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76. Op. cit.

77. Op, cit., p. 334.

78. Op. cit., p. 336.

79. Op. cit., p. 337.

Глава 7

1. Krishna, G. (1970 rev.) Kundalini: The evolutionary energy in man. Boulder: Shambhala, p. 51.

2. Sivananda, S. (1969) Spiritual experiences (Amrita anubhaval Himalyas: Divine Life Society, p. 70.

3. Goel, B.S. (1985) Third eye and Kundalini. India: Third Eye Foundation.

4. Underhill, E. (1961) Mysticism. New York: E. P. Dutton, p. 59.

5. Narayanananda, S. (1950) The primal power in man or The Kundalini shakti. Gylling, Denmark: N. U. Yoga Trust & Ashrama, p. 124.

6. Op. cit., p. 125–127.

7. Op. cit., p. 127–128.

8. Sivananda, Op. cit., p. 60.

9. Hari Dass, B. (Personal communication, Dec. 30, 1986).

10. Tweedie, I. (1979). Chasm of Fire. Great Britain: Element.

11. Sivananda, Op. cit., p. 60.

12. Muktananda, S. (1978) Play of consciousness. Ganeshpuri: Gurudev Siddha Peeth, p. 31.

13. Jung, C. G. (1968) Psychological commentary on Kundalini yoga. Spring. New York: Spring Pub., p. 96.

14. Muktananda, S. Op. cit., p. 40.

15. Krishna, G. Op. cit., p. 195.

16. Narayanananda, S. Op. cit., pp. 132–137.

17. Cousens, G. (1986) Spiritual nutrition and the rainbow diet. Boulder: Cassandra Press, p. 113.

18. Muktananda, S. Op. cit., p. 125.

19. Sinh, P. (trans.) (1981) The hatha yoga pradipika. Delhi: Sri Satguru, p. i.

20. Vishnudevanada, S. (1960) The complete illustrated book of yoga. New York: Julian, p. 246.

21. Vasu, R. (trans.) (1914) The gheranda samhita. Delhi: Sri Satguru, pp. 37–38.

22. Op. cit., pp. 40–41.

23. Kennett, R. (1979) How to grow a lotus blossom. Mt. Shasta, CA.: Shasta Abbey, p. 187.

24. Op. cit., pp.57.

25. Op. cit., pp. 80–81.

26. Op. cit., p. 84.

27. Reich, S. (1946/1979) Character Analysis. New York: Pocket. p. 393.

28. Op. cit., p. 50.

29. Baker, E. (1969) Man in the trap. New York: Macmillan.

30. Fadiman, J. and Frager, R. (1976). Personality and personal growth. New York: Harper and Row, p. 127.

31. Reich. W. (1961) Ether. God and the devil & Cosmic superimposition. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, pp. 51–52.

32. Op. cit., p. 49.

33. Baker, E. Op. cit., p. 68.

34. Op. cit., p. 70.

35. Op. cit., pp. 69–70.

36. Op. cit., p. 71.

Глава 8

1. Da Free John (1979) Compulsory dancing. Clearlake, CA.: The Dawn Horse Press, p. 91.

2. Op. cit., pp. 20–21.

3. Anonymous, "The Dawn Horse" (1986 Nov/Dec), p. 6.

4. Satprem (1970) Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

5. Da Free John, Op. cit. p. 5.

6. Goel. B.S. (1985) Third Eve and Kundalini. India: Third Eve Fd. p. 145.

7. Aurobindo, S. (1971) Letters on Yoga. 4 parts. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, p. 1670.

8. Bailey, A. (1953) Esoteric Healing. New York: Lucis, p. 127.

9. Aurobindo, S. (1950) Letters of Aurobindo. first series. Bombay: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, p. 79.

10. Op. cit.

11. Aurobindo (1971) Op. cit., p. 1679.

12. Bailey, A., Op. cit., p. 123.

13. Moss, R. (1981) The I that is we. Berkeley: Celestial Arts, p. 25.

14. Op. ciL

15. Op. cit., p. 26.

16. Satprem, Op. cit., p. 250.

17. Op. cit., p. 251.

18. Jung, C. G. (1975) Psychological Commentary on Kundalini Yoga — lectures one and two — 1932. Spring. New York: Spring Pub. p. 30.

19. Op. cit. p. 30.

20. Pradhan, V. G.(1969) Jnaneshwari: A song-sermon on the Bhagavadgita. Vols. 1–2. London: Blackie & Son, pp. 183–201.

21. Danielou, A. (1955) Yoga: The Method of Re-Integration, p. 22.

22. Grof, S. and Grof, C. (1986). "Spiritual Emergency: the Undertanding and Treatment of Transpersonal Crisis", ReVision 8. 7-31, p. 17.

23. Jones, R. (personal communication, Dec. 6, 1987).

24. Muktananda, S. (1978) Understanding siddha yoga, pp. 101–104.

25. Jung, C. G. (1968) Op. cit., p. 12.

26. Jung, C. G. (1975) Psychological Commentary on Kundalini Yoga — lectures one and two — 1932. Spring. New York: Spring Pub. p. 13.

27. Jung, C. G. (1976) The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings (R.F.C. Hull. Trans.) Collected Works. Vol.18. New York: Princeton University, p. 126.

28. Jung. C. G. (1959) Aion (R.F.C. Hull. Trans. 1 Collected Works. Vol. 9 New York: Princeton, University, p. 24.

29. Op. cit., p. 23.

30. Jacobi, J. (1967) The Way of Individuation. London: Hodder & Stoughton, p. 53.

31. Op. cit., p. 83.

32. Op. cit., p. 118.

33. Jacobi, J. Op. cit., p. 20.

34. Jung, C. G. (1968) The Interpretation of Visions: Excerpts from the Notes of Mary Foote, Spring. New York: Spring Pub., p.100.

35. Mookerjee, A. (1983) Kundalini: The arousal of the inner energy. New York: Destiny, p. 53.

36. Jung. C. G. (1959) Op. cit, p. 180.

37. Kennett, J. (1979) The Book of Life. Mt. Shasta, CA.: Shasta Abbey, p. 96.