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"You like it? That's a great picture, isn't it?"

Behind her, Glitsky saw a couple of the other clerks in the doorway, wanting to share in what would be his no-doubt positive reaction. Feeling that it would be churlish at best and negative for staff morale to follow his impulse and rip the offending thing down, he arranged his face into a bland expression and nodded. "It's nice," he said. Feeling a little more might be called for, he offered a small, stiff bow from the waist. "My thanks to you all."

Inside the blessed sanctity of his office, a low-level rage humming in his ears, he hung his hat on the rack by the door, then went to his desk and pushed the constantly blinking button that indicated he had messages in his voice mail. Thirteen of them.

Amidst the usual bureaucratic white noise, no fewer than six of the calls concerned the picture. Jeff Elliot wanted to know about the story he'd clearly missed while they'd been talking yesterday, and could they do an interview sometime soon, maybe today, for a "CityTalk" column. His friend and mentor Frank Batiste left a message tinged with the faint but unmistakable reek of jealousy. Batiste did not say it overtly, but unstated was that if there was going to be a picture typifying the mutual cooperation between the mayor's office and the PD, maybe the chief ought to have been the one on the front page, saluting. Treya, who'd slept in later than Glitsky's own six forty-five departure and saw the photo after he'd already left for work, agreed with Melissa that it was flattering and kind of cool. Dismas Hardy, on the other hand, congratulating him with heavy sarcasm on the photo op, wondered ifhe'd noticed that the name badge on his shirt had a typo that read "Gliktsy." (Looking down immediately, cricking his neck in the process, he checked-it didn't.) And, oh yeah, Hardy added, if Glitsky needed a campaign manager for whatever office he was running for, and though somewhat upset that his best friend hadn't included him in his original plans, Hardy was his man.

Still no callback from Cuneo, he noticed. Glitsky resolved to call him at home, wake him up if need be, after he'd gone through his voice mail. The last message, though, much to his surprise, was from Catherine Hanover, who had seen the picture and recognized his name from their conversation yesterday. Having thought about it most of the morning, she finally had worked up the nerve to call and wondered if he might get back to her. Sooner rather than later. She'd had a visit last night from Inspector Cuneo and had something a little delicate, as she put it, that she wanted to discuss.

He looked at his watch. She had placed the call less than fifteen minutes ago. He started punching numbers. "Mrs. Hanover? This is Deputy Chief Glitsky."

An audible sigh, then a rush. "Thank you for calling back so soon. I didn't know if I could just leave a message for you personally, but I…" She ran out of breath and, after a slight hesitation, started again in a lower key. "I didn't know who else to talk to."

"Didn't you say you'd spoken to Inspector Cuneo last night?"

"Yes." Another pause. "I just wondered," she said, "if I could arrange to talk to you, maybe, instead of Inspector Cuneo. I mean, if you need… if the police need to talk to me anymore about Paul or the fire or anything."

"You don't want to talk to Inspector Cuneo?"

"I think I'd prefer not."

This was tricky indeed. Especially in light of Glitsky's new information that the homicide detail-i.e., Cuneo- was in fact investigating not a murder/suicide, but a double homicide. This made Catherine Hanover not just a witness, but among the universe of possible suspects to the murders. She might not think of herself in those terms. But Glitsky had already been forced to consider them because of what she'd told him yesterday-her powerful financial incentive to see Missy D'Amiens out of Paul Hanover's will or, failing that, his life. Many people had been killed for far less money.

And now Mrs. Hanover didn't want to talk to the investigating officer. On the face of it, Glitsky couldn't even begin, and wasn't remotely inclined, to consider her request. If Cuneo's questions had rattled or upset her, or made her uncomfortable in any one of a number of ways, all the better-maybe he'd come upon something relevant to the murders she was trying to hide. She was not going to be able to avoid Cuneo. It was out of the question and he told her as much. "I'm sorry," he said in conclusion, "but witnesses don't get to choose who interrogates them."

"All right," she said, her voice thick with regret. "I tried." Then, almost as an afterthought, added, "I might have known that you'd stick together."

"That who would stick together?"

"You. The police."

"Well, in this case, yes we do. It's a general rule, for obvious reasons, that suspects are rarely anxious to talk to inspecting officers."

He heard an intake of breath. She whispered, "Suspects? Did you say suspects?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"So now I'm a suspect? I thought I was a witness." Her voice went up in pitch and volume. "I volunteered everything I told Inspector Cuneo, both at the fire and then here at my house. How can I… how can you think I had anything to do with this?"

"I don't think that."

"But you just said I was a suspect."

His hand tight on the receiver, Glitsky threw a glance at the ceiling. This had gone far beyond where it should have already, and now he felt he needed to explain himself and his position, always a situation he'd rather avoid. "No," he said. "I said that suspects often didn't want to talk to their inspecting officer."

"But the inference was there, that I was one of them."

Glitsky spoke with an exaggerated precision. "Mrs. Hanover, since we have no suspects at all that I'm aware of, everyone is technically a potential suspect. That includes you, though it doesn't move you to the head of the pack. You asked if you could somehow avoid talking again to Inspector Cuneo, and I was telling you why that wasn't allowed."

Some steel now in her tone, she pressed him. "All right, then, what if I were to make a complaint about him? Who would I go to for that? What would happen then?"

"What kind of complaint?" She hesitated for a minute. "Inappropriateness." "In what sense? What kind of inappropriateness?" Another breath, another pause. "Sexual, I would say."

Now it was Glitsky's turn to go quiet. The silence hung with import. Finally, treading carefully, he said, "There is an Office of Management and Control in the department that investigates these kind of allegations. I could put you through to them right now."

But this time she jumped in quickly. "I don't want to go there. Not yet, anyway."

"Why not? If Inspector Cuneo assaulted you…"

"He didn't assault me. It's just, I mean, it was clear he was coming on to me, and I'd just prefer if I didn't have to see him again. He makes me uncomfortable. I'm not trying to get anybody in trouble here. I'm willing to talk to anybody else you send out, but Inspector Cuneo makes me nervous. That's all I'm saying."

"Did he touch you?"

"Several times. Then he squeezed my arm before he left, said I could call him at home anytime, gave me his number. It was definitely… inappropriate. He was hitting on me."

"But you don't want to lodge a complaint?"

"That just seems a little strong for what it was. I don't want to overreact. I don't really want to get him into trouble…"

"He may already be."

"No! I really don't want that. But look," she said, intensity now bleeding through the line. "Really. I just didn't want to see him, that's all. You could come out if you need to talk to me, or anybody else. I'm not trying to avoid anything with the police, and he didn't do anything so blatant that I feel like I need to file a complaint."