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In the next box were Carnades Silvanus and a too-beautiful-to-be-real elven lady wearing a gown of silver gossamer. Carnades had a date. I guess someone had to find him appealing.

“I need to go warm up, too,” Piaras said, and he didn’t sound excited about it.

I didn’t want him to leave, and he clearly didn’t want to go.

“I’ll be right here,” I promised. “Phaelan, I want you to go with Piaras.”

Neither Phaelan nor Piaras liked that idea. I held up a hand to stave off any arguments. “I’ve got a soul-sucking rock at my beck and call, and anyone who wants to get their hands on me knows that. I’ve got plenty of magic muscle of my own. And Vegard’s back there lurking somewhere in the shadows, aren’t you Vegard?” I called over my shoulder.

“Lurking and ready, ma’am,” came his voice from the dark.

I spread my hands. “Plenty of firepower. Ample backup.” I lowered my voice. "Phaelan, just take care of Piaras. And if things go to hell in a handbasket later, just stick to the plan.”

I stood on tiptoe and wrapped my arms around Piaras’s neck. He hugged me back, tightly. We just stood there holding each other for a few moments; then I stepped back, my hands on his upper arms.

“You’re going to be magnificent,” I told him. I looked up into his dark eyes. “And we’re going to be just fine,” I whispered. “Go warm up.”

He and Phaelan disappeared into the area directly behind the stage where Ronan waited to go through warm-ups with each of his students.

I looked across the stage to the opposite wing. Tam was staring at me.

My heart skipped a couple of beats. Of course Tam was here; it was his club. There was nothing odd about him being backstage, nothing in the least. I instinctively ran a hand down the side of my gown. One dagger, check.

Tam and his nightclub staff wore all black, but no one wore black like Tam. Unless my eyes deceived me, his shirt didn’t have any buttons. When it came to Tam, at least my eyes had never lied to me. The shirt fell open, treating me to a view of smooth, silvery chest.

I had weapons. Hell, I was a weapon. So what if Tam was stalking around backstage? I’d protect myself any way I had to. Problem was, I didn’t know if I could do that to Tam. Bigger problem was, I didn’t know if I really wanted to protect myself.

Moments later the house lights blinked, and those in the audience who hadn’t yet taken their seats hurried to do so. The lightglobes in the backstage area dimmed to near nothing. I looked back across the stage.

Tam was gone.


Propriety be damned. I slid the velvet of my gown up to my thigh and put one of my daggers where it belonged—in my hand.

The house lights went down and unseen musicians began to play in the near darkness. I slipped into the shadows near the stage curtains where I could see anything coming at me. Drums and two other percussion instruments established a languid beat, and then the low, vibrant tones of a goblin flute joined with the melody.

Talon Tandu appeared in a single, silvery spotlight, his slender form lithe, his movements impossibly smooth and slow. In the stage light, it was nearly impossible to tell where Talon’s silver silk trousers ended and Talon began. His hair cascaded in ebony waves to just above hips that moved slowly in time with the music, languorous, hypnotic. Every ear in the room was enslaved to his voice; every eye was on his body.

His tenor voice was rich and vibrant. His words were Goblin, his intent seduction. His song reached every corner of the theatre, but the intimacy of his words was sung for each listener.

Part of me wanted to throw a tablecloth over him. Another part wanted to see more. One word described him— feral. Talon was generating enough sexual energy to power every lightglobe in the club. It was almost too intimate to be watched, but I couldn’t look away—and I didn’t want to.

The stage’s shields were to diffuse the effect of the spellsingers’ songs. They ran from the footlights to the rafters, invisible unless you saw them from the stage wings. From where I stood, they shimmered like a silvery net.

None of Ronan’s students were going to do anything potentially lethal. Talon’s song would make everyone horny, then Piaras’s lullaby would make them sleepy. There was nothing wrong with either one.

Once Talon’s final note evaporated, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. If anyone had been offended, it sounded like they’d gotten over it.

The stage had gone dark and Talon exited off the other side. I could just barely see Piaras walking out onto the stage. When he reached the center, he stopped and bowed his head. He stood that way for a few moments, then raised his head, the light coming up with him. The single light illuminating him looked like moonlight. The effect was enchanting.

If Piaras was scared to death, I couldn’t see or sense it. His voice was rock solid. There was no sign of nerves whatsoever, no hesitation or lessening of intensity in the higher notes, and his low notes were resonant waves washing over the audience, again and again. If the shields hadn’t been at full power, they’d all be asleep. I looked out over the sea of upturned faces. Piaras had them all in the palm of his hand. He could have done anything with them and they would have loved him for it.

I heard a sibilant whisper, and goose bumps prickled at the back of my neck and ran down my spine. Only one thing did that—magic, power of the worst kind. The whisper evolved into a singing voice, heartbreakingly beautiful and hypnotic.

And gleefully malevolent. The voice carried whispered promises of unbearable agony or the heights of ecstasy. Or both.

An instant later, that voice hit me in the chest like a battering ram, knocking the air out of my lungs and driving me to my knees.

Not this time, you bastard.

I took short, shallow breaths and fought to stay conscious. I grabbed the velvet curtain and hauled myself to my feet. The voice was coming from above me. A metal catwalk spanned the width of the stage. I couldn’t see him, but he was up there. I had his psychic footprint in the center of my chest to prove it.

I tried to swallow. “Vegard?” I whispered.

No response.


Silence. Really bad silence.

I muttered my personal shields into place. I pushed down the pain and forcibly dragged air into my lungs.

There was a ladder mounted against the wall and I used it. I clenched my dagger between my teeth, hiked up my gown, and climbed as fast as I could. Anyone looking up from below would get one hell of a view.

I reached the top and stepped out onto the catwalk.

There he was, standing directly over the center of the stage. He was young and he was perfect, like a fine sculpture, and just as ageless. His youthful beauty was no glamour, no spell to trick the eye; it was all him. He turned and looked at me, and the air between us wavered, his eyes becoming pools of darkness I could gladly fall into and never want to find my way out of. I shook my head and pressed the pommel of my dagger into my thigh until the pain was greater than the desire to drown in those black eyes. I clenched my teeth and reminded myself that those eyes had been the last thing thousands of elves had seen before they were slaughtered in bloody sacrifice.

Rudra Muralin smiled at me, never ceasing his poisonous song. He pointed in a direct line out into the audience, and his smile broadened until his fangs were showing.

The stage’s shields were solidly in place—except for the foot-long gash where Muralin had aimed his voice. I looked where the goblin proudly pointed.

Justinius Valerian staggered to his feet, his hands clutching his chest—just as Piaras finished his lullaby.

I stared in dawning horror. I knew what he’d done. Rudra Muralin had attached his song like a malignant leech to Piaras’s voice. A true master spellsinger could kill with a lullaby. It was all in the intent.