffed at the end of the dart. “Curare,” he said. “He was out to kill you, Jim, and in my pub, the bloody cheek.” Old Pete chuckled, Pooley had nothing to say. “Curare,” said Neville, “a distillation from the Amazon plant Cameracio Apolidorus. The natives boil up the tubers and the roots, you know. The poison maintains its potency for years, a single prick and you’ve less than a minute to say your prayers. Attacks the central nervous system, you see.”

“Thank you,” said Jim. “I had no idea you harboured an interest in toxicology.”

“I did a night-school course at the Arts Centre,” said the barman, “from their Poisoner in Residence. Funny what you remember.”

“Oh, dead amusing, yes. And how are you on anti-gravity? Your man Norman looks to be in some difficulty.”

Indeed the floating shopman was exhibiting signs of extreme discomfort. He was flattened against the ceiling and now very red in the face. “Oh help!” wailed Norman. “Get me down, for Godsake!”

Neville sighed deeply and climbed on to the bar counter, disciplinary knobkerry in hand. “Take hold,” he called. Norman gripped the knobkerry, the onlookers gripped the barman’s ankles. Amidst much puffing and blowing and with no small utterances of profanity, the zero-gravity shopkeeper was returned to terra firma and the weighted belt was hastily clamped once more about his waist.

“It’s handy stuff though,” said Norman, breathlessly. “Got it sewn into the jacket, you see.”

The onlookers saw. “Clever,” they said, wondering if the source of the free drinks had now dried up. “You are a genius, Norman.”

“A large brandy on me for Mr Einstein,” said Pooley, pressing his way through the crowd.

“My thanks, Jim.” Norman checked his belt. “Perhaps in my zeal, I overdid it. I shall have to watch the walk home, or I could end up in orbit.”

“Norman,” said Jim, “could I have a word or two with you in private?”

“As many words as you wish, Jim, what’s on your mind?”

Pooley led the shopkeeper away to a quiet corner. The onlookers looked on in disgust and purchased their own drinks. “A small word,” said Jim.

“And why not?” Norman tapped his nose. “From one millionaire to another.”

“Ah, you heard about my bet.”

“There’s not much stays quiet in Brentford. I do live next door to Bob after all.”

“Quite so, but listen, Norman. This Normanite of yours. A man wearing such a flying-jacket could, I suppose, drift up to the stadium, could he not?”

Norman looked doubtful. “If the wind was favourable. I don’t think I’d care to take my chances though. You could end up, well, up, indefinitely speaking.”

Jim nodded thoughtfully. “Somewhat dangerous, yes I agree. It’s a pity though.”

“What are you up to then, Jim?”

“Not me,” said Pooley, “the Professor. He wants to get a look at the stadium before it opens, some matter of public safety, I believe.”

“He’s got his free ticket, hasn’t he?”

“I understand he’d like a private viewing.”