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Or to Sussex, to die at the feet of a prehistoric hill-carving.

Tomorrow would tell.

“Have you any thoughts on where Damian went?”

“I believe messages were left for him in several places where he was apt to go. An envelope with his name on it was left at the Café Royal on Wednesday; the porter gave it to him when he appeared early on Friday. And when I broke into their house in Chelsea last night-”


“Sorry?” he asked at the interruption.

“I was outside of the house earlier this evening, and decided to break in later and spend tomorrow-today-Sunday searching it by daylight.”

“I shall save you the trouble, then, Russell, and say that the only thing to suggest where either of them might have gone was a typed message saying, ‘Look at the Friday Times personal adverts.’ By which time, I had already seen the ‘Addled’ notice. Too late. There may well be one at his studio as well-I'd intended to look there tonight.”

“Instead, you heard about the body at the Wilmington Giant and caught an evening express, arriving here too late to investigate there, but early enough for Mrs Hudson to cook you a squab pie.”

“A newsboy was calling the headline on Oxford Street at three o'clock. And in fact, Mrs Hudson and I walked in within a quarter hour of each other. She had been somewhat taken aback to find the house empty on her arrival.”

“I left her a note!” I protested.

“I quote: ‘Holmes and I have been called away, I'm not certain when we will return, I hope you are well.’ She did not find this terribly informative.”

“I gave her all the information I had,” I snapped, “which was more than you did.”

“True,” he agreed, without a trace of apology. He pawed through the litter on the window-sill for something to tamp his pipe with, coming up with a large nail that he had once thought might be evidence in a case, but was not. “Your turn.”

“I solved your bee mystery,” I told him.

Such was the intensity of his concern over Damian that he looked blank for a full two seconds. “Ah. Yes?”

“I'll tell you about it later. But I also found your album of Damian's early work, and on Friday I finally uncovered your records of his history.”

“Not until Friday?”

“I wasn't looking for it earlier,” I retorted. “I was busy with your dratted bees. And I thought that if you wished my assistance with Damian's wife, you'd have asked me.”

“What made you change your mind and go to London?”

“Perhaps it's because we've been moving forward for so many months, that sitting still felt peculiar. And I was uneasy, after reading his case file.”

“Hardly a case file,” he objected.

“Holmes, he killed a man.”

My husband sighed, but he made no attempt to defend or justify his son's act. Perversely, this made me want to try.

“Although granted, he was-”

He cut me off. “You are correct. When a man kills in the heat of battle, he is a soldier. When he does so off the battlefield, he is a murderer. Damian's mind was unbalanced, but that does not excuse his actions. However, boredom or no, I shouldn't have thought you would immediately assume that because a man kills someone in a bar fight, six years later he is still dangerous.”

“I didn't! It was more… Well, the officer who died, he looked more like you than Mycroft does. I was… uneasy.”

He stared at me, then began to splutter with laughter. “Russell, Russell, we must ensure that you are never again subjected to inactivity, if it introduces such flights of fancy into your mind.”

“What was I to think?” I demanded. “You vanish without a word, even Mycroft doesn't know what you're-”

He held up a placating hand. “Yes, very well, I see I was in the wrong, that my failure to communicate has cost you both time and mental distress. I apologise.”

My outrage subsided, and died. Unexpected apologies were such disarming things. “My time wasn't entirely wasted, I think.”

He moved to the window-sill to scrape out his cold pipe onto the shrubs below. “So tell me, apart from beehives, where did your investigations take you?”

“I started with Mycroft, who said you had asked him to make enquiries in Shanghai. Then I went to Damian's gallery to look at his art, and to Chelsea to talk with the neighbours. The gallery told me that he is an immensely talented painter who revels in disturbing images, his neighbours indicated that he has a surprisingly conventional home life, except for the occasional disappearances of his wife.

“I then went to visit Yolanda's church.”

“Which one?”

“They call themselves the Children of Lights, with a mish-mash of a service run out of a meeting hall in the Brompton Road. It's new, started up in January, but there were over a hundred people there the other night, despite the heat. People with a certain amount of money, I'd say.”

“On a Saturday. Are they Adventists?”

“Not exactly.” I described the hall, the participants, the service. “The Children of Lights-plural-are led by a man who calls himself The Master, although he wasn't there that night. The woman who led the service did little more than read from a book, although she took care to keep me from looking at it too closely, afterwards. She thought that Yolanda might have known The Master before he started the London meetings-not necessarily in Shanghai, but still. And considering Yolanda's interest in spiritual matters, it seemed possible that either the book or this woman-Millicent Dunworthy is her name-might lead me to The Master, who in turn might know where Yolanda is. So I followed her home.”

“Describe the book.”

“It's an oversized volume with a design but no name on the cover. Privately printed, I'd say, judging from the ornate black and gold cov-”

“Yes,” Holmes interrupted.

I wriggled upright from where I had been slumping against the soft pillows. “You've seen it?”

“The Adlers have one, among a surprisingly large collection of religious esoterica. That one caught my eye, the cover being, as you say, striking.”

“You didn't look at it?”

“Not inside, no.”

The faint edge of regret in his voice kept me from remonstration: Holmes' determined lack of interest in things theological had long been a bone of contention between us.

I took off my spectacles and laid them on the bed-side table, rubbing my eyes. It had been a long day, filled with bees and Bohemians, children scrubbed for bed and children in the most terrible distress. Troubling facts and distressing images chased each other around my fatigued mind, until I fell asleep thinking of the painting I had agreed to buy: a hillside of darkened cat's fur; standing stones circling a spread-eagled figure; a doubled moon looking on. In the confused jumble as fatigue overcame me, the thought occurred that the outstretched figure was not asleep, it was dead.


The Spark (2): In those willing to devote themselves,

the divine spark begins to smoulder With greater effort,

with unbroken concentration, a tiny flame will appear,

reaching greedily for fuel to its Power:

Transformation is at hand.

Testimony, II:3

I SLEPT FITFULLY, AWARE OF HOLMES IN THE WINDOWSEAT, outlined by the brilliant moonlight. At half past four, he brought me coffee; we were dressed and in the motor before the eastern sky was more than faintly light.

The Giant is less than five miles from the house in a direct line, but by road nearly twice that. As we turned north beside the Cuckmere, I asked Holmes, “Do you want me to go into Wilmington?”

“The footpath near Lullington is the more commonly used. Let us look there first.”

Half a mile past Lullington, I edged the car into the grass beside the road, hoping we could extract it when we were finished-and hoping, too, that no wide lorry or hay wagon would need to pass on this Sunday morning. While I was lacing on my walking shoes, Holmes examined the verges up and down the intersection of footpath and roadway. I could see that he found nothing of interest.