So why did she feel so rotten?

The morning's procedures completed, Duncan sat in his office, his back to his desk, a cup of Kenya AA cooling between his hands. He stared through the glass at the rock garden, idly noting that the red leaves of the dwarf five-finger maple were beginning to brown. Fall was taking hold. Winter was approaching. A winter of the heart.

- Gin, Gin, Gtna . . . how much lo you lenow?

- She did know something, and suspected more. Any doubts had been laid to rest by the way she'd stuck like a second skin to that senator of hers.

Duncan wondered at his growing animosity toward Senator Marsden. A decent man by all accounts, even if he was engaged in extending the domain of the kakistocracy. Was it personal? Could it be he was feeling piqued by Gin's devotion to someone else, a veritable stranger?

More crucial than what Gin knew was the question of what she meant to do about it. He couldn't get a reading from her this morning . . .

she'd been unusually quiet, distant, rarely looking him in the eyes.

Something was up . . .

The intercom buzzed. He swiveled and picked up.

"A Dr. Melendez on oh-two about Senator Marsden." An electric tingle coursed through l)uncan's limbs. Melendez? Who the hell was Dr. Melendez?

He punched 02.

Melendez, it turned out, was one of the E.R docs at G.W.U hospital. In a minimally accented voice he told Duncan that Marsden had been involved in an M.V.A this morning and had mentioned having surgery the preceding day. Melendez just wanted to check out if he was on any analgesics or other meds.

"Nothing stronger than ibuprofen or Tylenol, " Duncan said. "Is he hurt? " '"Not a scratch. The dressing on his ear wasn't disturbed in the least."

" Good."

"If you want, I can take a look under the bandage when he gets back from radiology."

"I thought you said there wasn't a scratch."

"There isn'r. But he's getting an Mr I anyway.

The feds are making a big deal out of this, I guess, his being a senator and all."

"Feds? " A larval suspicion began worming through his gut.

"Yeah. Couple of FBI types lurking about. I don't get it. I mean, he's not hurt so an Mr I isn't medically indicated in the least, but hey, I'm just a doctor."

"A lowly health-care provider, " Duncan said, trying to keep his tone light.

"You got it."

"Well, Dr. Melendez, I thank you for the courtesy of the call."

"Any time" Duncan drummed his fingers on the desk. An MRI? Of what?

The head? Or a leg? He'd been rattled by the mention of the FBI and had forgotten to ask.

And that young man Gin had been seeing lately, wasn't he with the FBI?

His fingers stopped drumming and curled into a fist.

A little too much to be coincidence.

He snatched up the phone. Bob Rubinstein had been with G.W.U radiology for years. Duncan gave Barbara the job of tracking him down, and five minutes later he was on the line.

After the obligatory long-time-no-see small talk, Duncan broached the subject. "The reason I'm bothering you, Bob, is that I understand one of my patients, a Senator Marsden, had an accident this morning and is getting an MRI. I was wondering how he's doing."

"Don't know anything about it. MR's another section. But I can find out, if you want. Can you hold? " Duncan could and he did, listening to tinny Muzak while trying to quell The tension rising slowly within him.

Rubinstein was back in a couple of minutes.

"Just spoke to Sal Vecchiarelli, the chief of MR. Know him? " "No.


" "A good man. And is he pissed! Your senator's all right, but they're doing this MR on him anyway. It seems, this is all sub rosa, so don't repeat it, okay? " "Trust me. Not a word."

"Okay. Seems the FBI commandeered this time for an Mr I of the senator last night. Some twelve hours before his accident. Looks like they knew he was going to have it. Pretty strange, wouldn't you say? " Duncan felt himself going cold. "I certainly would." '"Wonder what they're up to." '"I couldn't imagine. I operated on his ear yesterday. Are they, ? " "No.

It's his leg they're interested in. His right leg, I believe. " Duncan closed his eyes and swallowed. His mouth was parched. He did not want to ask the next question. "Any idea what they're looking for?

" '"Some sort of foreign body." He slammed his fist against his thigh.

No! No, dammit! He forced his voice to remain calm, steady.

"Are the results in yet? " "Not yet. The senator's in the tunnel as we speak. Sal's fuming. He just wants to get the study done, give them a reading, and send them on their way so he can get to patients who really need the test."

"Can't say as I blame him." '"Since the senator's your patient, I can call you back with the reading if you want."

"No, thanks, Bob, " Duncan said slowly as a weight grew in his chest.

"Not necessary." I already know the reading.

His hand trembled as he hung up the receiver. He stared at his fingers. What were they vibrating with? Rage? Or heartache?

Gin knows.

He'd guessed she knew something, but until this moment he'd had no idea how much. Now there was no more guessing. Somehow she'd pieced together the who and the how, and maybe even the why.

But instead of coming to him, she'd gone to the FBI.

He wanted to break something, punch a hole in the wall, grab his chair and fling it through the picture window.

But no. He was not a maniac. He was in control. Although, looking at all this from Gin's perspective, she had to think he was psychotic. A paranoid schiz. He'd no doubt have thought the same thing if situations were reversed.

But he'd have gone to her first. He wouldn't have sneaked off and betrayed her to the kakistocracy.

Gin, my dear sygnet . . . how could you?

She'd cut him deeply today. He didn't know if he'd ever forgive her for this. But that was a question for another time Much more pressing was the question of what was he going to do now?

FALLOUT GINA WAITED, shuffling BETWEEN THE DICTATION DESK and the recovery rooms, checking on this morning's post-ops. A light load today, two rhinoplasties and a thigh liposuction. She wished there was more to do.

This waiting was killing her.

She glanced out the window of the main recovery room and noticed Duncan's cat was gone. She stopped by Barbara's desk on her way back.

"I don't know if he's coming back or not, " Barbara said. "I looked up and there he was, breezing past me. Didn't even say goodbye."

"It's not even noon yet." Barbara shrugged. "Maybe he's got a big weekend planned and wants an early starr. ' Gin wondered about that.

Usually he stayed later on Fridays, going over a list of things he wanted done or set up before surgery began again Monday morning. Why the change in routine today? Did he suspect something?

Got to stop thinking like that, she told herself, rubbing her upper arms as a chill of apprehension skittered across her shoulders. Nothing is different today. No reason to suspect a thing.

She would have loved to leave herself, but she was required to stay on duty until the last patient went home. So she stayed on, doing everything as usual, behaving as if nothing were wrong. It hadn't been such a tough decision. The thought of sitting alone in her apartment, waiting for the phone to ring, was hardly an enticing alternative.

Lunch hour came and went without her having a bite, couldn't think of eating a thing, and Gerry hadn't called. The afternoon dragged on.

Still no call. Gin was all caught up on her dictation and paperwork, and was running out of things to do. She heard Oliver puttering in his lab. She could have wandered over to help him out, but now, after what she knew, the thought of even being near those implants repulsed her.