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"Two murders," said Qwilleran, "if it hadn't been for Koko."

"Anybody want another drink?" Arch said. "Bruno, let's have two more martinis and a tomato juice…. Make it three martinis. Here comes Lodge Kendall."

"Skip the tomato juice," said Qwilleran. "I've got to leave in a couple of minutes."

Kendall was hurrying with news. "Just came from Headquarters," he said. "Narx is finally able to make a statement, and the police have his story. It's just the way Qwill said. Narx painted the Scrano pictures. Every time he came to town, he camped out in Mountclemens' vacant apartment, but mostly he worked in New York. He brought the stuff here by station wagon, posing as Scrano's New York agent."

"Did he mention the three o'clock plane flight?"

"Yes. He was the one who used Mountclemens' ticket." Odd said, "Then Mountclemens — that hammerhead — let him in on the plot."

"No. Narx was innocent at that stage of the game. You see, he had just come to town with the wagon, and Mountclemens told him to fly right back to New York to meet a big buyer who was due in unexpectedly from Montreal. Mountclemens said he had just arranged this deal by phone — in Narx's name, the way he conducted all Scrano business. Narx understood he was to hustle back and meet the Canadian in New York at five o'clock and sell him a flock of Scrano paintings. It sounded logical enough to Narx. After all, he was front man for the operation. So Mountclemens turned his own ticket over to Narx, drove with him to the airport, and saw him off on the three o'clock plane."

"How come Mountclemens' name was on the passenger list?"

"According to Narx, they barely made it to the airport by flight time, and Mountclemens said, 'Don't bother to change the name on the ticket. Just go directly to the gate and check in. He said he had decided to drive. He claimed he would start out immediately in Narx's station wagon, stop in Pittsburgh overnight, and arrive in New York Thursday morning."

Qwilleran said, "I can guess what went wrong."

"Well," said Kendall, "the sucker from Montreal was nuts about those triangles. He wanted all he could get. So Narx phoned Earl Lambreth and asked him to airfreight some of the older stock that hadn't sold."

"That's the phone call Zoe overheard."

"Lambreth said he'd send them by wagon, but Narx told him that Mountclemens and the station wagon were already halfway to Pittsburgh. Lambreth said no, the car was still there, parked in the alley behind the gallery."

"So Narx smelled a rat."

"Not until he heard the news of Lambreth's murder and realized Mountclemens had lied. Then he decided to capitalize on it. He hated Mountclemens anyway; he felt like a flunkey — a robot — always carrying out the great man's orders. So he decided to hit him for a bigger cut of the dough that Mountclemens was raking in from Scrano sales."

Odd said, "Narx was dumb to think he could blackmail a sharp operator like Monty."

"So Mountclemens laid for him in the patio," said Kendall, "but Narx got the jump and grabbed the knife."

"Did he say why he returned to the scene?"

"Mostly to collect some paintings that had his own signature on them. He was afraid the police might start checking. But he also took some Scrano pictures and was going back for more when he ran into Qwill — and that cat!"

Arch said, "What will happen to the value of Scrano pictures when this story breaks? A lot of investors are going to be jumping out of high windows."

"Well, I'll tell you something," said Qwilleran. "I've looked at a lot of art in the last few weeks, and if I had some dough to squander, I think I'd buy some nice gray and white triangles by Scrano."

"Man, you're lost!" said Odd.

"I forgot to tell you," said Kendall. "Those triangle pictures were a collaboration. Narx says he painted them, but Mountclemens designed them."

"Very clever," said Qwilleran. "Mountclemens had lost a hand and couldn't paint; Narx had a great technique but no creative imagination. Pretty slick!"

"I'll bet a lot of artists have ghost-painters," said Odd.

"Come on, have another tomato juice," Arch invited. "Live it up."

"No thanks," said Qwilleran. "I'm having dinner with Zoe Lambreth, and I've got to go home and change my shirt."

"Before you go," said Odd, "maybe I should explain about that lady welder and why I didn't get any pix last week."

"No rush," said Qwilleran.

"I went to the school, but she wasn't there. She was home with a couple of sore flippers."

"What happened?"

"Remember that guy that fell and killed himself? The Bolton dame tried to save him. He fell against her hands and sprained her wrists. But she'll be back this week, and I'll get your shots."

"Make them good," Qwilleran said. "Flatter the gal, if you can."

When Qwilleran arrived home to feed the cat, he found Koko sprawled on the living room carpet taking a bath.

"Dressing for dinner?" said Qwilleran.

The pink tongue darted over white breast, brown paws, and fawn flanks. Moistened pads were wiped over velvety brown ears. The lustrous brown tail was clutched between forepaws and groomed with painstaking care. Koko looked surprisingly like a cat and not the supernal creature who reads minds, knew what was going to happen, smelled what he couldn't see, and sensed what he couldn't smell.

Qwilleran said, "They should have given you a head, line, Koko. Cat Sleuth Sniffs Out Double Murder Clue. You were right every time, and I was wrong every time. No, body stole the gold dagger. Mountclemens didn't take the three o'clock plane. Butchy didn't commit any crimes. Nino wasn't murdered. And Zoe didn't lie to me."

Koko went on licking his tail.

"But I still don't have all the answers. Why did you lead me to that closet upstairs. To get Mintie Mouse or to help me find the Ghirotto monkey?

"Why did you call attention to the knife rack Friday night? Did you want me to know one was missing? Or were you just suggesting some chopped tenderloin?

"And why did you insist on going downstairs to that kitchen? Did you know Narx was coming?

"And how about the palette knife? Why were you trying to cover it up? Did you know what was going to happen?"

Koko went on licking his tail.

"And another thing: When Oscar Narx came at me with that blade, did you really panic? Were you just a scared cat, or were you trying to save my life?"

Koko finished his tail and gazed at Qwilleran with a faraway look, as if some divine answer was forming in his glossy brown head. Then he twisted his lithe body into a tortured shape, turned up his nose, crossed his eyes, and scratched his ear with one hind leg and an expression of catly rapture.