"Why not? " "Children might see it, " he said with a mischievous wink.

"C-SPAN should be limited to late-night broadcasts. Children in their formative years should not be exposed to politicians. People whine about violence on TV, but this is far more corrupting." Gin forced a smile. She could not find him funny now.

He continued to stare at the screen. "Where do they find these people?

" "They were elected, ' Gin said coldly. "It's the American way.

They ran for office and they got the most votes." '"Yes. Tweedledum and Tweedledummer. No one you'd really like to see in public office has the bad taste to run. And if he does, he's not going to win " "I can think of at least one exception, " she said, thinking of Senator Marsden.

"A rara avis, I assure you. Think about it, Gin. On one side you've got a man of intelligence and integrity. Against his better judgment he agrees to run, thinking he might be able to do something meaningful.

But he won't suck up to ward bosses, won't kiss babies or judge hog contests or put on an apron and a white cap for a bake shop photo op.

He insists on being judged by his positions on the issues. On the other side, however, you've got a political hanger-on who'll promise anything to anyone, make deals left and right, and pose any time someone ligts a camera, do anything it takes, anything at all, to get a vote." Duncan turned to her. Suddenly he was fiercely intent. "Tell me, Gin. Who's going to win that election? " Gin couldn't answer.

He had a point, damn him.

"I repeat, " he said, not waiting for an answer. "People who deserve to be elected rarely run. And when they do, they do not win. That's the American way " "I don't know of a better system. Do you? " '"No, " Duncan said with a sigh. "But that doesn't mean it can't be improved. We limit the president to two terms. Why not limit the legislature? " '"Senator Marsden has imposed his own term limits, " she said, getting in a plug. "Two terms and he's out." - "We'll see about that." Gin heard an ominous ring in that remark.

"Speaking of the good senator, " Duncan said, "he's last on the list this morning. And you're assisting, I believe? " "That's right. " '"By your own request, am I right? ' '"Right again."

"Why is that?

You've never before requested to assist on a specific patient." '"I work for the man. ' - He turned and eyed her. "Do you think that's wise? You're not afraid of being emotionally involved? I could call Cassidy, " "This isn't exactly life-and-death surgery And I'm only assisting.

" Why all these questions? He'd never quizzed her like this before.

Then again, aren't paranoids suspicious of everyone?

"Very well. We'll scrub at nine forty-five. Marie will have him under by ten o'clock. We should be done in plenty of time for lunch. " "Under? You're using general? " "Of course."

"Won't local do? " He eyed her. "You've been working here for how long? This is the first instance I can recall you questioning the level of anesthesia. Are you sure you're not too involved with this patient? " General meant Marsden would be groggy after surgery.

Duncan could pop that implant under his skin without the senator ever knowing.

"Quite sure, " she said. "It's just that it seems like such a small lesion, I was just wondering, " "I've got to make a wide enough incision to excise all of that tumor and leave no chance of recurrence. Then I've got to graft and rebuild the top of the auricle so it doesn't look like someone took a shot at his head and barely missed. I don't want him twitching or getting a crick in his neck and jerking his head while I'm in the middle of it.

Don't you think that's justification enough for general anesthesia? " "Of course, " she snapped, the tension getting to her. "I was just asking." A slow smile played around his lips. "A bit edgy this morning, aren't we? " She placed her half-empty cup on his desk and started for the door.

"Too much coffee, I guess. ' Out in the hall she felt her tough facade crumble. Duncan was calling all the shots. She prayed she'd be able to carry this off The surgery went smoothly. Duncan did a beautiful job of excising, grafting, and rebuilding the upper auricle of Senator Marsden's ear. And Gin did what she hoped was an equally skillful job of protecting the rest of the senator.

First, she personally helped Oliver fill a batch of his tiniest implants, one of which would be used in the senator's ear. As soon as the senator arrived, she saw to it that he was never alone with Duncan.

She accomplished that by being constantly at either the senator's or Duncan's side until the surgery.

Strangely enough, Duncan had shown no sign of frustration or agitation.

Gin had been worried that he might fly into a rage or do something rash when he found it impossible to get the senator alone. But considering the fact that she was thwarting his scheme at every turn, he appeared to be in the best of spirits.

That worried Gin even more. So now she sat watch beside the snoring Senator Marsden as he slept off the anesthetic in the V.I.P room. He stirred for the second time in the past five minutes. He was coming out of it. The ordeal was almost over.

Thank God. She was dead tired. Sitting here with the early afternoon sun pouring in the window, she might have dozed off if it weren't for her bladder. The pressure in her pelvis was becoming unbearable. She couldn't remember ever having to go this bad, but she wasn't leaving this room for a second.

"How's he doing? ' She started and twisted in her chair at the sound of Duncan's voice. He stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame with one hand.

"I've never seen you so jumpy, Gin. Maybe you're tight about too much coffee."

"I'm okay, " she said, trying to keep the tension out of her voice.

Was this it? Was this when he'd try something?

Duncan smiled. "Good. But how's the senator? He's the patient, remember? " "Coming up. He should be awake in a few minutes." Not true, but she didn't want Duncan to think he had time to make his move.

"Excellent." He glanced at his watch. "Look. I've got to run. The links are calling. And since you've decided to be his recovery-room nurse as well as his surgical assistant and legislative aide, you can handle him from here on. Just make sure Barbara gives him the usual instructions on graft care and schedules a follow-up appointment for next week." Gin stared at him. Baffled. Speechless.


"You're leaving? " she said.

"Is there a reason I should stay? " "Well, no. I just . . . have a good "Thanks. I will." game." He waved and was gone, leaving Gin sitting and staring at the empty doorway.

Am I going off the deep end? she wondered.

Hadn't she seen the tray with the TPD, trocar, and implant sitting on Duncan's desk? Why, if he had no intention of using it today? Unless .

. . Unless she had this whole thing wrong.

What if she'd misinterpreted, misunderstood? What if, ?

No. The pieces fit too neatly. Duncan was up to some thing.

But what? He hadn't had an opportunity to dose the senator with that implant, Gina was sure of that. She'd stymied his plan. So what did he do? He ducked out to play golf. Except he never went to his golf club when he said he did.

Gin's head whirled. She was beginning to have a surreal feeling.

What was going on here?

But at least with Duncan gone, she could run to the bathroom. Her bladder was going to burst if she didn't. She stepped out into the hall and went to the back door. Duncan's parking spot was empty. She ducked into the restroom.

A few minutes later, feeling almost lightheaded with relief, she was back in the recovery room.

Senator Marsden hadn't moved. But his eyes were open. He lay on his side, blinking at her.