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“I think it would be a good idea for you to hire that P.I. Hell, I’ll pay for it. You can hire a different one if you’re afraid he’ll be biased.”

She wondered if he was daring her. What he didn’t understand was that she would do anything to protect Joel. “I suspect that you would only hire the best, so I’ll take your recommendation. But I’ll pay for it.” She glanced at her watch. “I should go. Thank you for your time and lunch,” she said, looking at the plate of food she’d barely touched. Nerves had chased away her appetite.

“I’ll walk you out,” he said, rising as she did.

“It’s not necessary,” she said. “I’m parked just across the street.”

She began to pull on her jacket and he reached over to assist her. The considerate gesture bothered her. One more little bit of evidence that perhaps he wasn’t a monster after all. Was it possible that Tabitha would have lied to her?

Rafe escorted her through the crowded restaurant. He was the kind of man to draw glances. His confidence and charm were magnetic. He opened the door and chuckled under his breath.

She shot him a questioning look.

“I’m not used to winter. I left my jacket in my brother’s office. We’ll probably trade some trash talk over the weather.”

“Like what?” she asked, curious.

“He’ll call me a lightweight. I’ll tell him he’s just jealous because he doesn’t live in the tropics in winter.”

She couldn’t resist a smile. “Please tell him he’s done a great job with this restaurant.”

“Despite the fact that you hardly ate any of your meal,” he said.

“It would have been nice if you hadn’t commented on that,” she said, feeling self-conscious because she wanted to project complete confidence.

“There’s nice and there’s stupid. Sometimes you have to choose one or the other. But I’ll let you tell my brother what you think of his place. You’ll meet him. You and I are just getting started,” he said.

The expression in his dark eyes bordered on sensual, but that couldn’t be possible, Nicole thought. Not in their situation. He was just a humongous flirt. He probably flirted with ninety-year-old women. Perhaps that was part of his appeal.

“Good-bye for now, then,” she said and stepped into her car, wishing he didn’t affect her the way he did. He pushed the door closed and stepped backward with a wave. Nicole shored up her defenses as she pulled away. She wouldn’t be deceived by his charm. As soon as she got home, she would call that investigator and ask for a full report on Rafe Medici.

She didn’t trust him. If he couldn’t be a good father to Joel, she might have to do the unthinkable. She might have to take Joel and flee from the country. Leaving the States would give her at least a shot at keeping Joel safe if Rafe turned out to be abusive. It would be far easier for her and Joel to disappear in a foreign country. The prospect terrified her. Nicole had always been a rule follower, but there was too much at stake now. After she put Joel to bed tonight, she would put together a contingency plan for how to get away from Rafe Medici.

Even though it was too damn cold, Rafe watched Nicole as she drove away. She was a peculiar mix, way too strait laced for his taste. But when she smiled, it was genuine, and warmth radiated from her. When she gave in to that husky little laugh, the sound grabbed at his gut. She was the kind of woman a man had to earn. Not so much because she counted on her beauty and wiles. She could have if she wanted to. She was certainly beautiful. No, the reason a guy would have to earn her attention was because she didn’t give it away easily.

Rafe worked from Michael’s house the rest of the day. He should have been tired, but it took him a long time to fall asleep. He finally drifted off to a restless sleep.

Flames surrounded him, the sound of screams stabbed at him. He watched his father’s face stretch into a grimace of pain.

Rafe heard his father shout.

The agony of the sound sent a bolt of terror through him. He saw his brother Leo screaming in fear. “Daddy, Daddy!”

Rafe ran toward his father and Leo, struggling to save them. Just as he grew close, a wall shot up between them. The wall was acrylic. He could see through it, but he couldn’t get past it.

Beating against the wall, he watched his father and brother suffer as flames engulfed them.

“Let me,” he yelled. “Let me…” His knuckles bled as he hammered his fists against the wall. “Dad…Leo…”

His father’s face turned gray, the color of death. Leo’s scream filled his brain. Rafe ran, desperate to save them both.

A cramp knotted his calf, jolting him awake. He swore under his breath, sitting upright in his bed, gasping for air. Sweat drenched his body. His heart pounded. He needed to get his father. He needed to save Leo.

Several seconds passed before he realized he’d been locked in a dream. The same dream he’d experienced since he’d been told that his father and Leo had died in the train accident. He’d spent so many nights wanting to fix it. To rescue his father and Leo. It had been too late, but he still wanted to save them.

He still had to try.

Sucking in a deep breath of air, he rose from his bed and paced from one end of his bedroom to the other. The wetness on his skin began to dry. It had been a dream, although years ago, some of it had been all too real. He couldn’t have done anything about it when it had happened. That tragic reality swept through him for the hundredth time. He couldn’t do anything about it now, either, he thought, inhaling deeply.

Rafe thought of Joel and Nicole. He could do something about them, he thought. And he would. Nothing would stop him. He would never be helpless again.

Early the next morning he put together a plan.

His BlackBerry rang, interrupting his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID.

“Maddie,” he said to his assistant. “What’s up?”

“I thought you should know that Mr. Argyros is in town and he’s been asking for you more than once. I get the impression he may be looking to acquire.”

“He’s always worked with Livingstone in the past. He may just be trying to work another deal.”

“True,” she said.

He felt a familiar gnaw of hunger-the possibility of winning. “How long is he in town?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I think he said something about three more days.”

Rafe raked his hand through his hair and stifled a sigh. He was accustomed to making quick, difficult decisions. This one was a little more difficult than usual, but it didn’t stop him. “Okay, I need you to find a house for me.”

“A house?” his assistant echoed. “Wow. Did you have anything particular in mind?”

“I have a son. Changes need to be made. I’m bringing my son back to Miami with me.”

A long, full silence followed. “A…son?” she whispered.

“Yeah. I’m bringing his-” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Mother.”

“Oh,” she said.

“It’s complicated.”

“Sounds like it,” she said.

“I’ll give you more instructions tomorrow.”

“We have to leave for Miami the day after tomorrow,” Rafe said as he made an unexpected visit the following night.

Nicole gaped at him. “Excuse me?”

“It’s business. I can’t wait any longer and I won’t leave Joel behind.”

Nicole’s stomach clenched. “Why not? Joel has been fine here with me.”

“Joel’s my son. I won’t leave him behind. I’ll never leave him behind again.”

She saw his deadly determination and felt a chill shoot through her. “It’s not that easy. Joel doesn’t even know you. Do you have any idea how traumatic this will be for him to be jerked away from everything he knows?”

“Then come with him,” he said.

Nicole blinked. She’d spent the previous evening making arrangements with the private investigator and making contingency plans to leave the country with Joel. “I don’t know what to say,” she said.