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"I know that's what you believe." He moved toward the door. "I had a talk with Betsy O'Keefe. That's where I was. She says Luke is concerned about your well-being and safety now that you're back in town. Another one. Something about his sense of loyalty to your great-aunt."

"Luke? Worrying about me? That's news." "Betsy says he doesn't want you to know." "Why not?" "He realizes you don't like him, but he doesn't care be cause Olivia was so good to him and he feels he owes her." Zoe frowned. "Has he acted on this concern for me?" "Betsy wouldn't say." "But you have a guess, don't you?" "It's just a guess. Betsy isn't very good at deception, but I think she's afraid Luke's in over his head and wants to keep him from getting in any deeper." He stood in the doorway to the entry, but Zoe knew not to misread his calm. "It's a fair bet Luke hired Teddy Shelton to keep an eye on you. Maybe me, too."

"Then what, Teddy sneaks into my house and shoots at me?"

A quirk of a smile. "I didn't say it was a smart move on Luke's part."

Zoe noticed a fresh drop of blood had seeped through her bandage. "Betsy won't want to mess things up with Luke. She's a good woman, J.B. She thinks less of herself than she should, and if she's found happiness with him-" She broke off, sighing, her hand throbbing. "That's a good thing. Olivia would be pleased."

"Betsy clearly loved her."

Zoe nodded, feeling her adrenaline rush wearing off. Her shoulder was throbbing now, too. "She invited us to dinner tonight- I can try to talk to her."

"Meanwhile," J.B. said, "do you want to stay here and sweep up glass, or do you want to go with me and look for your car?"


Luke and Kyle paced in the main salon like two angry bulls. Betsy had never seen them so furious with each other. She didn't think they were even aware of her. She sat as far down on the sectional sofa as she could but thought about slipping out to the afterdeck, except that might draw attention to herself.

"You should learn to mind your own goddamn business! I never asked for your help." Luke was clenching his fists, yelling, which he never did. "I've done nothing wrong. Do you hear me? Nothing."

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Kyle all but sneered at his father. "Get with the program, Pop. Teddy Shelton will turn you in before he goes down himself."

Luke went very still in that superior, intimidating way he had. "Turn me in for what?"

"Oh, fuck you," Kyle said, flouncing off.

Luke started to charge after him, but Betsy jumped up and interceded, grabbing his hand. "Give him a chance to cool off," she said. "He's not making any sense. He's had a terrible scare and he's looking for someone to lash out at."

"Why me? I'm his father-"

"That's why you." She smiled gently. "Once he's pulled himself together, he'll realize he was way off base and apologize. He'll understand that you hired Teddy because you were worried about Zoe."

"Zoe?" Luke sniffed, his skin clammy and gray as he extricated his hand from hers. "I don't give a damn about Zoe West. She can take care of herself. I'd hoped she wouldn't come back here."

Betsy was stricken. "Luke."

"Why so surprised? You don't like her."

"It's not that simple. I sometimes feel inadequate around her, but I don't know-no, I do know that's not her fault."

"Women," Luke muttered, dismissive. "I wanted to know if Zoe would try to link the break-ins at the café and her father's house-her sister's house now, I sup-pose-to his murder and start back on that again."

Betsy swallowed. "Oh."

He smirked, stepping back from her. "Betsy, you're so naive. You always want to think the best of people."

"You say that like it's contemptible."

"It can be, if it makes you willing to overlook the truth, if it blinds you to what's right in front of you." His voice was cold, his condescension palpable, but Betsy tried to tell herself it was a cover for his fears, his deeper emotions. "Do you think Zoe West cares about any of us?"

"Yes. Yes, I do."

"If we came between her and her father's killer? You, me. Kyle."

Betsy's knees went out from under her, but Luke didn't help her when she stumbled. She sank onto the sofa. "Luke!" Her voice was strangled, her heart skipping beats. "You can't think Kyle had anything to do with Patrick West's death?"

"Why not? He thinks I did."

Like it was a contest. Tit for tat. A game. You think the worst of me, I'll think the worst of you. Betsy tried to absorb what Luke was saying. "My God. You two have to talk. You have to get this straightened out."

Luke spun around and hissed at her. "Be quiet!"

But he was too late.

A white-faced Christina West was standing at the entrance to the salon. She was still wearing her apron from the café. She seemed unable to speak.

Betsy got shakily to her feet. What had she done? "Chris-"

Luke didn't move, didn't look at either woman. Christina whispered something unintelligible, flew around and ran out.

"Go after her!" Spit flew out of Luke's mouth, and he pressed his palm into the middle of Betsy's back and shoved her, propelling her across the carpeted floor. "Undo the damage you've done. Then pack up and get off my boat."

"Luke-Luke, I know you're tired-"

He pushed her again. "Go!"

Sobbing, Betsy staggered for the afterdeck, tripping over chairs as she stumbled onto the slip. Christina was faster, younger, upset but not as shattered, not as terrified as Betsy was. Betsy was shaking. She couldn't walk properly. The finger slip undulated under her with the wake of a passing sightseeing boat. She thought about flinging herself into the water. Maybe she'd drown. Maybe she'd die of hypothermia. Maybe Luke would rescue her.

But she wasn't going to kill herself.

And nobody would ever rescue her.

* * *

A damp southwest breeze brought with it gray clouds and the smell of impending rain. J.B. noted that Zoe's color was better than when he'd first charged into her house with Kyle Castellane. She was perched on an old wooden lobster pot in his rented boat, staring out at the harbor and thinking. Or maybe not thinking. She wasn't talking.

They'd found her VW on a side street about a half mile from her house, the keys on the dashboard. Shelton must have parked his truck there and walked down to Ocean Drive, crossed over to the water and gone about his business. J.B. called the police to let them know.

Since Shelton had shot at Zoe, the police wanted to go over the car thoroughly. After she and J.B. gave statements, he drove her down to the town docks and Bruce's disreputable boat.

Zoe had jumped right in, a reminder she'd grown up on the coast and had been jumping in and out of boats all her life.

Bruce was out in deep water. J.B. radioed him, but Bruce had heard about Shelton. "I haven't seen that asshole," Bruce said, referring to his former tenant. "Zoe okay? She got shot?"

" Shelton missed. She cut her hand on a piece of flying glass."


"Wasn't involved."

"I'm coming in. See you soon."

Zoe breathed in deeply, as if she wanted to suck in as much of the ocean air as she could, as if it had secret healing powers or maybe just would crowd out the demons. "Bruce's father took me out on this very boat when I was a little kid. I figured out pretty quick I didn't want to be a lobsterman. It's almost a calling in a lot of ways."

"When did you know you wanted to be a cop?"

"Then." She blinked up at the sky, her eyes the same gray as the clouds, the blue flecks seeming to have disappeared. "I knew I wanted to catch bad guys like my father. I didn't want to catch lobsters. It was one of those rare moments in life of absolute clarity, where you just know what you're meant to do."