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She was the picture of composure, a lady at her bath. But the image of her smooth pink skin, a narrow waist, and dimpled derriere, were burned into his brain.

He'd bullied her, but she'd turned the tables and bullied him right back. Quite a feat. But he was not calm enough yet to fully admire her ability to outbluff him. He was too overwhelmed by the desire to unwrap the towels that hid her luscious body. He wanted to see the rest of her, the breasts he'd not really glimpsed, the softly rounded belly. The feminine vee between her legs.

"Lord Hartley?"

Harrison blinked, only belatedly coming back to awareness. As he watched, she stood and, still wrapped in the towels, slipped her arms into her wrapper. Then turning her back to him, she did a little jiggle, and from beneath her wrapper, the towel fell to her feet. She tied the wrapper in place, then finally turned back to face him, completely covered, neck to wrist to toes. But she was still naked beneath that one layer of cloth.

She planted her fists on her hips. "Now what was it that was so important I must waste a perfectly good tub of water?"

Indeed, what had been so important? He couldn't remember.

Maybe he'd only hoped to catch her at her bath and see some portion of her unclothed. But never in the wildest of his fantasies had he expected her to be so bold as to rise gloriously naked from her bath, like some Venus on her shell of a bathtub.

Perhaps she was not the innocent maiden he'd assumed her to be.

His eyes narrowed. "I confess, you have taken me quite by surprise, Miss Benchley. Unfortunately, I was so stunned I did not entirely appreciate your little display. Would you consider repeating it?"

A faint blush rose in her cheeks. So, she was not so blase in her behavior as she pretended. He found an immense satisfaction in that knowledge. He went on. "You see, Miss Benchley, all I truly wanted was to discuss the matter of our wayward siblings. But if you have another sort of… discussion in mind, I'd be more than happy to join you on the bed."

She popped up from that bed like a fox who'd just stumbled into the hound. For all her bravado, Harrison was reassured that she was still an innocent. She had a boldness to her, and courage of a sort seldom seen in a woman. But that smooth pale skin had not yet known the touch of a man. He would swear on it.

"I do not wish to talk to you at all," she vowed. " Tis you who have forced your unwelcome presence on me. Your implication is exceedingly coarse and completely unappreciated. Pray, sir, say your piece, then leave."

Harrison thought of himself as a practical man. Despite his reputation to the contrary, he took matters of family and money deadly serious. That's why he needed a wife. That's why he wanted Alice to wed a well-connected man.

But the three duels he'd fought-and won-had stained his reputation forever, even though they'd all been unavoidable. The men had challenged him. Each one of the fools had been jilted by spiteful women who'd then goaded their former lovers to fight their current lover: himself. The women had done it for the pride of knowing men had shed blood for them. The men had done it because male pride would not allow them to back down. Foolish men fighting to regain frivolous women. And he'd been the most foolish of all.

Still, he'd never ruined an innocent woman. He'd never even contemplated doing so-at least not since he'd reached his majority. But this woman-this beautiful, headstrong redheaded woman whom he'd known but two days-she was driving him to distraction!

He wanted her. It was that simple and that complicated. And now he was afraid to stand up, for the proof of his desire would be painfully apparent. He'd often had this problem when he was twenty. But he was thirty now, a jaded thirty, at that. No untried virgin should affect him so.

But this one did. Perhaps it would be best if he just said his piece and left.

He cleared his throat. " 'Tis apparent from your curious behavior that you seek to alert your brother to my pursuit. But it will do you no good, Miss Benchley. He cannot evade me forever."

"I'm certain he does not expect to."

"Then what do you hope to achieve with this mad dash you've made to find him before I can?"

"To save his hide from the murderous marquis!" she exclaimed. Her eyes flashed with anger, a clear aqua-green anger. Her breasts heaved with emotion beneath the flimsy linen wrapper. She was magnificent, he thought. She'd been magnificent in every incarnation: her early-morning attire; her bedraggled riding outfit; and now, wet and unadorned, fresh from her bath. How would she look draped in teal silk or cloth of gold, with diamonds sparkling in her hair or a web of gold and pearls draped around her throat? How he would like to find out.

"Well?" she demanded. "Have you no reply to that? Do you admit you mean to murder my brother, simply because he is so unwise as to love your sister?"

Harrison was not a man particularly given to impulsive behavior, no matter what other people thought. But when Jinx stared at him so belligerently, making accusations uncomfortably close to the truth, he reacted impulsively. The chair crashed down when he rose to his feet. Before she could do more than gasp with alarm, he pulled her into his arms.

"What-What are you doing?"

"You're a smart woman, Miss Benchley. Jinx. Figure it out." Then he silenced the protests rising from those pouty lips, from that petulant mouth. He kissed her and realized only then how much he'd wanted to do just that. From his first sight of her, all during the hard riding of the past two days, and culminating in her daring removal from the tub, he'd wanted to kiss her. He wanted to do even more, but kissing was a good start.

So he kissed her as if he and he alone had the right to do so. His lips captured hers in a carnal quest, and after a moment she began to kiss -him back. As if he'd thrown down a gauntlet, she rose to the challenge he set.

She was not sure of herself, but she learned very quickly. Her protests died unsaid and softened into little sighs of acquiescence. She was damp and lithe, a soft, strong armful, and when he pressed her fully to him, she arched nearer, intensifying their embrace. Her arms circled his neck, her lips parted to grant him entrance, and he feared he would embarrass himself then and there.

His hands roamed freely down her back, circling her waist, learning the curve of her derrière. She gasped against his mouth, and he groaned. "Feels good, doesn't it?" '

"Yes," she breathed. "Better than ever I would have guessed."

Harrison deepened the kiss, for he was heady with desire, and drunk with the passion her honest words roused in him. He devoured her mouth, sliding his tongue in and out, trying to rouse her as she roused him. He knew he was going too fast, and he didn't want to frighten her off. But he couldn't stop. His hands explored her sweet body while his mouth demanded she submit.

When she mimicked his caresses with caresses of her own, he nearly came undone. She was sweet and honest, and long overdue for her first sexual encounter-

Her first sexual encounter.

Was he insane?

With a groan he broke their kiss. With a curse he broke their embrace and thrust her away from him. But he did not let her go. He just stood there, holding her shoulders in a stiff-armed stance, his breathing harsh and ragged.

"What are you trying to do?" He glared at her, appalled at what had just occurred between them. What had almost occurred between them. "What in bloody hell are you trying to do?"

For a second she looked stunned. Her mouth gaped open. Her lips-her sweet, rosy, kissable lips-actually trembled. Then the moment passed, her jaw snapped shut, and the passionate sheen in her eyes turned to venom.