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“So how are we going to do this?” Piaras sounded dubious about the whole thing. Smart kid.

“It’s pretty straightforward,” I told him. “We go to where the spellsingers are—killing or incapacitating any goblins or evil elves before they can do the same to us—we free Ronan and the kids, and if we’re really lucky, we get out of here with all of our pieces and parts intact.”

Piaras looked down at me and blinked. “This is how seekers typically work?”

“Nope, this time I have a plan.”

“Good. What is it?”

“I just told you.”

“That’s it?”

“I like to keep it simple. You got a better way to get it done?”

Piaras went through the motions of thinking about it, then blew out his breath.

“Should I take that as a ‘no’?” I asked him.

The kid actually snorted. “You might as well.”

Reality rarely settles in lightly. Most times it lands on you like a slab of granite. Any noble illusions Piaras had about what “charging to the rescue” really meant had just been squashed flat.

“We’ve got plenty of blades and blunt objects.” I tried to at least sound reassuring. “You’ve got quick-and-dirty spellsongs; I’ve got the Saghred. Best of all, we’re both highly motivated to survive.”

Piaras didn’t move. “Raine, you can’t use the Saghred.”

“I said I’ve got it. I didn’t say I wanted to use it.”

“But you would.”

“Yes. The Saghred taking a chunk out of me is a small price to pay to see you and those kids safe.”

Piaras’s eyes hardened. “Don’t use it to save me.”

“That’s not your choice. It’s mine, and I’ve already made it,” I told him point-blank. “I’m prepared to do anything I have to.” I jerked my head toward the embassy above us. “If it’d come down to it, I would have used the Saghred up there to get you out. If Rudra Muralin brings out the big guns down here, I will use everything in my arsenal to shut him down.”

Piaras drew breath to retort. I held up a hand.

“Last time I checked, my brain was still in my arsenal,” I told him. “It’s always been my first line of defense, and it always will be. After that… well, I can’t make any promises.”

Piaras looked into the dark. “Blades and magical arsenals. How could anything possibly go wrong?”

I do believe he was being sarcastic.



“I’m scared,” Piaras said. Being a teenager and male, I knew that admission had cost him a lot.

“I’m scared, too. In spades. Damned near everything that’s happened since we got here has been scary.”

Piaras exhaled. “Let’s finish this so we can stop being scared.”

I smiled at him. “Best idea I’ve heard in days.”

I kept my tiny lightglobe.

I figured the goblins could see us whether we had the globe or not. This way, if they jumped out of the dark and tried to kill us, we’d at least get a good look at them while they did it.

I thought I’d have to link with Megan every now and then to locate the cell block. Not necessary. Piaras and I simply followed the trail of dead bodies like gruesome bread-crumbs. The first two bodies had been Nightshades; the next one was Khrynsani.

The one after that was also a goblin—but he wasn’t a Khrynsani.

He was one of Tam’s.

Oh no.

Piaras looked over my shoulder. “That’s not a temple guard.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Who is—”

I scowled. “Tam’s down here. He’s come to get Talon. Until about a half hour ago, this one was a bouncer at Sirens.”

Piaras arched an eyebrow. “Talon?”

The bad guys already knew, so why shouldn’t Piaras? “Talon is Tam’s son.”

“He didn’t tell me.”

“He doesn’t know. People in Tam’s past would come after him if they found out.”

“People like Nightshades and Rudra Muralin.”

That brought up a thought I didn’t want to let inside my head, let alone ponder. Tam had to have known Rudra Muralin long before he showed up on Sirens’s doorstep. Tam had readily admitted that Muralin had threatened Talon.

Too readily.

“Yeah, people like them,” I muttered.

I could’ve kicked myself. Tam had done it to me again. Goblins didn’t give up information that easily unless it was a diversion for something they didn’t want you to find out. Tam had been the queen’s chief shaman, a master of the black arts. And from what I’d heard from Mychael and witnessed firsthand, Tam hadn’t forgotten a thing. He’d known all about the Saghred when we had found it in Mermeia last week. He’d known what it was, what it did—and he had to have known what it reacted to.

He’d known full well how he would react to it.

He already knew how he reacted to me.

And he followed me here from Mermeia.

Passion set the Saghred off. There were all kinds of passion. Rage was one of them. Vengeance was another.

Once Talon was safe, Tam had said he was going after Rudra Muralin, then any Khrynsani or Nightshades he and his boys could get their hands on. Tam would have enough rage and vengeance to kick any evil stone of power wide-awake.

Talon was still tightly locked in that cell.

One of Tam’s bouncers was dead at my feet.

That meant Tam was down here and he was hunting. If Tam’s black magic got its hooks into him and it got wind of me, I couldn’t be all that certain that Tam would be able to limit his elf hunting to just Nightshades.

Tam had known that, too. He’d told me that some things were beyond mortal control. He knew what his breaking point would be.

Dark power calls to dark power. Always has, always will.

I felt Piaras watching me. “Tam’s one of the good guys, right?” he asked quietly.

A couple of days ago, I would’ve answered that question without much hesitation. When it came to me, Tam had been one of the good guys. When it came to me and the Saghred, I wasn’t so sure.

I opted for noncommittal. “Mostly,” I said.

“How about now?”

“Good question.”

I put my blades in my hands where they belonged.

What had happened between me and Tam in that alley was still fresh in Tam’s mind. I certainly wasn’t going to forget it anytime soon.

Tam had embraced black magic his entire life until A’Zahra Nuru helped him kick his addiction. Now Tam was down here after a shaman darker than he had ever thought about being. Maybe. I tried not to think that Rudra Muralin and Tam might have had more than a few atrocities in common.

I pushed that thought out of my head. I didn’t care what Mychael said; Tam would never do that.

Sarad Nukpana’s voice came back to me.

Once a dark mage, always a dark mage.

I told Sarad Nukpana’s voice to shut up.

I’d felt black magic before the Saghred. When you find stolen objects and missing people for a living, a dark mage has been behind the pilfering more than once. The safest way to confront a dark mage was not to confront him at all. Stealth and smarts had kept me from getting myself roasted on more than one occasion. You didn’t want to run into a dark mage in the dark, or in blazing sunshine, either. My family said that if you can avoid it, you can survive it. Other people called it running. I didn’t care what other people called it.

My link with the Saghred was my first personal encounter with black magic. I had felt the seduction, innocent at first, to use my new powers for good to help others. I knew that desire could just as easily twist into using the power for power’s sake, to revel in the feel of it, the rush, the certain knowledge that you could take on anyone and anything, and utterly destroy them.

Just like Rudra Muralin and Sarad Nukpana.

Just what I’d told Piaras I was prepared to do.

Walking down a dark tunnel while Death did some heavy breathing down the back of my neck wasn’t the best time or place to have a moral debate with myself.

My morality would have to wait. Piaras and I had a more immediate problem.

Every elf or goblin we found was dead. I didn’t mind dead Khrynsani or Nightshades; more dead ones meant less live ones for us to deal with. I just didn’t trust it. Just because we hadn’t found them yet—or they hadn’t found us— didn’t mean they weren’t down here waiting. Any surviving Khrynsani or Nightshades were perfectly capable of shielding themselves to avoid detection.