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“Mommy, wake up,” Joel said, bouncing up and down on Rafe’s bed.

“Look at you,” she said, smiling at his enthusiasm. “What is happening at preschool today?”

“Turtles,” he said, looking at her as if she should have remembered. “We get to pet turtles. Can I bring one home?”

“Not today,” she said, ruffling his curly hair. “But I want you to give me a report on turtles.”

“Are we gonna get one?” Joel asked, bouncing up and down.

She tapped his little nose with her finger. “We’ll see. We need to do some research. Now scoot so I can take a quick shower.”

An hour later, she took Joel to school, then returned home. Just as she was entering the house, she overheard the chauffeur, Dan, talking to Carol.

“I’ll have to cancel the repair for the limo. Mr. Medici called and he needs me to bring an envelope from his home office.”

“I can do it,” she offered. Rafe had extended an open invitation for her to visit him when he was working on the yacht. She knew he would be busy, but she would be satisfied just to see him for a few moments. The last couple of days had felt like a dream. Even though she wore the diamond band he’d placed on her finger, their marriage still felt surreal.

“That’s very nice of you Miss-” The chauffeur broke off and smiled. “Mrs. Medici, but not necessary.”

Hearing the man refer to her as Mrs. Medici took her off guard. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s really no trouble. I didn’t have anything else planned.”

“If you’re sure,” he said. “Mr. Medici said the envelope was on his home-office desk marked NA.”

“I’ll take care of it,” she said and grabbed the manila envelope. Stopping in her bedroom-her old bedroom, she mentally corrected herself-she ran a brush through her hair and put on some lip gloss. She gave a quick glance in the mirror and surprised herself with her image. Her eyes sparkled, her cheeks were flushed with excitement and her lips curved in a smile.

Because of Rafe? she wondered. She decided, for once, not to second guess herself. She was happy. Joel was happy and she wanted to help make Rafe happy.

She hopped into the town car and followed the instructions from the GPS to Rafe’s yacht. Valet took care of parking and she walked toward the yacht with the envelope in her hand. The sun shone brightly, matching her mood.

A staff member greeted her, invited her onboard and pointed her in the direction of Rafe’s office. Descending the stairs, she heard voices as she drew closer. The door to the office stood ajar.

She pushed it open and found Rafe in Maddie’s arms.

“We were always meant to be together,” Maddie said, sliding her fingers through his hair and pressing herself against him. “This marriage won’t change a thing. You’ll never be able to trust her like you can trust me.”

Stunned, she dropped the envelope and Rafe immediately looked up at her. “Nicole,” he said. “It’s not-”

“No,” she said, shaking her head and stumbling backward. Her heart felt as if it shattered into a million pieces. The pain was staggering. “I-I-” Her throat closed around a huge knot of emotion, forcing out a squeak of distress.

Terrified that she would burst into tears, she turned and fled. Blindly climbing stairs, she ran toward the light, wondering when she would breathe again. She brushed past the staff, all the while hearing Rafe call after her.

“Nicole, wait! Nicole.”

Hearing him gain on her, she ran faster. She felt like such a fool. There for two nights, she’d believed it was possible that she and Rafe could make their marriage work. Now, she knew better. He was wealthy and successful, so the usual rules didn’t apply to him. He was entitled to whatever and whomever he wanted just like her father.

She felt his hand on her arm and she tried to pull away, but he caught her shoulders in a gentle, but firm grasp and turned her to face him. His gaze bore into hers. “You were right about Maddie. I told her you and I got married and she went berserk. She said it was a mistake and that we belonged together. You saw.”

“But she said our marriage wouldn’t change anything between the two of you,” she said, afraid to believe him.

“She was wrong and I’m going to have to dismiss her. She’s never crossed that line with me until today.”

“You’re going to fire her?” she said, not sure whether she should be relieved or feel pity for the woman.

“I don’t have a choice,” he said. “You and I are just getting started and you and Joel are most important.”

She bit her lip, wondering why she believed him. Was it the rock-solid honesty she saw in his eyes? Or was it wishful thinking?

He rubbed his hands over her upper arms. “I don’t want you going anywhere right now. I’ll take you home,” he said.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “Don’t you already have your Corvette here?”

“I’ll send the chauffeur for it.” He raked one of his hands through his hair. “Just give me five minutes. I need to officially dismiss Maddie and have her escorted off the yacht.”

“Escorted off?” she repeated, wincing at the implications.

He nodded. “I’ll send her a letter of recommendation via email, but she needs to leave immediately. I’ll meet you at the valet in five minutes or less.” He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers, his kiss providing a reminder of promises they’d made so recently.

She walked along the dock toward the valet, feeling a stab of sympathy for Maddie. Rafe was irresistible. Heaven knew, she had tried not to fall for him, but his combination of strength and drive, not just for business, but for Joel, had made something inside her shift. Maybe everything inside her had shifted, she thought as she turned and saw Rafe striding toward her. Her heart stuttered.

“Is she okay?” she asked as he stepped beside her and guided her the rest of the way to the valet.

He asked for the car and turned to her, shaking his head and lifting a strand of her hair. “You’re incredibly beautiful on the outside, Nicole, and your heart is just as beautiful.”

She felt a crazy thrill at his words. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you just walked in on a woman trying to steal your husband of two days and you’re concerned about her welfare. That’s pretty damn exceptional to me.”

“I feel sorry for her. I try to imagine working for you all these years and hiding my true feelings. You’re very difficult for women.”

He tilted his head and wrinkled his brow. “Difficult?” he echoed, helping her into the passenger side of the Lincoln. He climbed into the driver’s side and closed his door. “Difficult?”

“Well, yes,” she said as he shifted the car into gear and accelerated. “You’re good-looking, successful, charming and considerate. How is a woman to resist?”

He pulled the car to a stop. “Are you telling me you can’t resist me?”

She opened her mouth then closed it. “You don’t need me to feed your ego.”

“Yes, I do. I’m starving,” he said, flirting outrageously.

She glanced out the window to hide her smile. “I somehow think you’ll survive.”