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She winced at the thought. Preferably, she wouldn’t even have to see him. She just wanted to make sure he hadn’t gone off the deep end.

Who was she kidding? She was the one who’d gone off the deep end in following him.

A stout, elderly woman wearing a wild hat mounted the steps to an adjoining building, more run-down than the one Nate had entered, and two young women in white uniforms rushed along the sidewalk, talking in Spanish-Sarah made out something about an exercise class they were taking. Their casual attitude helped her feel safer, although she had no idea where she was.

The front door was, indeed, unlocked, creaking loudly when Sarah pushed it open.

The entry smelled of a strong cleaning solution. She could hear music playing somewhere above her. The ordinariness of the scene helped her to relax slightly. Nate had followed her to Central Park yesterday. Even if her motives weren’t entirely pure, why shouldn’t she follow him?

Because he’s a federal law enforcement officer.

But she was an historical archaeologist, and that took a certain amount of curiosity, guts and drive-a willingness to take risks.

Not that she’d thought through the particular risks, whatever they might be, of following a wounded deputy marshal.

She had no idea where Nate was. Upstairs, down the hall. Was there a basement? Should she start knocking on doors?

Feeling less smug about her tailing abilities, Sarah stood at the bottom of the stairs and contemplated her options. Just wait for him here?

“You’re going to be a problem, aren’t you?”

She almost screamed and spun around so fast, her hair whipped into her face. Nate had materialized behind her. Sarah caught her breath. “Scare me to death, why don’t you?”

His blue eyes bored into her. “It’s a thought.”

Sarah told herself he had a right to be irritated with her. But she didn’t let it get to her. “Where were you?”

“Let’s go.”

“This isn’t your apartment, is it?” She glanced around the tidy, worn entry. “I thought you were going home. Juliet and I saw you with the reporters and I was concerned-”


She sighed. No way was she worming herself out of this one. “Okay, fine. You think the FBI has the wrong shooter, don’t you? This guy, Hector Sanchez-”

She was out the door before she realized what was happening. Her feet were touching the ground, but she wasn’t walking on her own-he had her by one arm and was marching her down the stairs and out to his car.

He opened the passenger door with his injured arm, apparently by mistake, and swore, then shoved her inside. “Watch your head.”

“Going to cuff me, too?”

“I could. You’re interfering with a federal investigation.”

“Me? What about you? Last I checked, you were a wounded deputy U.S. marshal who was supposed to stay on the sidelines-”

He banged her door shut and walked around the front to the driver’s side.

Sarah felt a wave of guilt when he climbed in. “Do you want me to drive?”

He didn’t answer.

“Your arm-is it bleeding?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“You didn’t need to haul me out of there. You could have asked politely, and I’d have left.”

He started the car engine. “I’m not in a polite mood.”

“Are you ever?”

“Sure.” He smiled at her then, a smile that reached his hard eyes and was so unexpected and so sexy, so deliberately sexy, it curled her toes. “I can be very polite.”

Juliet had spotted Sarah jumping into a cab and following Nate’s car and almost went after her-then she figured Nate could handle Rob’s pretty southern Ph.D. sister all by himself.

She wasn’t surprised when Nate dropped Sarah off at the private waiting room. “Don’t let her out of your sight,” he said through gritted teeth, then disappeared down the hall.

Sarah’s cheeks were slightly flushed, but otherwise, she didn’t look as stricken as most people would after pissing off Nate Winter. And she didn’t look particularly guilty for having done it. But why the hell wasn’t he home in bed? Juliet couldn’t muster a lot of sympathy for him.

She crumpled up her paper water cup. “Dare I ask what happened?”

“Nothing. I followed him.” Sarah sighed and sat in one of the plastic chairs. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Juliet tossed the paper cup and poured herself more coffee. It smelled fine to her, but people had been complaining about it all morning. “Most people kind of wilt for a bit after getting chewed out by Nate. He’s not exactly your warm and fuzzy marshal.”

Sarah managed a smile. “Is there such a thing?” But she didn’t wait for an answer. “Did you learn anything about Hector Sanchez?”

Juliet had no intention of getting into the scuttlebutt on Sanchez. “Just what’s in the media. Turns out two witnesses identified him. Said they saw him crouched in the bushes on the bank just below Central Park South. He had a rifle.”

“Does the FBI believe he’s their shooter?”

“There’s been no official comment-”

“Tell me unofficially then.”

Juliet thought a moment. Sarah was upset, if not about Nate catching her following him, then about her brother, the whole situation. She deserved what answers Juliet could give her. “It’s hard to say. Nobody’s talking right now. Everyone’s being tight-lipped around here. We can’t afford to screw up. No one wants the shooter to have another crack at Nate and Rob-or anyone else.”

“Why doesn’t Nate have a security detail?”

Juliet smiled. “He is a security detail.”

Sarah didn’t seem satisfied with that explanation. “Rob has guards just because he’s more seriously injured?”


With both hands, she raked her fingers through her hair, then made an abrupt change in the subject. “I’ve been in Scotland on and off for months, working nonstop to finish a major project. I saw Rob briefly in Amsterdam last month, but it wasn’t nearly enough time to get caught up with each other. What happened to the two of you?”

Juliet shrugged. “We did great when we were working out of different district offices-not so great when we both ended up in New York.”

“You were here first?”

“That wasn’t the problem. I’m more ambitious than your brother.”

Sarah smiled. “Rob can be very driven, but he’s not ambitious.”

Juliet nodded in spite of her own urge to give Sarah Dunnemore hell for following a marshal. “I should find myself a nice guy who doesn’t know how to shoot. Why on earth did Rob become a marshal? I never figured that one out.”

“I’ve always thought he watched too many Bat Masterson reruns as a kid.”

“Yep. We marshals tamed the Wild West.”

But Sarah, rising suddenly, shook her head. “I think Rob just liked the idea of doing something that made a tangible difference. Catching fugitives and escaped prisoners, protecting the federal courts-it’s more straightforward than what our father does. It’s more like what our ancestors did.”

“He told me some of them were bank robbers.”

“Trains and riverboats, mostly. Not that many banks. And it was only one-Jesse Dunnemore. He ended up going west and getting killed.”

“Probably by a marshal from the sound of him.”

Sarah picked up the coffeepot, but seemed oblivious to how old and nasty its contents were. “Nate-does he hold a grudge?”

Juliet tossed her crumpled cup into the trash. “Forever.”

To her credit, Sarah seemed neither surprised nor distressed at the prospect of having fallen out of his good graces. She set the coffeepot down, obviously having reconsidered the merits of pouring herself a cup-Juliet figured it was rough enough coffee even for a committed coffee-drinker like herself.

“I’m going to check on Rob,” Sarah mumbled.

Given her track record, Juliet followed her down the hall and made sure Sarah was inside the I.C.U. before retreating back to the waiting room.