Trouble In Mind
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Страниц: 10
Символов: 58929
ID: 116412
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 28 октября 2010 10:34


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Jack Kiley, a professional footballer turned private investigator, is hired to track down a solider who has gone missing while on leave from Iraq. The soldier's mind is disturbed by what he has seen and done in the war, and he is armed. There are fears both for the man himself and for the safety of his estranged wife and two young children.

Kiley's search leads him to Nottingham, where he teams up with D. I. Charlie Resnick. Together they search the house where the soldier's wife and children have been living and find them gone, almost certainly taken against their will… the only question now is, will they find them before it is too late?

Trouble in Mind brings together two of John Harvey’s major characters.

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