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“No, I don’t.”

“Thank you, I have no further questions.” Stone sat down, having neutralized his own witness. He looked annoyed.

“I have a question,” Judge Orozco said. “What makes you think that Vidic was not under Draga’s command?”

“He was a criminal before the war and he acted the same way during the war. He did not act like a soldier. And why would he have to pay someone to make him a uniform if he was a real Black Dragon?”

That question hung in the air as the witness was excused. While the man left the courtroom, Kevin whispered to Diane. “How are you doing?”

“Okay,” she said. “You did great with that witness. I forgot how good you are.”

“Thanks, honey. But wait until we get to the guy who saw Draga shoot someone.”

“Mr. Stone,” Judge Davidson said, “I have a question for you while we are waiting for the next witness. How many more witnesses will testify about crimes committed by this Victor Vidic?”

“About twenty, Your Honor.”

“That’s what I thought,” Judge Davidson said. “Besides the fact that he wore the uniform, what evidence do you have that he was a member of the Black Dragons?”

“Well, um, it’s part of a pattern,” Stone stammered. “Other Black Dragons did the same things at other camps.”

“Do you have any documents or records showing that Vidic was trained by the accused or his men?”

“No.” A trace of annoyance crept into Stone’s voice.

Judge Davidson continued his cross-examination of Stone. “Do you have any documents or records showing that Vidic was a member of the Black Dragons?”


“Just the uniform?”

“The uniform, and the pattern.”

Turning to Kevin, Judge Davidson said. “Mr. Anderson, you don’t seem to be disputing that Vidic committed these war crimes.”

“That’s correct, Your Honor. We do not dispute that.”

“Your position is that he was not under the supervision or command of your client.”

“That’s correct.”

Judge Davidson nodded. He turned back to Bradford Stone. “Mr. Stone, there is no point in wasting our time with twenty more witnesses about Victor Vidic. We’ll listen to your evidence about the other camps and see if there is the pattern that you have alluded to. We’ll listen to any evidence that links Vidic to the accused. But any more testimony about Vidic’s individual crimes would be cumulative and a waste of our time.”

“But, Your Honor,” Stone pleaded, “these acts are in the indictment. We have to be allowed to prove them.”

“You’ve already proven enough to convict the accused of murder, inhumane treatment, and torture, if you can prove that Vidic acted under the command of the accused. So let’s get to the point and not waste our time.”

Bradford Stone sputtered. “But – may I have a moment, Your Honor?” He turned to Charles Oswald. They huddled with their investigator, Allen Jacobson, and other members of the prosecution team. When they emerged, Charles Oswald addressed the court.

“Your Honors, if this is your ruling, we do not have any more witnesses for today. The remaining witnesses we had scheduled all deal with Vidic. We will have to recess until tomorrow.”

Judge Orozco looked over at Judge Davidson, then at Judge Linares. After a few whispered words among them, she announced, “Very well, the court will be in recess until 9:30 tomorrow morning.” The judges rose from their chairs and filed out of the courtroom.

Kevin turned to Diane. “Come on, I have someone I want you to meet.” He walked back to where Draga was seated.

“This is my wife, Diane.”

Diane stuck out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Draga took her hand, lowered his head, and kissed it. “The pleasure is mine.”

Kevin laughed. “Stop hustling my wife.”

Diane looked taken aback.

Draga was smiling. “After two witnesses, you’re two for two,” he said to Kevin.

“They’re going to regroup now.”

“You can handle it,” Draga said. Turning to Diane, he asked if there was any late word on Ellen.

Diane shook her head grimly.

“I am sorry. If I can do anything, let me know. I have children, too.”

Diane managed to get out “thank you” as she looked down at the floor. The mention of Ellen had brought her back to the real world.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” Kevin said to Draga.

“I’ll see if I can fit you in. I’m rather busy, you know.”

Kevin laughed. “I’ll get you a USA Today so you can read about your Raiders.”

“For that, I will cancel my other engagements.”

Kevin smiled and led Diane out of the courtroom as the guards took Draga out into the holding area through his special exit. “He’s not so bad, is he?” Kevin asked as they walked down the hall in their matching black robes.

“I guess not. He seems to like you.”

“There you go. The man has excellent judgment and taste.”

As they drove home, Kevin and Diane talked about Zoran Vacinovic. “Somebody had to tell the kidnappers where you lived, that you had a daughter, and where she went to school,” Diane said. “He certainly had that information.”

“It’s strange he hasn’t called,” Kevin said. “I’d like to go over to the embassy and talk to him. Maybe I can get a feel for whether he knows something. At the least, I can ask for his help.”

“Don’t do anything on your own, please.”

When they arrived home, there were no more reporters in front of their row house. Kevin was glad to get some privacy back, but worried that their story was fading from the limelight. He didn’t want people to forget about Ellen and stop looking for her.

When they entered their house, Diane checked their phone messages. There were none. Kevin checked their mail. There was a letter addressed to him. The return address said simply “Ellen.”

Kevin yelled for Diane. “There’s something here from Ellen.”

Diane rushed over.

“Don’t touch the envelope,” Kevin said excitedly, “There might be fingerprints.”

“Should we open it?” Diane asked.

“Hell, yes.”

Diane got the letter opener while Kevin slipped a newspaper under the letter and carried the paper to their dining room table. Holding the envelope by the edges, he opened it. There were two pieces of paper inside. He unfolded the first. It read:

Start defending Draga and the Honor of Serbia or your daughter will die.

She will only be free if Draga is freed.

Kevin and Diane looked at the typewritten message on the first piece of paper from the envelope. It was unsigned, and appeared to be in a standard font from a personal computer. Kevin picked up the other paper by the edges. It was a note in a handwriting he immediately recognized.

I am Fine. They Are treating me good. I hope they will Return me soon. I love you, Mommy and daddy.


Kevin looked at Diane. “At least she’s alive,” he said.

Tears had welled up in Diane’s eyes. “What do these people want from us? You can’t get Draga released. Why don’t they realize that? Why don’t they just let her go?”

“We’re not dealing with rational people,” Kevin replied. He studied the first note. “Defend the Honor of Serbia.’ That’s what Vacinovic has been saying.”

Kevin picked up the envelope by the edges to look at the postmark. It had been sent from Amsterdam. “At least she’s close. They didn’t take her to Serbia.”

“Well, they wouldn’t mail it from where she’s at. And there’s a million people in Amsterdam. How are they going to find her?” Diane lamented. “We’d better call Detective Weber right away.” She walked over to the phone.

Kevin looked at the two notes again and the envelope which were lying on the newspaper on his dining room table. Maybe they would help the police find Ellen. Perhaps the printer on which the typed letter was produced, the postmark, or some fingerprints could provide a clue.