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When she finished, she introduced me and told the sisters that I was there to look into the fires. She paused for a moment, looked around at her silent audience, and added, "I am sorry to tell you that letters of a quite destructive nature have been delivered to several of our sisters." She spoke in measured, emphatic phrases. "This unfortunate business must be brought out into the light. If you have received such a letter or have any information about the writer, I request-no, I direct you to speak to me or to Ms. Bayles immediately."

I watched the sisters as she spoke. Their eyes were on Mother Winifred, their faces expressionless, with that look of calm serenity I was beginning to think of as a convenient camouflage. If one of them had received a letter or had written one, the guilty knowledge was not written on her face.

The night sky was lit by a sliver of low-hanging moon when Maggie, Ruby, and I walked in the direction of the cottages, our flashlight beams glancing along the path in front of us. We were all shivering in the frosty January air. As if by mutual agreement, we said nothing about Maggie's decision to return to St. T's, although Ruby must have been quivering with curiosity and I still wasn't convinced that Maggie didn't have an ulterior motive. I couldn't help noticing, though, that her step was lighter and she was smiling. Whatever burden she'd been carrying she seemed to have left behind.

But there was something else on my mind. I was trying to puzzle out what to do about the shooting that afternoon. Had it been accidental or deliberate? The answer to that question-if there was an answer-was on the Townsend side of the river.

I caught up to Maggie. "What's the best way to get to the top of the cliff?"

"You can cross the river at a narrow spot about fifty yards upstream from your cottage," Maggie said. "The path begins on the other side. The climb takes about half an hour, maybe less."

"It's not straight up, is it?" I asked. I eyed the cliff, which seemed to loom over us. I'm not in bad shape, but I'm not a mountain goat, either.

"It isn't very steep, but it's a bit treacherous. Would you like to go up there tomorrow?"

"Actually, I'd rather go tonight," I said. "If I'm going to snoop, I prefer to do it when I'm not going to run into anybody." I wasn't sure there was anything to find, but I wouldn't know unless I climbed up there and looked.

Ruby zipped up her jacket. "Isn't it a bit cold for us to snoop?''

"You don't have to come," I said. "After all, you've got to get up pretty early tomorrow." Ruby was leaving for Albuquerque before breakfast.

Ruby gave me a look. "Of course I don't have to come. But did George and Beth desert Nancy in her hour of need? Anyway, two of us up there snooping are less suspicious than one."

"Three of us," Maggie said. "You need me to show you the path. It's not a snap in daylight-it'll be harder at night."

The path was definitely not a snap. Halfway up the cliff, I stopped to catch my breath and take a look at the moon-washed landscape. Above me, rhinestone stars glittered against a matte black sky and the moon, a quarter-round of stamped silver, was surrounded by an iridescent halo. Under my feet, luminescent chips of rock littered the path like moon pebbles. To my right, several yards away, was a five-strand barbwire fence wearing a ' Townsend Ranch-Keep Out" sign. To my left were shadows, deep, dangerous,

where the cliff plunged to a platinum ribbon of river far below.

Behind me, Ruby stumbled and slid down a few feet, grabbing at a bush and muttering words that would have made Mother Winifred blush. I turned my attention back to the path, concentrating on putting my feet in the right places. When we finally reached the top, we found a rocky ledge, maybe fifteen feet wide, the barbwire fence slicing across it at an angle. I paused, looking out over the rim. The monastery lay silent and mysterious in the moonlight below, the meadow as silver as if it were blanketed with snow. I could see the lights of Sophia and Rebecca and the flat, square roof of Hannah, and the looping road that tied the complex together. Directly below, on the other side of the silvery braid of the Yucca, was Jeremiah, serene and peaceful in the moonlight. I could see the willow clump where I'd taken cover, and the open, rocky river beach where I was standing when the shot was fired. The silence lay like a blessing across the land.

Maggie stood beside me. "God, it's beautiful," she said. She let out a long sigh. "Please, please don't let it be changed." It was a prayer.

I turned and flicked my flashlight across the ground.

"What are we looking for?" Ruby asked.

"I wish I knew." I walked along the fence line. "Some indication that somebody was here, I guess." But if the shooting was deliberate, the shooter would have been careful not to leave any traces. If it was accidental-

The torchlight glinted on something metallic in the loose rock. A cartridge case, brass. "By golly," I muttered. I found a twig and stuck it in the open end, in case there were prints, and used the twig to pick it up. I shone the light on the base and studied the identifying marks around it. 303 brit. Oh, yeah?

It's funny, the things that stick in your mind. McQuaid and I went to a gun show not long ago, and he showed me a gun that was once the pride of the British infantry. An

Enfield, a 303-the only rifle of that caliber, its hand guard removed and the stock shortened to sporterize it. And now I was holding a 303 cartridge in my hand. I narrowed my eyes. Somewhere, just recently, I'd seen a gun like that. Now where-

"What did you find?" Maggie asked, coming over.

I held it up.

"A bullet?" Ruby asked.

"Part of it."

She looked disappointed. "Too bad. If you had the rest of it-"

"That's okay, Ruby," I said, wrapping the cartridge in a bit of tissue. "This is all I need."

"Oh," she said. "Then I guess you don't want this."

"What is it? What have you found?"

She shone her torch on an empty Camel cigarette pack. Now I knew where I'd seen that gun.

I was at Mother Winifred's door before the bell rang for breakfast.

"Good morning, China," Mother said. She was wearing a rumpled green robe and she looked tired, as if she hadn't rested well. "I've just put the kettle on. Would you like a cup of tea?"

"What I'd like," I said without preamble, "is your permission to search Dwight Baldwin's living quarters." I had already made a circuit of the parking lot behind Sophia and confirmed my suspicions.

She stared at me. "You suspect Dwight of setting the fires?"

"I don't know about the fires," I said. "But I think he was the person who took a shot at me yesterday afternoon."

Her pale blue eyes widened. "Shot at you! But why?"

"To warn me off," I said. "I know it's Sunday, Mother. But I'd like you to invent a task that will occupy him for an hour or so this morning, so I can search. And I'd like a key to his quarters, if you have one."

She nodded sadly. ' 'You can conduct your search during Mass. Dwight is one of our little flock." She went to the cupboard and took down a large ring of keys. ' 'I'm sure there's a key here somewhere."

In Texas, the law doesn't permit the landlord to enter rented or leased premises, even with a key. But Mother Winifred probably wasn't current on the law, and I certainly wasn't going to sweat it. Legal or not, opening a door with a key beats breaking and entering.

Breakfast was a repeat of supper, with the refectory once again divided down the middle, neither side talking to the other. Both sides seemed more tense and fidgety than they had last night. I wondered whether they were upset by Sister Perpetua's death or by Mother Winifred's request, or whether they were counting heads. If they hadn't heard that Maggie was returning, they'd be expecting that an election would be held in the next day or two.