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Viscount Monck represented England, while General Winfield Scott represented the United States. Two civilian aides sat behind Monck at the dining room table, while John Hay and Nathan Hunter backed the general. Both Nathan and General Scott wore civilian clothes.

Scott began. “The most difficult step of any journey is always the first, so I shall take it. I have represented my country in diplomatic discussions with Great Britain at places not far from here. I have done so with some success, as conflict was averted. That is not the case today, as we are at war. May I presume that we are here to have a discussion regarding the end of the war?”

Monck nodded. “I shall take the second step by saying yes.”

Nathan watched as the drama unfolded. Once again he was a spectator to history, the proverbial fly on the wall.

Secretary of State Seward had wished to be the Union representative, but he had been overruled by Lincoln. Since Lord Russell could not be present in either of his capacities, foreign secretary or acting prime minister, it was diplomatically proper to have someone less than the secretary of state meet with someone who was less than the foreign secretary. Nathan suspected that Lincoln's real reason was Sewards anti-English attitude and his abrasive personality, either of which could have ended any diplomatic initiatives.

“It appears to me,” said Scott, “that Her Majesty's government now feels that a war with the United States was a grievous error and wishes to correct that error.”

“That is a fair assessment,” Monck responded. “We would like nothing better than to go back to the world as it was, and hope that you feel likewise.”

Scott looked incredulous. “Status quo antebellum? I think not.”

“Why not, General? It would mean a peace with honor.”

“Governor Monck. far too much has happened and far too much blood has been spilled to simply forgive and forget. Besides, reverting to the past would leave too many open issues.”

“Such as?”

“May I be blunt?”

“Certainly, General.”

“One open issue is Canada. We hold much of it and you don't, although I presume you wish it back. Our citizens are proud of our conquest and would not permit Mr. Lincoln to simply return it in exchange for a thank-you and a handshake. No, we will keep Canada up to the eastern terminus of Lake Ontario.”

Monck paled. Kingston had recently fallen to General Baldy Smith's Union army in a daring winter approach. This had occurred after Commodore Foote's flotilla of ironclad turtles had demolished the small British squadron that had been built to defend Kingston.

“We cannot permit that,” Monck said softly. “We must have Canada back.”

“Then the war will continue and the following will happen in the spring. First, General Smith's army will continue towards Montreal and Ottawa. It will be supported by Quebec rebels of French descent, who now see in the United States a better chance for independence than Great Britain. We will guarantee them that independence, of course, which will result in a free French nation in North America.

“Second and simultaneously, another Union army will cross the border from Maine and drive towards Nova Scotia and Halifax. When all is done, you will be left with the island of New Found Land and whatever other piles of rock off the coast north of it you desire. A year from now, Britain will hold far less of Canada than she has now. Thus, when your government desires to negotiate again, it will be from a far weaker position.”

Monck paled at the vision. “What do you wish?”

Scott smiled benignly and it occurred to Nathan that the old man was enjoying himself hugely. In the meetings with Lincoln, it had been stressed that Canada was England's Achilles' heel. Scott was speaking to Monck every bit as bluntly as Seward had, but Scott was getting away with it.

“England must right the wrong.” “Sir?”

“What Mr. Lincoln wants more than anything else is the Union both preserved and reunited. This is an intense feeling that he and most of the people of the United States have held since the start of hostilities with the South, and nothing has caused that belief to be shaken. By joining the cause of the South, England has cost American lives and possibly prolonged the war, thus deferring reunification and making us pay a higher blood price. England must make amends.”

Scott paused, waiting for Monck to comment. When he did not, the old general continued. “It is not enough that England step aside, she must change sides.” “Impossible.” Monck said weakly.

Scott ignored him. “England will deny entry to her nation and her colonies any ships from the Confederacy, and she will stop the construction of any ships headed for the South. We are aware of a number of ships that could be used as blockade-runners under construction at Liverpool and elsewhere. The Royal Navy will actively help Union vessels in their blockade of the South and in chasing down Confederate blockade-runners. Further, the British army now recuperating at Petersburg will move towards Portsmouth and Norfolk. These cities will be held for a landing by Union forces. It will not be necessary for British land forces to fight alongside Union forces, unless, of course, the Confederates try to stop you.”

“We could never agree to that.”

“It is the only way you will ever regain Canada. Governor Monck, it is inevitable that the armies under Grant and Thomas will prevail against the remnants of Lee's army, which is now under Beauregard, who is not qualified to handle Lee's horse. If our victory does not occur this year, it will the next, or the year after that. But it will occur. If Canada is still ours when Grant is victorious, then what is left for England to bargain for? Negotiate now for Canada, or delay and lose her forever.”

Nathan saw that Monck was sweating. “You would return all of Canada in return for our assistance as described?'7 “Minus some minor border adjustments.” “And what might they be?”

“The United States will retain Vancouver Island. Our destiny is westward, and that will protect our ports in Puget Sound and other interests along the Pacific coast. In return for this, we will not protest your acquisition of Hawaii. After all, we are a land power and you are a naval one. You need Hawaii and we don't. A few business interests will be upset, but they are not important.”

Monck nodded. Vancouver for Hawaii would be perceived as a fair trade. It also confirmed the rumor that the Americans had begun negotiations with Russia over possession of Alaska. Let them have Vancouver. Canada west of Lake Superior was nothing more than a wasteland full of buffalo and Indians.

“At a point in time in the future, say five years,” Scott continued. “England will sell us those barren lands west of Hudson Bay. They are of no import to you and will help us fulfill our destiny in North America. England will continue to hold Ontario and Quebec.”

Monck thought rapidly. The northern Great Plains were nothing besides North America's equivalent to Siberia. Let the Americans have them. “Agreed.”


“I would suggest a prisoner exchange,” Monck said wryly, “but you have the advantage of us in that regard.”

Scott suppressed a smile. “As a show of good faith, we will return all prisoners who wish to be returned in exchange for a similar gesture on your part.”

“All who wish to return?”

This time Scott did smile. “Yes, it appears that a number of them have indicated that they wish to stay in the United States.”

Monck shook his head. “Damned Irishmen.”

Scott chuckled politely. He did not tell Monck that most of those who wished to stay were native English and not Irishmen serving the queen. He would find it out later.

“Then we are in agreement?” Scott asked. Monck nodded. “Good. We shall notify our governments, presuming, of course, that our respective telegraph lines are working.” Field lines had been run from Montreal, Canada, and Burlington, Vermont, to the lodge. It would take but minutes to notify Washington, and an hour or two to notify London.