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When Mercy reached Eve, she found her wrapped in Sidonia’s comforting arms.

Her old nanny looked right at her and said, “This is Ansara evil.”

“Mommy…” Eve’s voice was a mere whisper.

“I’m here, baby. Mommy’s here.” She took Eve from Sidonia and held her close.

“He’s a very evil man.”

“Who is, baby? Who attacked you?”

“The man who wants to kill my daddy.”

Mercy’s heart sank. No! Please, God, no. How had Judah ’s half brother, his former business partner and now his enemy, found out about Eve? Did it really matter? Apparently this man, whatever his name was, thought he could somehow get to Judah through his daughter.

Half an hour later, when Eve had calmed somewhat, Mercy questioned her about what had happened. There was only one way anyone could have gotten past the protective barrier that Mercy kept around Eve.

Eve must have let him in.

“Why did you let him in?” Mercy asked.

“I didn’t. Honest, I didn’t. I just heard him call my name. He said Eve. And I knew who he was. I blasted him to make him go away, but he didn’t.”

No, it wasn’t possible. Only someone as powerful as she, as Dante and Gideon, could have broken through such a powerful protective barrier.

“I knew who he was-my daddy’s enemy-so I socked him again and again.”

“Oh, Eve, you didn’t.”

“I did, and I warned him that I wouldn’t let him hurt my daddy.”

“Oh, God, Eve, what am I going to do with you?”

“He thinks he’s more powerful than my daddy, but he isn’t. I’ll show him.”

Mercy shook Eve gently. “No more communicating with this man. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Mother.” Eve hung her head.

“Now you run into the kitchen and have Sidonia get you some milk and tea cakes.”

Eve grasped Mercy’s hand. “You come, too, Mother. We’ll have a tea party.”

“You go ahead. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“All right.”

As soon as Eve disappeared down the hall, Mercy headed straight for her study. After closing the door behind her, she used her cell phone to make a call.

A gruff male voice said, “Why the hell are you-”

“Your brother knows about Eve,” Mercy told Judah. “Less than an hour ago, our daughter exchanged psychic blows with him.”


Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.

There were only two Ansara psychics loyal to Cael: Natalie, a girl of twenty, who had predicted that in the upcoming battle with the Raintree, many Ansara lives would be lost but they would not lose the battle; and Risa, older, wiser, more cautious, one of Judah’s discarded lovers who now often warmed Cael’s bed. Neither woman possessed half the ability that Sidra did. The old councilwoman, fiercely loyal to Judah, was the most gifted Ansara psychic. To his knowledge, the only Raintree psychic who had the potential to reach Sidra’s level was Echo. But that little bitch would be dead long before she could harness and control her gifts.

At his request, Natalie and Risa, who intensely disliked each other, arrived at his home together. Cael greeted the two women cordially, then personally escorted them into the living room and offered them refreshments. After they declined his offer, they obeyed his command and took seats on the sleek leather sofa.

He stood over them, glancing back and forth from one to the other. “I need information that I cannot gain by normal methods. You understand?”

“Yes, my lord,” they replied simultaneously, then glowered at each other.

“What I’m going to share with you is not to go beyond this room. If it does, there will be severe consequences.”

Natalie’s facial muscles tightened. “I swear my loyalty to you. I’ll take an oath in blood if your require it, Dranir Cael.”

Smiling, Cael reached down and caressed the blond girl’s tanned cheek. She returned his smile. He slapped her. Stunned by his actions, she reeled backward and gazed at him in shock.

“I displeased you?” her voice quivered.

“Not at all,” he said. “The slap was merely a test to judge your reaction.”

“Yes, my lord,” Natalie replied.

“I’d prefer not to be tested,” Risa told him when he turned to her. “I’m your loyal servant, but I am not your doormat. You’d do well to remember that.”

Cael focused directly on Risa, tall, elegantly slender, with black hair and dark blue eyes. When he was Dranir, he would prove to her that she was whatever he wanted her to be. The thought of forcing her to lie prostrate before him while he walked across her prone body brought a wide smile to his face. “I will remember,” he told her.

“Why did you summon us?” Risa asked, giving Natalie another displeased sidelong glance.

“I want you to work together to find the answer to a question. I need you to seek a child named Eve. I believe she’s Mercy Raintree’s daughter.” Then Cael added, “The little girl has powers, so be forewarned.”

“How old is the child?” Risa asked.


Natalie laughed. “A six-year-old with powers that we should fear?”

Cael nodded. “Unusual, but not unheard of. Remember, she is a Raintree princess.”

“What do you want to know about this child?” Natalie asked.

“I want to know who her father is.”

“What possible interest could the paternity of a Raintree child be to you, my lord?” Risa asked.

Cael barely managed to control his anger. How dare Risa question him? But for now, he would allow her disrespect to go unpunished. He realized she was jealous that he had shown an interest in Natalie, and by summoning them to his home together, he had placed the younger psychic on an equal level with the older. For the present, he needed Risa. Once she had served her purpose…

“Why I am interested in this child is not your concern,” he said. “Not at this time.”

Apparently finally realizing that she had stepped over the line, Risa acquiesced without further comment. She bowed her head, then turned to Natalie. “Prepare to link your mind to my mind.”

The two women sat facing each other. Risa took both Natalie’s hands in hers and stared into the younger woman’s eyes. “Go deep and let yourself travel across the ocean to the Raintree sanctuary, but do not project your thoughts into the future. Concentrate solely on the child named Eve.”

Natalie nodded agreement.

“I will clear the path for you, so that you can reach the child’s mind,” Cael said, certain that if he had made contact with Eve once, he could break through the barrier surrounding her once again. He found the anticipation exhilarating.

Judah walked along the beach, Claud eat his side, as he so often was. His cousin had been at his side, literally and figuratively, since they were boys. They had shared many things over the years-their first taste of liquor, their first woman, their first kill. They had left the island and gone to America to college together, and had joined the business world together as young men.

“Could it be a trick of some kind?” Claude asked.

“For what purpose? If it’s not the truth, why would Mercy want me to believe that Cael knows about Eve? Why tell me that he actually exchanged psychic blows with my daughter?

“To lure you back to North Carolina?”

“For what reason? The woman despises me and has made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want me anywhere near Eve.”

“Forgive me for asking, but are you sure Eve is your daughter? Isn’t it possible that-”

“She’s mine.” Judah was as certain of that fact as he was that the sun would rise in the East tomorrow morning.

“If Cael even suspects that this child is yours, he will try to kill her,” Claude said. “And no one would stop him or judge him for his actions, because he would be obeying the ancient decree to kill any mixed-breed child.”

“I’m going to call a council meeting tonight. Only those loyal to me. And I will announce that I have revoked the ancient decree. With nothing more than my signature, witnessed by two council members, I have the power to revoke any decree.”