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Professor A. M. Sviadosh, a well-known scientist, psychiatrist-sexopathologist.

The first edition of the book was published in 1974 and was sold out in short time. In 1978 it was translated into Hungarian and published in Budapest.

The second edition includes the author's new data, is based on his clinical experience and the analysis of the modern literature. The book discribes the mechanisms, symptoms and the treatment of frigidity, vaginism, hyperbexuality, homosexuality (psychogenic and inherited forms) as well as fetishism, exhibitionism and other perversions.

Scientifically substantiated reoommendations are given concerning the elimination of sexual disharmony.

The book is primarily oriented towards physicians, sexopathologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists and other specialists, but it can be used by all the readers unterested in this subject. The book has a vocabulary of medical terms.