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"Run, horse!" I yelled, and the beast understood. She whinnied and then kicked her feet as if it were the devil himself on our trail.

The horsemen came after us. And no matter how fast my horse could run she was still hindered by the weight of the buggy. We were racing down a path between two hay fields. The horsemen were bearing down on us and there was no avoiding them. I could hear their grunts and curses urging their horses to go even faster.

Up ahead there was a wood of knotty pine.

One horseman had made it to the back of my carriage. He leaped from his horse onto the buckboard.

"I'm'onna cut your throat, nigger," he yelled.

I turned my head to see him. He was about to jump on me but we hit a stone and he was knocked off balance.

When he fell I could see that the other horseman was almost upon us.

The man who was in the buggy was trying to get his balance, all the time cursing at me. But before he could make good his threats we reached the edge of the piney wood.

"Stop, girl!" I yelled to the horse.

When she slowed down things around us happened very quickly. First the horse that was pursuing us veered to the right, throwing his rider from the saddle and onto the hard road. The man who was in the buggy was also thrown down. I stood up from the rider's seat and jumped onto a large branch above my head. Then I made it through the trees as if I were a bird playing among the branches.

From the cover of the foliage I could see the five men on foot come up to their fallen friends.

The man who had jumped in the back of the carriage said, "Niggah jumped up in that tree."

Another man, breathing hard from his run, said, "Must be headed north toward the Lippman place and the river."

Two other men agreed with his guess.

I smiled to myself, knowing that I had sent our pursuers on a wild goose chase. I moved into the deeper wood and then headed back toward the hanging oak.

The sun was just now peeking above the horizon.

When I got there Flore was sitting upright and talking with Champ. The pain that had been in Champ's face was gone. Tall John and Eloise were sitting under a tree. He was telling her something and she was listening closely.

Nola approached me.

"I wanna thank you, Numbah Forty-seven," she said.

Hearing these words I longed for a real name. I wanted Nola to know me as person and friend not a number.

"That's okay," I said, made shy by her steady gaze.

"You seem different," she said. "Like you biggah or sumpin'."

"With all this stuff goin' on," I said, "I think I did grow some."

"When you fought Mr. Stewart that was the most brave thing I ever seed," she said. "Just a boy standin' up to that one-eyed monster of a man. I'll never forget seein' that for all the rest of my life."

She reached out and touched my face and I felt that everything I had gone through was worth it. I had saved her life. I was a hero, at least on that one smoky morning.

"Where did you go, Forty-seven?" Tall John asked as he approached us.

"I got them white mens to chase me," I said. "And then I run off into the woods where they couldn't catch me or see me to shoot at. They think that we on t'other side'a the valley so they ain't gonna come around heah no time soon."

"What about the dogs, boy?" Champ Noland asked. "What about them bloodhounds?"

I looked around and saw that Tall John had put up his little plate-thing that made the orange light and so I knew we were hidden from even the hounds.

"They won't smell us, Champ. You can count on that."

"I seen them dogs hunt down a man in the rain," Champ said. "We gots to run, Forty-seven."

"You can't run with that foot, Champ," John said. "Here, drink this water and relax."

John handed Champ a small stone cup filled with clear liquid and the hero drank it down. Not more than five minutes had passed when the big man sat down and then laid down to sleep. Eloise was already asleep under the tree where she and John had been speaking.

Only Flore and Nola were still awake. Flore was sitting up on her tarp with her legs stretched out in front of her and with her hands behind her, propping her up.

"Come here, boy," she said to me. "Come talk to yo Big Mama."

I was so happy to hear Flore call to me that I ran to her side.

"How you feelin', Big Mama?" I cried.

"I feel good, baby. But what happened? Where are we? I remembah that Tobias said that he was gonna beat you and then somebody hit me."

I put my arms around Flore's head and squeezed her. I kissed her face.

"Why you cryin', babychile?" she asked. "Is we dead?"

"Naw, Big Mama. We free."

Flore's eyes opened big as moons. She looked at me and then at the tree branches above her head.


The truth was dawning on both of us. We were free.


Free to do what we wanted to do. Freedom what every slave dreamed about from morning to night and from night to morning, every day of their lives.

Flore's mouth opened and tears flooded her eyes.

"Free?" she said again.

She rocked forward and put her arms around me. When she hugged me I was her little boy again. I grabbed on tight.

In the distance dogs were howling and the smell of smoke was in the air but we didn't care about all of that. We were free under the pale blue morning skies. Even if they caught us and hung us from the tree we hid behind we still had the greatest treasure in the world.

After a while Flore fell asleep too. Nola had taken a sip of Tall John's water earlier on and so she was dozing peacefully.

"Will they find us?" I asked my friend.

"I don't think so," he said. But his brow was furrowed and his words were heavy.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's a place about ten miles north of here where my machine lies hidden under the ground. There's an alarm set on it designed to tell me if one of the Calash is somewhere nearby."

"Did that alarm ring?" I asked.

John nodded.

"Maybe it's just some animal rubbed up against it," I suggested, wanting to calm my friend down.

"No. It's Wall. He has found my ship while I was distracted here with you and your friends. He will soon be able to utilize the mechanism and dig the green powder from the earth."

"Then we bettah go an' stop 'im 'fore he can do that," I said, speaking right up. "You helped me save my friends an' now I'll help you."

John smiled then.

"You would help me even though you are just now free?" he asked.

i "If'n we can put Flore an' Champ ovah wit' Eighty-four then I'd be happy that they was free an' you'n me could go an' take that green powder gin away from Andy Pike."

"It will take him a while to open the door," John said. "And together we might be a match for him."

I smiled and shook my friend's hand.

"We gonna do it," I said.

Then John said something that I didn't understand at the time but it struck me as being rather odd.

"Your courage gives me the strength to surrender myself," he said. "All life flows toward the Upper Level."

After that John gave me a drink of his sleeping water and I drifted off into a dream that was not a dream at all.

I was floating in the air among thousands of the tiny, multicolored people of John's race. Then I felt something pulling and pushing at me, and the sky disappeared and there was nothing above but blackness and stars. I was thrown out of the company of the little people and I was flying faster than anything toward one of the glittering stars.

All of a sudden I knew that I wasn't dreaming about me

but about Tall John when he got into his Sun Ship and headed off toward Earth.

The star I was heading for became as big as the sun. It was a wide field of fire that sang with power and majesty, but I wasn't afraid. I slipped through the white flames of the star and came to a place that was pure and red. It was hot but there was a place right in the middle of the star that was black and cold. I/John dove into the center of the blackness and suddenly I/John was somewhere else. I/John was far, far away from my home, and lonely. I/John would never be home again. All of my people were far behind me while I/John would find star after star traveling so far away from my home that it would be as if there was no home for me, anywhere.