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"Kanya?" Pracha waves her over. She searches her general's face for signs that he carries the guilt for this act, but Pracha seems only puzzled. "What are you doing here?"

"I-" she has words prepared. Excuses. But they fail her with the Crown Protector and his retinue strewn about the room. Pracha's eyes follow her gaze to the Protector's body. His voice softens. He touches her gently on the arm. "Come. This is too much." Guides her out.


Pracha shakes his head. "You've heard already." He sighs. "By the end of the day, it will be all over the city."

Kanya finds her voice, spills her lie, pretending to the role that Narong has given her. "I didn't think it could be true."

"Worse than that." Pracha shakes his head grimly. "It was a windup that did it."

Kanya forces herself to show surprise. She glances back at the bloodshed. "A windup? Just one?" Her eyes trace along a peppering of spring blades embedded in the walls. She recognizes one of the other bodies as a Trade Ministry official, the son of a secondary patriarch. Another from a Chaozhou manufacturing clan, a man making his way in the business press. All of them faces from the whisper sheets. All of them great tigers. "It's awful."

"It doesn't seem possible, does it? Six bodyguards. Three men additionally. And only a single windup, if we believe the witnesses." Pracha shakes his head. "Even cibiscosis kills more cleanly."

His eminence the Somdet Chaopraya's neck has been ripped entirely away, breaking it, snapping and tearing so that though the spine seems attached still, it acts as a hinge rather than a support. "It looks like a demon tore him open."

"A wild animal, anyway. It's the sort of thing a military genehack would do. We've seen this sort of activity in the north, where the Vietnamese operate. They use Japanese windups as scouts and shock troops. We're lucky they don't have many." He looks seriously at Kanya. "It will go hard on us. Trade will say that we failed in this. That we allowed this animal into the country. They'll try to take advantage. Make a pretext out of it to seize more power." His expression turns bleak. "We have to find out why this windup was here. If Akkarat has set us up, has used the Protector as a pawn, to seize power."

"He would never-"

Pracha makes a face of dismissal. "Politics is ugly. Never doubt what small men will do for great power. We think Akkarat was here before. Some of the staff seem to recognize his image, seem to recall-" he shrugs. "But of course, everyone is afraid. No one wants to admit too much. But it looks as if Akkarat and some of his farang trader friends brought the Somdet Chaopraya to the heechy-keechy."

Is he playing me? Does he know that I work for Akkarat? Kanya stifles her fears. If he knew, he would never have promoted me to Jaidee's position.

Jaidee whispers in her ear. "You never know. A snake in its nest is better than a snake slithering through the jungle. This way, he always knows exactly where you are."

"I need you to go to the records department," Pracha says. "We don't want information to conveniently disappear, you understand? Trade has its own agents amongst us. Pull everything you find and bring it to me. Find out how she lived here, and survived. As soon as word gets out, there will be a cover-up. Men will lie. Permit records will disappear. Someone was allowing the windup to exist against all our laws. The Ministry is vulnerable on this. Someone took the bribes. Someone allowed the windup to live here. I want to know who, and I want to know if they are on Akkarat's payroll."

"Why me?"

Pracha smiles sadly. "Jaidee is the only one I would trust more."

"He's setting you up," Jaidee comments. "If he wants to blame this on Trade, you're the perfect tool. The mole in the ministry."

There is no guile in Pracha's face, but he is a clever man. How much does he know?

"Find the information for me," Pracha says. "Bring it to me. And speak to no one of this."

"I will do it," she says. Inside though, she wonders if the records even exist anymore. So many ways to profit. A cover-up would have already been effected. If it is truly a murder plot against the Protector, the payoffs would go to all levels. She shivers, wonders who would do such a thing. Political killings are one thing. To touch the palace in this way… Rage and frustration threaten to overwhelm her. She forces it down. "What do we know of the windup, so far?"

"She claimed to be a Japanese discard. The girls here say she has been in place for years."

Kanya makes a face of distaste. "It's difficult to believe that anyone would soil-," she breaks off, finding herself on the verge of scorning the Somdet Chaopraya. Sick feelings of confusion and sadness overwhelm her. She masks her discomfort by asking another question. "How did the Protector come to be here?"

"All we know is that he was accompanied by Akkarat's ilk."

"Will you question Akkarat?"

"If we could find him."

"He's missing?"

"You're surprised? Akkarat was always good at protecting himself. It's why he's managed to survive so many times." Pracha grimaces. "He might as well be a cheshire. Nothing ever touches him." Pracha looks at her seriously. "We must find who allowed this windup creature to live here so long. How it got into the city. How the assassination was arranged. We are blind in this, and when we are blind, we are vulnerable. This news will make everything unstable."

Kanya wais. "I will do everything I can." Even if Jaidee peers over her shoulder and laughs at her. "I may need more information than this. To track down those responsible."

"You have enough to start. Find where this windup came from. Who took the bribes. This is what I must know."

"And Akkarat and these farang who introduced the windup to the Protector?"

Pracha smiles slightly. "I will attend to it."


"Kanya, it is understandable that you wish to do more. We all care for the well-being of the palace and the Kingdom. But we must secure and protect the information we have about this windup creature."

Kanya controls her response. "Yes. Of course. I will locate the information on the bribes." She pauses delicately. "Will someone be required to demonstrate their regrets as well?"

Pracha makes a face. "A little harmless bribe income is one thing. It is not a rich year for the Ministry. But this?" He shakes his head.

"I remember when we were respected," Kanya murmurs.

Pracha glances at her. "Do you? I thought that had ended by the time you came to us." He sighs. "Don't worry. This will not be a cover-up. Atonements will be made. I will ensure it personally. Do not doubt my commitment to the Kingdom or Her Royal Majesty the Queen. The guilty will be punished."

Kanya studies the Protector's body and the dingy room where he met his end. A windup. A whore and a windup. She tries to contain her sickness at the thought. A windup. That someone would try to… she shakes his head. An ugly affair. A destabilizing move. And now some young men will have to pay for it. Whoever took the bribes in Ploenchit, perhaps others.

On the street, Kanya flags down a cycle rickshaw. From the corner of her eye, she catches a glimpse of palace Panthers, formed in ranks at the door. A crowd is gathering, watching with interest. In a few more hours rumors and news will be all over the city.

"The Environment Ministry, as quickly as you can."

She waves Akkarat's bribe money at the rickshaw man, encouraging greater effort, but even as she does, she wonders on whose behalf she waves it.