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Steele: Yes. Exactly.

Seibel: Is there anything that you would like to talk about?

Steele: Well, we haven’t talked that much about the beauty in programs, and I wouldn’t want that to go without remark. I have read some programs that really strike me as having a kind of beauty to them. TeX is one example, the source code for TeX. METAFONT a little less so and I don’t know whether it’s just because I use the program less or there’s something subtly different about the organization of the code or about the design of the program that I like less. I really can’t decide.

There are certain algorithms that strike me as just wonderful. I have seen little pieces of program that were marvels of code compression back in the days when that mattered—when you had only a megabyte of memory, whether you used 40 words or 30 really mattered, and people would really work hard sometimes to squeeze a program down. Bill Gosper wrote these little four-line wonders that would do amazing things if you then connected an amplifier to the low bits of some accumulator while it was twiddling the bits.

This may seem like a terrible waste of my effort, but one of the most satisfying moments in my career was when I realized that I had found a way to shave one word off an 11-word program that Gosper had written. It was at the expense of a very small amount of execution time, measured in fractions of a machine cycle, but I actually found a way to shorten his code by 1 word and it had only taken me 20 years to do it.

Seibel: So 20 years later you said, “Hey Bill, guess what?”

Steele: It wasn’t that I spent 20 years doing it, but suddenly after 20 years I came back and looked at it again and suddenly had an insight I hadn’t had before: I realized that by changing one of the op codes, it would also be a floating point constant close enough to what I wanted, so I could use the instruction both as an instruction and as a floating point constant.

Seibel: That’s straight out of “The Story of Mel, a Real Programmer.”

Steele: Yeah, exactly. It was one of those things. And, no, I wouldn’t want to do it in real life, but it was the only time I’d managed to reduce some of Gosper’s code. It felt like a real victory. And it was a beautiful piece of code. It was a recursive subroutine for computing sines and cosines.

So that’s the kind of thing we worried about back then. When I programmed on the IBM 1130, there was this concept of a boot card, which is a single card you put on the front of your deck. You hit a start button on the computer and the hardware would automatically read the first card and put it in the first 80 locations in memory. And then start execution at a given location. And the job of that card was then to be a real card-reader routine to read the rest of the cards, and then that’s how you got yourself bootstrapped.

What made it hard on the IBM 1130 was that cards have only 12 rows and it was a 16-bit computer word. So the 12 bits were scattered throughout the 16 bits of instructions, which meant that some instructions couldn’t be represented on the card. Therefore any instructions that couldn’t be represented on the card had to be built by using other instructions that were on the card. So you had this very complicated trade-off—“What instructions can I use, and if I use this instruction; I’m going to need several other instructions on the card just to build it”—and this presented a tremendous amount of pressure and you only got 80 words to write your routine, and so you do tend to use things like reusing instructions as data, using a piece of data for more than one thing. If you can manage to put this little subroutine there in memory, then its address can also be used as a data constant. This is what it took—it was origami and haiku and all that as a style of programming. And I spent several years doing that.

Seibel: Do you think that people who went through that discipline are better or worse programmers in the current environment?

Steele: They got experience at dealing with resource constraints and trying to measure them accurately.

Seibel: Well, learning to measure them accurately is a good thing. But it can also cut both ways where you develop habits of programming that are now maladaptive.

Steele: It’s easy to become too fixated on optimizing something just because you can, even though it’s not what you need to work on. That’s indeed true. I’m glad that my son had the experience of programming TI calculators when he was in high school. Because again, those had moderately severe memory constraints. And so he had to learn how to represent data in compressed forms to get it to fit in the calculator. I wouldn’t want him to spend his whole programming career that way, but I think it was a useful experience.

Seibel: Back to code beauty—that kind of haiku, origami programming is beautiful for the reason that any intricate little thing is beautiful.

Steele: Yes. But I should emphasize that that piece of Gosper’s code is beautiful not only because you can compress it in this way—one of the reasons it’s so small to begin with is because it’s based on a beautiful mathematical formula, a triple angle formula for the sine function. And that recursion can be expressed very concisely on this particular architecture because that architecture was designed to support recursion in a way that other machines of its day weren’t. So there are several different aesthetics melding together, combined in this one routine.

Seibel: You also mentioned Knuth’s TeX, which is obviously a much larger program. What is it that makes that program beautiful?

Steele: He took a very, very complicated program with lots of special cases and reduced it to a single, very simple paradigm: sticking boxes and glue together. That was an immensely critical breakthrough. It turns out to be flexible not only for typesetting text but for all manner of other things as well that have to do with laying things out visually, two-dimensionally, on a page. I wish that more GUI interfaces were based on boxes and glue for laying out buttons and things like that.

Seibel: So there is beauty to be appreciated once you understand what boxes and glue means, you can say, “Yeah, that’s a deep and righteous idea and I appreciate the beauty of that and see how it would apply outside this one program.” Is there further aesthetic quality that you get—and can only get—by reading through the source code and seeing how that theme plays out? Or is it more that you read the whole thing and then at the end you say, “Wow, that was really all based on this one simple, but not simplistic, idea.”?

Steele: It’s a combination of those. And Knuth is really good at telling a story about code. When you read your way through The Art of Computer Programming and you read your way through an algorithm, he’s explained it to you and showed you some applications and given you some exercises to work, and you feel like you’ve been led on a worthwhile journey. And you’ve seen interesting sights along the way. Wandering through the code of TeX I feel much the same way. I’ve learned some things about programming. And some parts of them are mundane and perfunctory and so forth. And other ones you say, “Wow, I didn’t think of organizing it that way.” It’s a little of each.

Seibel: At the other end of the spectrum from code beauty, software is also full of painful historical warts that we can’t get rid of, like differing lineending conventions.

Steele: Yes. We spent hours and hours in the Common Lisp committee just debating the treatment of end of line in order to accommodate both Unix, which used just newline, and the PDP-10 systems, which used CRLF. And getting the definition of newline just right so it worked on both those operating systems was a nightmare.