The Jesus Incident
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The Jesus Incident

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Страниц: 96
Символов: 601780
ID: 117295
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1979
Создана 28 октября 2010 12:14


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A determined group of colonists are attempting to establish a bridgehead on the planet Pandora, despite the savagery of the native lifeforms, as deadly as they are inhospitable. But they have more to deal with than just murderous aliens: their ship's computer has been given artificial consciousness and has decided that it is a God. Now it is insisting - with all the not inconsiderable force of its impressive array of armaments to back it up - that the colonists find appropriate ways to worship It

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