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Kurtz was listening to jazz at Blues Franklin. He hadn't come to listen to jazz—the place wouldn't be open for another five hours—but when he'd come through the door, one of Daddy Bruce's granddaughters—not Ruby, the waitress, but a little one, perhaps Laticia—had taken one look at Kurtz's face under the hat brim and had run out through the back to fetch Daddy. A young black man was on the low performance platform, noodling at the Steinway that Daddy Bruce kept for the visiting top jazz pianists, so Kurtz found his favorite table against the back wall and tipped his chair back while he listened.

Daddy Bruce came out of the back, wiping his hands off on a white apron. The old man never sat with customers, but he gripped the back of the chair next to Kurtz and shook his head several times, tut-tutting.

"I hope the other guy looks even worse."

"I don't know who the other guy is," said Kurtz. "That's why I came by. Anyone been in here asking for me over the last few days?"

"This very morning," said Daddy Bruce. He scratched his short, white beard. "They so many white people in here this morning asking for you, I considered hanging out a sign saying 'Joe Kurtz ain't here—go away. "

Kurtz waited for the details.

"First was this woman cop. I remember you in here with her a long, long time ago, Joe, when you was both kids. She identified herself today as Detective King, but you used to call her Rigby. I should've thrown both your asses out back then, being underage and all, but you always loved the music so much and I saw that you were teaching her all about it, plus trying to get in her pants."

"Who else?"

"Three guineas this morning. Button men maybe. Very polite. Said they had some money for you. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Gotta find Joe Kurtz to give him a big bag of money. Lot of that goin' round."

Kurtz didn't have to ask if Daddy Bruce had told them anything. "Were they well-dressed? Blowdried hair?"

The old man laughed a rich, phlegmy laugh. "Maybe in a guinea idea of well-dressed. You know the type—those long, pointy, white collars that don't match their shirts. Off-the-back-of-the-truck suits that they never had tailored. And blowdried? Those three comb their hair with buttered toast."

Gonzaga's people, thought Kurtz. Not Farino Ferrara's.

"Anyone else?"

Daddy Bruce laughed again. "How many people you need after your ass before you feel popular? You want an aspirin?"

"No, thanks. So you haven't heard anything about anyone wanting to cap me?"

"Well, you didn't ask that. Sure I do. Last one I heard was about three weeks ago—big halfbreed Indian with a limp. He got real drunk and was telling a couple of A.B. types he was going to do you."

"How'd you know the others were A.B.?"

Daddy Bruce sighed. "You think I don't know Aryan Brotherhood when I smell them?"

"What were they doing in here?" Blues Franklin had never made the mistake of going upscale—despite the Steinway and the occasional headliners—and it still had a largely black clientele.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know why they came in? I just know why and how they went out."


"And Raphael, his Samoan friend. Your Indian and his pals got real 'noxious about one A.M. We helped them leave through the alley."

"Did Big Bore—the Indian—put up a fight?"

"No one really puts up a fight against Lester. You want me to give you a call if and when Mr. Big Bore come back?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Daddy."

Kurtz stood to leave, swaying only slightly, but the old man said, "You can't go out there lookin' like that, eyes all bloody and with them big bruises under them. You scare the little ones. Stand there. Don't move."

Kurtz stood there while Daddy Bruce hustled into the back room and returned with a pair of oversized sunglasses. Kurtz put them on gingerly. The right stem rubbed against his bandages, but by fiddling, he got them to stay on without hurting.

"Thanks, Daddy. I feel like Ray Charles."

"You should feel like Ray Charles," said the old man with a throaty chuckle. "Those be his glasses."

"You stole Ray Charles's sunglasses?"

"Hell, no," said Daddy Bruce. "I don't steal any more than you do. You remember when he come through here about two years ago last December with… no, you wouldn't, Joe. You was still up in Attica then. It was a good show. We didn't announce nothing, no warning he was coming, and we had six hundred folks trying to get in."

"And he gave you his sunglasses?"

Daddy shrugged. "Lester and me done him a favor and he give me his pair as a sort of 'mento is all. He travels with extra pairs. But those are the only Ray Charles sunglasses I got, so I'd appreciate them back when you're done with them. Thought I'd use 'em myself when my eyes go bad."

Pruno was on sabbatical, but his homeless roommate, Soul Dad, was at his usual daytime spot—playing chess on the Mil above the old switching yards. Soul Dad said that he hadn't heard anything, but promised Kurtz he'd get in touch if he heard anything—the two old men shared a laptop computer in their shack down by the rails and Soul Dad would e-mail in his tip. Kurtz had to smile at that; even the snitches and street informants had gone high-tech.

A cab driver named Enselmo, whom Kurtz had helped with a couple of things, said that he hadn't heard anyone in the back of his cab talking about whacking Kurtz or a parole officer. He had heard rumors though that Toma Gonzaga was looking for Kurtz the last few days. Kurtz thanked Enselmo and paid him two hundred dollars to drive him around the rest of the afternoon.

Mrs. Tuella Dean, a bag lady who favored a grate on the corner of Elmwood and Market—even in the summer—said that she'd heard rumors that some crazy Arab down in Lackawanna had been bragging about planning to shoot someone, but had never heard Kurtz's name mentioned. She didn't know the crazy Arab's name. She couldn't remember where she'd heard the rumor. She thought maybe she was mixing it up with all this al-Qaida news that kept coming over her portable radio.

It wasn't noon yet, but Kurtz began trolling the bars, looking for old contacts and talkative people. He had a couple of hours to kill before heading for Brian Kennedy's security service offices. He welcomed the wait because he wanted his vision to clear a bit before he watched the garage tape.

First he hit the strip bars that catered to the businessman's lunch special—Rick's Tally-Ho on Genessee with its tattered row of recliners, Club Chit Chat on Hertel where, Kurtz had heard, the ass-bruise factor was high and the woody potential was low. His source had been correct, although Kurtz privately judged his current woody potential as negative-five-hundred. On top of that, the music and smell in these places made his head hurt worse.

Kurtz would have liked to check out the higher-class Canadian strip clubs like Pure Platinum just across the river, but cons on probation don't have the option of leaving the country, no matter how close the Peace Bridge might be. So he concentrated on that oxymoron of oxymorons—the greater Buffalo area.

He hit some of the sports bars like Mac's City Bar and Papa Joe's, but the noise was louder there and it just made his headache pound, so he decided to save sports bars for another day. Besides, the kind of snitches or street contacts he was looking for weren't usually the sports-bar types—they preferred dark bars with dubious clientele.

Enselmo was giving him a discount—not charging him for the waiting time—so Kurtz hit some clubs like the Queen City Lounge and the Bradford, just down the street from his office, and the re-opened Cobblestones near the HSBC arena. It was the wrong time of day and the wrong clientele. He was almost certainly wasting his time.