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So when they ask, “How long is it going to take you to put this change in?” you have three answers. The first is the absolute shortest way, changing the one line of code. The second answer is how long it would be using my simple rule of rewriting the subroutine as if you were not going to make that mistake. Then the third answer is how long if you fix that bug if you were actually writing this subroutine in the better version of the program. So you make your estimate someplace between those last two and then every time you get assigned a task you have a little bit of extra time available to make the program better. I think that that makes an incredible difference. It makes for programs that evolve cleanly. It’s amazing to have a program that’s still in version one but it’s like Washington’s hammer. It’s now a really sleek new thing because all the key parts have gotten fixed without any project manager having to actually authorize you to go rip out the guts and go fix it.

Seibel: Have you heard of refactoring?

Cosell: No, what is that?

Seibel: What you just described. I think now there’s perhaps a bit more acceptance, even among the project managers of this idea.

Cosell: Oh, that’s good because I used to need a bug that—I used to need a reason to change the piece of the code to do what you just said because I could never get permission just to rewrite it to make it cleaner. So I would have to wait till a bug or an improvement request came along touching that part of code, but then I would do exactly that. I guess the thing about refactoring is that you have spend some time thinking about what the right target is because it won’t do to refactor and have different people aiming in different directions or to have the target not be the right thing.

I never did that with a name; it just seemed like the only way I could do two things: manage the complexity and get a program that you didn’t have to throw out and code over. The PDP-1 taught me that. It ran for a lot of years and it was such a huge project. It took three or four guys to write the first two versions of it and there was no way to throw it out, but it had to get better.

Seibel: How do you hire programmers? How do you recognize the talented ones?

Cosell: I couldn’t ever get into the standard interviewing paradigm. People talk about—and I think Microsoft was famous for this—giving them little problems to solve. I seem to have taken a more intuitive approach. I basically glanced at the guy’s—or girl’s—résumé to get a feel for whether they felt like my type of person. Often the résumés were useless because they were just college seniors about to graduate. You read between the lines that this fancy-looking project was really a class project for some course in something or other. But I used to talk to them and just get a feel whether they had somehow the kind of inquiring, curious, precise kind of mind that I had grown to expect people around me to have.

What were their other interests, their nonprofessional interests? Did they show both aptitude for picking things up, and curiosity? It was kind of slapdash how I did all of that. I had this idealized image of a BBN-quality person, some vague thing about aptitude, curiosity, quickness of learning, interested in lots of different things, and kind of broadly based. I used to go on a hunt to see if I got the impression that this person was going to be BBN-quality folk.

Seibel: As you mentioned, Microsoft is famous for asking puzzle-type questions. And you like puzzles. What do you think of that as a way of gauging someone’s potential?

Cosell: Carefully chosen, I think it has potential. Not because the person solves the puzzle, but if it gives you a glimmer as to how they organize something to approach it. I have never used it. I would certainly not have handed somebody one of the little tchotchke puzzles and watched them while they tried to put it back together again. The problem is that a lot of these puzzles require different styles of solution, and either you know that or you don’t. That’s not so good because I don’t want somebody who’s really good at doing a sliding-block puzzle because they happen to know some good tricks for doing that.

BBN spent a lot of its time sailing in unknown waters, doing things that hadn’t been done, that we didn’t know how to do. And that requires both a degree of daring, because it’s not so easy, and a degree of skill in order to not founder. That’s the kind of thing I’m looking for, not looking for somebody with a knack for solving a particular puzzle but, thrown into this complicated thing that they have a need to deal with, can they approach it reasonably?

A case in point was when the Rubik’s Cubes arrived. We had just heard rumors about this wonderful puzzle and one of the guys was on a business trip to England and brought back a satchel of them. No books, no documentation, not yet a phenomenon in the U.S. at all. Just a strange little group theoretic puzzle. And we started to play with it. Several of us solved the puzzle in different ways, but it was interesting that we were able to cope with a puzzle like that. It’s just that that group of BBN people back then had the right stuff. That was what I used to look for.

I don’t know whether Microsoft’s little quizzes—and I’ve heard that Google has an aptitude test too, or something—I don’t know if those can give you a hint that this person has the right spark. But that’s what I used to look for. Does this person look like they’re ready to be BBN-quality folk? Often I would say no. They’re perfectly good, they’re terrific engineers, but as we’re talking I’m not getting that spark. My approach was to look for the spark, and I don’t know how I did it.

Seibel: Do you think programming is a young person’s game?

Cosell: I think that may be the case. I can even see, as I look back at some of the projects I worked on toward the end of my career at BBN, that the people I had doing the work for me were doing things that I couldn’t possibly have done. One of the guys working for me thought that using Tcl would be a neat thing for part of the interface, so in a day and a half he learned enough Tcl to bring the thing up and make it work, which I don’t think I could’ve done. It was amusing for me to think in the back of my head, “Gee, I used to be able to do things like that.”

I think that the actual production of code—of working, logical, good code—requires an intensity and a mental agility in terms of picking up new things that I, at least, find hard to do now. The other side of the coin is that you get a certain wisdom about things that you certainly didn’t have when you were younger. I know better now how to do things. So I find a better mix is to be able to give young and active people guidance. I think that by and large the sort of programming that I’ve been talking about is similar to the old saw about mathematics, that most mathematicians do most of their best work well before they’re 30. The kind of intensity, the kind of focus that you need to do really cutting-edge mathematics is probably similar to what you need to do the kind of crazy programming I used to do back when I was young.

Seibel: One part of the intensity is that it’s simply physically draining to work long hours. Are long hours necessary or are they just a side effect of the fact that we love it?

Cosell: I think that’s a personality side effect. The question of whether you can put something down and come back to it or whether you are compelled to stick with it and finish it is more of a personality thing. There were certainly many people I knew of at BBN out in the brilliant end of the spectrum who were perfectly able to work normal hours and not be interested in coming in on weekends. Then, of course, there were the other people who were at the lunatic fringe—for a while I was sleeping in the computer room because it took me too long to drive back to my apartment. I would just take a nap in the computer room and I have no idea how crazy people thought I was for doing that. But I don’t think that is necessary; I think it’s a byproduct of the fact that doing the kind of thing that we do is pretty exciting, especially when it starts to come together.