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“You really want me to answer that?”

“And you have Nick.”

“Doesn’t count.”

“Bet he’d be happy to hear that.”

“You know what I mean. Pack brothers don’t count.”

“Okay. You have Paige.”

“To your everlasting dismay.”

“No, it just confirms that you still haven’t forgiven me for that biting thing.”

I laughed and leaned into his side.

“Paige is okay,” he said. “Same as Jaime, and anyone else you want to befriend except Cassandra.”

“Had to slide that one in, huh?” I stretched, and stifled a yawn. “About Hull…was that just a general ‘get out of my face, human’ warning, or something more specific?”

“Seemed like you were in danger.” He met my gaze. “Death by boredom.”

I sputtered a laugh. “That’s not nice.”

He shrugged. “I didn’t like him hanging around out here when he thought you were alone, so I wanted to make sure he knew you weren’t alone. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I don’t trust him.”

“You don’t trust anyone.”

“Sure, I do,” he said, sliding his hands around my waist and turning me to face him. “I trust Jeremy.”

I swatted him. “Thanks a hell of a lot.”

“Oh, I trust you…in ways. I trust you not to run off with some other guy. Trust you not even to think about running off with another guy. Trust you to watch my back in a fight. Trust you to watch my back more than your own, no matter how much I tell you otherwise. Trust you not to smother me in my sleep. But do I trust that you’d never throw me off this balcony, no matter how much I pissed you off? Uh-uh. I’m not stupid.”

“More a lack of complacency than a lack of trust, then.”


I laughed and leaned over the railing. “It’s only three floors down. You wouldn’t die.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

When I didn’t answer, he growled, scooped me up and kissed me, teeth nipping my lip. I groaned and pressed into him…well, pressed the protruding part of my body into him, which really wasn’t all that sexy.

“Damn,” I muttered. “Even making out is getting tough.”

“Just a matter of ingenuity. And repositioning.”

He hoisted me up, putting my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck, then moving against the railing. With his hands behind my back, he leaned me over the edge. I turned my head to look down at the cars passing below.

“You trust me?” he said.

I met his eyes. “Absolutely.”

He leaned over and kissed me hard. Still awkward, but after about three seconds, I forgot that. I tried to forget too how much more fun this would be without the clothing barrier. That one was tougher, but you take what you can get, and this was pretty damned fine, feeling him hard against me, tasting him, hearing his low growl of-

A deep sigh. “Figures.”

I glanced over to see Nick carrying an ice bucket of drinks and an armful of snacks.

“Don’t ask me to leave,” he said. “You have sex in public, you get an audience.” He squinted over at us. “You’re…still dressed. Great method of contraception, buddy, but I think it’s a bit late.”

Clay pressed his lips to my ear as he straightened me up. “You have my permission to throw him off the balcony.”

Nick continued, “Elena getting shy in her maternity? Won’t let you do it in public anymore?”

“It’s not in public.” Clay lowered me from the railing. “It’s in a public place. There’s a difference.”

“Hey, if you were working up to the clothing-ripping part, go right ahead. I’ll just sit back and enjoy the show. I have snacks and everything.”

“Unfortunately, until this is over,” I said, waving at my stomach, “making out is all you’re going to see.”

“You mean you can’t have-?” He sputtered a laugh. “Damn, that’s tragic.”

I looked at Clay and jerked my chin toward the railing. “You want to take his arms or legs?”

“Oh, come on,” Nick said. “So you can’t have sex for a while. No big deal. Even I’ve gone without sex for a few weeks.”

“Four months,” I said.

Nick looked up from his lounger. “What?”

“If I go to term, I have four months left.”

“Four…?” He looked from Clay to me. “Good luck with that.”

Clay smacked the top of his head as he walked over to pull out the second lounger and motioned for me to join him on it.

“Better make sure it doesn’t have a weight restriction first,” Nick said.

I seconded Clay’s smack.

Nick rubbed the top of his head. “Hey, don’t take it out on me. I’m not getting any either. Of course, I’ll be home soon, and then that’ll change, unlike some of us…”

He ducked before either of us could smack him again. I settled in beside Clay. As I laid my head back onto Clay’s shoulder, my cheek brushed his.

“You’re warm,” I said, lifting a hand to his forehead.

“Better than being cold. Got enough dead people wandering around this city.”

“I’m serious. You’re…” I tried with my other hand. “No, I guess it’s not too bad. I’ll get Jeremy to check you before bed. He should have another look at your arm too.”

“Sounding more like a mother every day,” Nick said. “Scary.”


I DREAMED THAT THE PORTAL CAUSED A CITYWIDE BLACKOUT, and I was down in the PATH system, running through the hot, stuffy corridors, searching for the bathroom while the bowler-hatted zombie chased me, and I couldn’t fight him when I had to pee so badly I could hardly see straight.

Then I awoke, sweating and clawing at the heavy covers. Sunlight seeped through the crack between the drawn drapes. Nick was sleeping against my back, his hand on my rear. I realized I did have to use the bathroom. Badly. A quick look around reassured me that the zombie part of the dream, at least, had been imaginary.

I wriggled out of the tangle of limbs. As I climbed over Clay, I felt the waves of heat coming off him. He gave a low moan, almost too low to hear. Then his arm flew out, narrowly missing my head.

I scrambled up and turned on the bedside lamp. Clay’s color was high, the hair around his face plastered down with sweat.

Nick lifted the pillow from his head. “Wha-?”

“I’m getting Jeremy.”

I pulled on my pants, then grabbed the nearest shirt-Clay’s-and yanked it on as Nick rose from the bed, still blinking back sleep.


Clay lifted his head from the pillow.

“I’m okay,” he said. “Just the fever coming back.”

He started to sit up, then stopped and wobbled, face going ashen with the sudden movement.

“I’m getting-” I began.

“No, let Nick.”

Nick nodded and brushed past me, scooping up his pants. I hesitated, then nodded and grabbed the bucket of melted ice water as Nick went to get Jeremy.

I was mopping icy water onto Clay’s forehead when Jeremy got there, his feet bare and his shirt undone. Clay started to sit up, but I pushed him back down, and he settled for rolling his eyes at Jeremy.

“She’s overreacting,” he said. “I have a fever. Just let me pop some Tylenol-”

Jeremy popped something else in his mouth-a thermometer. Clay grunted and sank back onto his pillow with a martyred “I’m surrounded” look.

“How high is it?” I asked when Jeremy checked.


Clay started to reach for the Tylenol, but Jeremy shook his head. He dumped the capsules into his own hand, and held them to Clay’s lips. Clay rolled his fever-bright eyes at me, then opened up and let Jeremy tend to him.

Nick returned with a fresh bucket of ice, and I wrapped some in my wet towel.

“Enough,” Clay growled. “Give the pills a chance to kick in.”

Jeremy was checking Clay’s arm.

“How bad-?” I began.

“Do you have the number for that doctor?” Jeremy asked quietly. “The sorcerer you met the other day?”

“I don’t need-” Clay began.

“It’s your right arm, so we aren’t taking any chances.” He glanced at me. “Get the number, Elena.”