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“The what school?”

“Farm and Trades. A fancy name for a school for boys who get into trouble. Like a reform school. One last chance before you get sent off to juvenile hall or an adult prison.”

She turned, and in the fading light I could make out her pretty smile. “Sounds like you know that place firsthand.”

“Could have, if I hadn’t been lucky.”

Soon we passed Thompson and up ahead was a low-slung island with no lights. The wind shifted, carrying with it a sour smell.

“What in God’s name is that?” Mandy asked.

“ Spectacle Island. That’s where the city dumps its trash. Lots of garbage up there, and probably the bodies of a few gangsters. Good place to lose something.”

“You know your islands.”

“Sure,” I said. “They all have a story. All have legends. Indians, privateers, ghosts, pirates, buried treasure…everything and anything.”

Now we passed a lighthouse, and I said, “ Long Island,” but Mandy didn’t seem to care. There was another, smaller island ahead. “That’s Gallops. You ready?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied, her voice strained. “Quite ready.”

I ran the skiff aground on a bit of sandy beach and waded in the water, dragging a bowline up, tying it off some scrub brush. There was a dock just down the way, with a path leading up to the island, and by now it was pretty dark. From my gym bag I took out a flashlight and cupped the beam with my hand, making sure only a bit of light escaped.

“I want to make this quick, okay?”

She nodded.

“I asked around,” I said. “I know where the barracks are. Do you happen to know where his bunk was located?”

“Next to a window overlooking the east, in the far corner. He always complained that the morning sun would hit his eyes and wake him up before reveille.”

“All right,” I said. “Let’s go.”

From the path near the dock, it was pretty easy going, much to my surprise. The place was deserted and there were no lights, but my own flashlight did a good job of illuminating the way. We headed along a crushed stone path; halfway there, something small and furry burst out of the brush, scaring the crap out of me and making Mandy cry out. She grabbed my free hand and wouldn’t let it go-I didn’t complain. It felt good, and she kept her hand in mine all the way up to the barracks.

A lot of the windows were smashed, and the door leading inside was hanging free from its hinges. We moved up the wide steps and gingerly stepped in. I flashed the light around. The roof had leaked and there were puddles of water on the floor. We went to the left, where there was a great open room stretching out into the distance. I slashed the light around again. Rusting frames for bunks were piled high in the corner, and there was an odd, musty smell to the place. Lots of old memories came roaring back, being in a building like this, taking in those old scents, of the soap and gun oil…and the smell of the men, of course.

I squeezed Mandy’s hand and she squeezed back. Here we had all come, from all across the country, to train and to learn and to get ready to fight…and no matter what crap the RKO movies showed you, we were all scared shitless. It was a terrible time and place to come together, to know that so many of you would never return…torn up, blown up, shattered, burned, crushed, drowned. So many ways to die…and now to come back to what was called peace and prosperity and hustle and bustle and try to keep ahead. What a time.

“Let’s go,” I whispered, not sure why I was whispering. “I want to get out of here before someone spots our light.”

“Yes,” she whispered back, and it was like we were in church or something. I led my client down the way, our footsteps echoing off the wood, and I kept the light low, until we came to the far corner, the place where the windows looked out to the east, where a certain man rested in his bunk, the sun hitting his face every morning.

“Here,” she whispered. “Shine the light over here.”

She knelt down in the corner of the room, her fingers prying at a section of baseboard, and even though I half expected it, I was still surprised. The board came loose and Mandy cried out a bit; I lowered the flashlight and illuminated a small cavity.

“Hold on,” I said, “you don’t know what-”

But she didn’t listen to me. She reached her right arm down and rummaged around, murmuring, “Oh, Roger. Oh, my Roger.”

Then she pulled her hand back, holding a box for Bass shoes, the damp cardboard held together with gray tape. She clasped the box against her chest and leaned over, silently weeping, I thought, her body shaking and trembling.

I gave her a minute or two, and then touched her shoulder. “Mandy, come on, we have to get out of here. And now.”

And she got off her knees, wiped at her eyes, and with one hand held the cardboard box and her small leather purse against her chest.

Her other hand took mine, and wouldn’t let go until we got back to the boat.

In the boat I pushed off and fired up the engine, and we started away from Gallops Island. The wind had come up some, nothing too serious, but there was a chop to the water that hadn’t been there before. With the box in her lap, she turned and smiled, then leaned in toward me. I returned the favor and kissed her, and then kissed her again, and then our mouths opened and her hand squeezed my leg. “Oh, Billy…I didn’t think it would work…I really didn’t…Look, when we get back, we need to celebrate, okay?”

I liked her taste and her smell. “Sure. Celebrate. That sounds good.”

But I kept looking at the water and kicked up the throttle some more.

It didn’t seem to take too long, and as we motored back to the docks of the Shamrock Fish & Tackle, Mandy turned to me and started talking, about her life in Seattle, about her Roger, and about how she was ready to start a new life now that she had this box. I tried to ignore her chatter as we moved toward the dock, and when I looked up at the small parking lot, I noticed there was an extra vehicle there.

A Packard, parked underneath a street lamp.

As we drew close to the docks, doors to the Packard opened up and two men with hats and topcoats, their hands in their coats, stepped out.

Mandy was still chattering.

I worked the throttle, slipped the engine into neutral, and then reversed. The engine made a clunk-whine noise as I backed out of the narrow channel leading into the docks, and Mandy was jostled. “What the-”

“Hold on,” I snapped, backing away even further. I shifted into neutral again, then forward, and finally sped away. Turning back, I saw the two guys return to the Packard and head out onto L Street. I immediately grabbed my flashlight and switched the engine off. We began drifting in the darkness.

Mandy gaped and asked, “Billy…what the hell is going on?”

“You tell me,” I countered.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Mandy…what’s in the box?”

“I told you,” she said, her voice rising. “Souvenirs! Letters! Photos! Stuff that means so much to me…”

“And the guys in the Packard? Who are they? Friends of Roger who want to giggle over old photos of him in the army?”

“I don’t know what you mean about-”

I pointed the flashlight in her face, flicked it on, startling her. I reached forward, snatched the damp box from her hands, sat back down. The boat rocked, a bit of spray hitting my arm.

“Hey!” she cried out, but now the box was in my lap.

I lowered the flashlight, seeing her face pursed and tight. “Let’s go over a few things,” I said. “You come into my office with a great tale, a great sob story. And you tell me you get hooked up with me because you just happened to run into one of the sleaziest in-the-bag cops on the Boston force, a guy who can afford a pricey vacation home on a New Hampshire lake on a cop’s salary. And right after you leave my office, a sweet girl, far, far away from home, you climb into somebody’s Packard. And now there’s a Packard waiting for you at dockside. Hell of a coincidence, eh? Not to mention the closer we got to shore, the more you blathered at me, like you were trying to distract me.”